How to wipe the LCD TV screen at home?

Each owner of the LCD screen is faced with spots that regularly appear on the monitor of household appliances. They can occur due to the fact that children or adults touch the delicate surface with their fingers. All such spots, formed as a result of various reasons, damage the image quality. Most people struggle with this problem with an ordinary rag. However, all manufacturers assure that it is strictly forbidden to do this. Today we will talk about how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home.

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Causes of Stains on LCD Screens

To solve the problem of how to clean the LCD TV screen, you need to deal with the cause of the stains. There are only three reasons that contribute to the appearance of blots on the TV:

  • dust;
  • spray from various liquids;
  • touching the plasma surface.

If you can reduce these three reasons and learn how to properly care for the equipment, then you will forever forget about such a problem as cleaning the LCD TV screen.

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Choosing a cloth for cleaning the TV

When deciding how to clean the LCD screen of the TV, you can use a napkin to help you get rid of various kinds of stains.

The napkin can be made of such fabric:

  • microfiber;
  • cotton fabric;
  • disposable wipes.

Important! The main condition for choosing a material is that it should not contain fibers.

Many people think that you can wipe the liquid crystal surface with wet wipes. This erroneous opinion may cause a short circuit. Based on this, it is very important that the fabric is completely dry.

Important! Another factor when choosing a material for cleaning the screen is that the fabric from which it is made should not be electrified, that is, accumulate statistical energy. A great solution is to purchase special wipes that are designed to clean the front of the TV.

Important! Want your TV to look like a real work of art? Decorate it with a frame. You will find the best design tips in our separate article. “TV frame on the wall”.

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We buy a tool for cleaning LCD monitors

In order to keep your LCD monitor always clean, you need to choose a TV screen cleaner that can cope with this drawback in a matter of minutes and always maintain cleanliness. You can give preference to alternative methods or professional fluids. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Professional Tools

The modern market of household chemicals offers a huge selection of various products and fluids to combat stains and blots. However, it is worth giving preference to proven means.

Professional monitor cleaning products:

  • cleaning spray;
  • air cleaner;
  • cleaning wipes;
  • microfiber cloths;
  • set for cleaning liquid crystal surfaces;
  • aerosol foam.

Important! All of the above funds are sold in household appliances and chemistry stores. It is worth noting that the microfiber spray and cloth are suitable not only for cleaning LCD TVs, but also for laptops.

Important! Like computer technology, a TV can become infected with viruses on the Internet. In our separate review you will find out how to clean your TV from viruses.

Home Ways to Clean Your LCD Screen

If you have not bought a special tool, then you will have a question, how to wipe the LCD TV screen at home? There is always a way out! You need to prepare the product yourself.

To prepare a special solution, you will need distilled water and table vinegar. You need to mix these substances in equal proportions. We draw your attention to the fact that the components must be at room temperature.

Important! The resulting product, consisting of vinegar and water, is one of the best and can easily compete with store liquids.

Alternatively, a low concentration soap solution can be used.

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We care for the LCD monitor

If you bought yourself equipment with a liquid crystal monitor, then you need to know all the rules for caring for this product so that it lasts you as long as possible.

Rules for the care of the LCD screen:

  • If you have any dirt on the liquid crystal surface, then you need to buy special wipes for cleaning household appliances, which are sold in stores. They are wet, but do not contain alcohol and abrasive substances, so they are suitable for various types of monitors and screens. Eliminate static energy.
  • A lint-free cloth is perfect for removing dust and dry dirt. One of the best products is a cloth that is designed to clean glasses. To wet a napkin is strictly prohibited.
  • To make it easier to remove all types of contaminants, it is necessary to wipe all surfaces with antistatic wipes during operation. This kit contains dry and wet products that fight various types of contaminants.
  • Microfiber wipes - indispensable for removing stains, grease stains and dust. They absorb moisture, do not leave scuffs, marks and scratches.
  • Contaminants formed at the joints and in the corners of the LCD monitor can be removed using an ordinary cotton swab.

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We remove scratches from the monitor

When deciding how to clean the LCD TV screen, a lot of people are interested in how to fix scratches on it. This is due to the fact that where there are small children, small flaws often appear - traces on monitors that cannot be eliminated with a special tool. However, do not be upset and think about buying a new household appliance. We will tell you how to fix this shortcoming.

Remove the scratch from the LCD monitor:

  1. We clean the entire surface with a lint-free or special wet towel. The surface must be dry.
  2. We take a new eraser (this is very important), three scratches along its direction.
  3. Using a dry cloth, wipe the remnants of the eraser, wipe the entire surface again.

Important! This method perfectly helps to deal with scratches, but only of small size and shallow depth.

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Keeping the screen clean for a long time

To as little as possible solve the problem of how to wipe a plasma or LCD TV, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not place flowers near the monitor;
  • Do not touch a delicate surface with your hands;
  • make sure that insects do not sit on the screen;
  • Keep kids away from TV technology.

Important! Not sure how to set up the Internet on your TV? Read detailed information on our site of useful tips in a post “How to connect the Internet to Smart TV?”.

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Stock footage

Adhering to all the rules of how to care for the LCD monitor, your screen will always be clean, and you will not have to waste time cleaning and repairing it.


