Infrared thermometer - what is it, how does it work?

Infrared thermometer - what it is, how it works? A large number of people are interested in these questions and many others regarding such a device, because a similar type of thermometer appeared on sale relatively recently. Despite this, he quickly gained popularity, because he has a large number of advantages, the main of which is safety. However, are all the qualities of such a thermometer positive? We will talk about all the important features of IR devices for measuring body temperature in this article.

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What is an infrared thermometer?

More recently, new devices have appeared in pharmacies that can measure the temperature of the human body with a light touch or even at a short distance. However, such an innovation caused a wave of skepticism and mistrust of many people. Is it worth it to replenish your home first-aid kit with a similar device, or is it money thrown to the wind? Let's start with the basics. So what is an infrared thermometer?


Based on the name, we can conclude that the device is able to capture infrared radiation of the human body and converts it into temperature indicators. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic waves that are located between the microwave and the red part of the visible spectrum.

Important! "Infra" means "under." Accordingly, the wave spectrum, which is under the red.

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Such radiation is perceived by human skin as heat. Depending on the location of the temperature measurement, such thermometers can be of the following types:

  • By ear
  • Frontal;
  • Non-contact.
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Advantages of infrared thermometers

Like any other device, infrared thermometer It has advantages and disadvantages. First of all, consider its advantages:

  • Measures the temperature of the human body very quickly. A thermometer will only take 5-30 seconds to determine the result.
  • At the end of the measurement, the device emits a sound signal, which is very convenient.
  • The thermometer has some memory, so it is possible to view the results of several recent measurements. Thus, temperature dynamics can easily be controlled.
  • Safe to use. This is especially true in families with children, because such a device, in comparison with a mercury thermometer, does not break into small pieces when dropped and does not emit dangerous fumes.

Important! Minor damage to the IR thermometer also does not pose a threat to health.

  • Ease of use is also a huge advantage, because even a child can easily measure his temperature.
  • The thermometer is ready for the next measurement immediately after pressing the button. It does not need to be shaken like a mercury counterpart.
  • Measurement can be made on one of two scales - Celsius or Fahrenheit, they easily switch between themselves.
  • The result is displayed in the form of distinct and understandable numbers.
  • Due to the sufficiently large screen size, the numbers will be clearly visible even to people with problem vision.
  • Some models have backlighting in their functionality, which is a convenient option in low light.
  • After the measurement procedure is completed, the thermometer automatically turns off.
  • All models have an ergonomic design and shape.
  • To maintain hygiene and ease of disinfecting the item, interchangeable tips are included.
  • There are models - pyrometers, which make it possible to make measurements in a non-contact way, which is especially convenient in situations with small children or sleeping people.

Important! Contactless models allow you to measure not only the temperature of a person’s body, but also surrounding objects, for example, water in a baby bath for bathing, baby food, air in a children's room.

  • Some devices have a waterproof case, which allows you to wash it under water without fear and disinfect, dipping into disinfecting liquids.
  • The device has a special case in the kit - it will protect it from shock, dust and sunlight.
  • The dimensions of the thermometer are small, so there will be no problems finding a place to store it. In any medicine cabinet - home or travel, there is a place for him.


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Disadvantages of infrared thermometers

As we mentioned above, IR thermometers have not only pros, but also their minuses. Consider them and see how significant they are:

  • Devices can give a measurement result with a rather large error. This drawback is especially common in low-cost models and in cases of improper operation.

Important! Sometimes this error exceeds 0.5 degrees.

  • Body temperature can only be measured in certain areas of the body - temples, ears, forehead.
  • In the case of using a device for measuring in the area of ​​the external auditory canal, it should be borne in mind that with an inflammatory process, the result will always be unreliable.
  • If you use the “ear” model incorrectly, you can injure the eardrum and the auricle.
  • If you measure the temperature of a crying or screaming child, the result will be incorrect.
  • The device requires constant regular check for correct measurement. Similar tests are carried out in a specialized service center.
  • The thermometer must be protected from direct sunlight from the sun.
  • Since the device operates on batteries, their regular replacement is required.
  • The cost of such modern thermometers is quite high.


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How to choose a good IR thermometer?

Today in pharmacies and specialized stores you can find a fairly large assortment of infrared thermometers from different manufacturers, this greatly complicates the choice. Some of them have a large number of functions, and this cannot but affect their price. Regarding this, you need to immediately determine the need for a particular option specifically for you. Choose good infrared thermometer The following recommendations will help:

  • If you plan to take measurements in most cases for a small child, it is better to give preference to a non-contact or frontal model in the form of a toy, which provides the ability to measure temperature and other objects, such as liquids, air, water.
  • If you have vision problems, then choose a device with a large screen, backlight and large numbers.
  • If you do not like to understand technological innovations and experience some problems with this, it is better to choose a simpler thermometer that does not have additional functions and is controlled by a single button.
  • If a thermometer is planned to be used by a large number of people, it is better to opt for a non-contact or waterproof device. It will be the most hygienic option.


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Popular manufacturers

Some manufacturers of infrared thermometers are particularly famous and popular. Their products are reliable, therefore, are in great demand:

  • AND DT. The manufacturer produces inexpensive medical equipment. Development is carried out in Japan, and assembly in China. The guarantee of operability of goods of this brand is one year.
  • B-Well is an English brand that specializes in producing infrared and electronic thermometers of various configurations. Warranty period of work - 2 years.For kids there are interesting models of thermometers in the form of nipples.
  • Sensitec - a Dutch company that produces non-contact and contact infrared thermometers, which are equipped with a backlight and signal an elevated temperature.
  • Omron - well-known Japanese company that produces medical equipment, including electronic and infrared thermometers. Ear models of IR devices from this manufacturer will be ideal for a newborn.
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As you can see, the infrared thermometer has many more advantages than disadvantages. And if you choose a high-quality model that suits you in terms of functionality, then its minuses can not be seen at all throughout the entire life cycle. This innovation in medical technology is a major breakthrough in convenience and practicality. We recommend that you abandon the dangerous mercury thermometer and step on a level with time.


