How to wipe the monitor

How to wipe the monitor? - a completely natural question of any modern person. Almost every home today has an LCD or plasma TV, computer, laptop and tablet. Cleaning the screen surface with an ordinary wet rag is inefficient, and not entirely safe, given that this technique works on electricity. Therefore, in order to get rid of dust and stains and not to feel discomfort while watching TV or working at a computer, it is absolutely necessary to know how to properly wash the monitor.
to contents ↑What tools to use to wash the monitor?
So that the colors please you with brightness, dust does not quickly stick and scratches do not appear on the screen, the first thing to decide is the appropriate cleaning agent. For this purpose, the following options are suitable:
- Dry wipes specifically for office equipment. These products are developed on a special paper and cotton basis and in the finished form are a lint-free soft rag. By themselves, they will not give a high-quality result, but to use special cleaning fluids are essential.
- Rags their microfiber. This is a cheaper substitute for the previous option. They are also soft, do not contribute to the formation of scratches and damage to the matrix itself, which is especially important for LCD monitors. But when buying such a rag, be sure to check that it is as short as possible, and preferably without any lint. Otherwise, all efforts to remove dust and stains from the screen will be in vain.
- Flannel fabric. This is an economical option, but quite suitable for washing the monitor. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special napkins, do not be sad, use this advice.
- Soap solution. Although many do not recommend its use, nevertheless, it is suitable for wiping the monitor. The main condition is to comply with the rules for washing the screen in this way.
- Wine (white) vinegar. Another cheap way from the category of “folk remedies”. To apply it correctly and get a quality result in the form of long-term preservation of a clean surface of the monitor, dissolve it with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Wet wipes for office equipment. A great option, but somewhat expensive. What is the difference - the paper cloth of the rag is already saturated with a solution suitable for cleaning office equipment. That is, the use of this tool is as convenient and fast as possible.
- Special solutions for screens. These products are presented today with a fairly wide assortment from different manufacturers - sprays, foams, gels. Choose the one that suits you for the price and is more familiar in the form of release. To make sure that you bought the right solution, check the absence of alcohol and aggressive solvents in its composition. It will not be superfluous to clarify for which type of monitors this tool is suitable. Regarding the manufacturer, you can use your own experience or give preference to already trusted and reliable brands - Defender, HP, Screen.
to contents ↑Important! Dust accumulates inside the computer, which subsequently negatively affects the operation of the equipment. Follow the link to find out how to clean a computer.
How not to wipe the monitor?
The screens of TVs and computers are quite durable, but at the same time fragile.Therefore, consider the recommendations regarding what absolutely can not be used in order to clean the surface:
- No stitching, cutting and sharp objects;
- You can not use detergents, which include acetone, ammonia or any other aggressive chemical solvents;
- Do not use alcohol and alcohol-containing agents to clean the screen - they dissolve the anti-reflective layer, which is equipped with all modern office equipment;
- You can not use other detergents - for the kitchen, windows, glasses, tiles, for other purposes, that is, to wipe the monitor;
- In no case do not apply powders for cleaning - their granular structure can violate the integrity of the screen and create quite deep scratches or even damage the matrix permanently;
- For cleaning, you can not take ordinary paper towels and toilet paper - rather large wood particles can be present in the material, which will also cause surface damage;
- Do not take ordinary hygienic wet wipes to wash the monitor - they are intended only for the skin, and on the screen after them stains will surely remain, accordingly the time spent will be useless.
Important! Dust negatively affects not only the external surfaces of the equipment, but also on its insides. In our post we told in detail how to get rid of dust in an apartment.
How to wash the monitor?
To clean and properly wash your monitor, follow these instructions:
- Unplug the system before wiping the screen.
- Disconnect all wires.
- When using a special product or soap solution, apply it directly to a clean, dry cloth.
- Slightly damp, not wet, with a detergent rag, gently walk across the entire surface of the monitor.
- Do not apply pressure so as not to damage it.
- Wipe the plastic panel along the contour.
- To remove all dirt from difficult places well, wrap a rag with the product on a pencil or the back of the brush (without lint).
- Wipe the joints of the panel and the screen at an angle.
- Take another clean and dry rag.
- Wipe the screen dry again, but again, very carefully.
- If you clean the computer, do the same procedure with the keyboard, but without pressing and without going into the space between the buttons.
- If you haven’t cleaned the keyboard for a long time, you can pre-vacuum it by removing the brush from the handset first and setting the speed to low. This procedure will help to effectively remove dust from under the buttons.
- Make sure the monitor is dry, then connect all wires.
- Turn on your computer or TV for future reference.
Important! A large influence on the performance of a computer has a clutter system. As in the apartment, there also needs to be cleaned. Look for the best ways in our review. "What is the best utility for cleaning your computer?".
Useful Tips
The most reliable and proven way to combat dust and stains on the monitor is regular prevention of their occurrences. Read the simple rules for caring for office equipment so that you do not have to face serious problems:
- Install the computer or TV in a room with good ventilation or regularly ventilate the room.
- When installing, make sure that the ventilation openings remain always open - this will prevent excess dust from entering the system and overheating of the equipment, and, accordingly, will extend its life.
- Never pour water and detergents into the openings on the system unit and the monitor or keyboard - this will result in a complete failure of the equipment and maybe even a repair will not solve the problem.
- To reduce the amount of oily stains formed on the surface, less frequently poke your finger on the screen, especially during meals.
- Wipe the monitor in accordance with all the rules at least 1 time per month.
- To prevent dust from entering the screen under the buttons on the notebook, place a thin, soft, lint-free cloth between them when closing it.
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- If you still could not avoid the appearance of scratches, try to hide them with an aerosol transparent furniture varnish or nail polish, petroleum jelly, polish or special repair tools for office equipment designed specifically for this purpose.
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