How to set up a microphone on a computer?

It’s nice to know that progress can allow us to connect with any person anywhere in the world. To hear the voice of a friend who lives thousands of kilometers away from you, you just need to have paid Internet. But is that just enough? Of course, without equipment, it will not be possible to establish a connection. It will be about recording equipment. Buying a microphone in a normal situation does not cause any difficulties. Most often, it is enough to simply connect such a device to a PC without resorting to any special settings. But sometimes it’s still necessary to adjust the equipment in order to get rid of problems. This article will help you understand all the nuances regarding how to set up a microphone on a computer. The instructions are relevant for all modern Windows, starting with the "seven".
to contents ↑How to set up a microphone?
So we were able to install the microphone on the computer, connect it, but what to do next? You need to start setting up.
Basic steps
- Click RMB (right mouse button) on the speaker icon located in the lower right corner and in the menu that appears after clicking, select “Recording devices”.
- Recording device settings can also be accessed using the control panel. We enter the control panel, then open the “Hardware and Sound” section, open the “Sound” window.
- A window should open on the “Record” tab. Your recorder will be displayed here. Say something to your electro-acoustic device to test it.
- Green bars appearing after your speech mean that the microphone is working and a signal is coming from it. If the microphone is not working, nothing will happen.
Important! Here you can disconnect the microphone without disconnecting it physically from the personal computer. We click on the PCM microphone, select the “Disable” item. You can turn on the microphone in the same way in the same menu.
Let's set up the microphone. Select our device in the list and open its properties. A new menu should open, in which several tabs with the settings of the recording device will be displayed. Let's look at all the nuances of regulating the issue in stages:
- In the “General” tab, you can rename the microphone or reassign the icon. From there, you can get to the window with the settings for sound drivers or turn off the recorder.
- To set the microphone output to audio playback devices, take a look at the “Listen” tab. Here you can configure the behavior of the function “Listen from this device”.
Important! This function is most useful for laptops, since you can configure it when using battery power.
Important! Very often, after connecting the microphone, an echo is heard. This interferes with the perception of sound. Follow the link and find outhow to remove echo on a computer.
Additional options
On the “Levels” tab are a couple of the most useful settings for the recorder.
- Microphone function. Here you can “unscrew” the volume as you see fit.
- Microphone Gain Function. Here you can adjust the gain value. Most often, a value of +20 dB is enough, but in fact it all depends on the microphone itself.If the sound is written too quietly, then why not set the gain more? And with high sensitivity, you can reduce the gain level.
- “Improvements”. There is nothing specific here, since the settings in this window depend only on the model of the sound card and its drivers. In general cases, here you can control noise reduction and select effects.
- In the “Advanced” section, you can adjust the frequency and bit depth.
to contents ↑Important! The “Default” button will always help return you to the original settings.
How to set up a microphone using a sound card?
You can configure it using the functions of the sound card driver, but it should be noted that this method almost completely repeats the configuration tools described above:
- To get into the settings of the driver of the sound card of the system, you need to go to the control panel and find the category “Hardware and Sound”. A sound card management tool will be available here.
- We open this module, after which we go to the “Microphone” section, we find all the same settings that were discussed earlier.
- On the second tab of the device settings, you can change the frequency of defamation and bit resolution.
Important! Changes to the settings through this method will appear in the settings of your “Windows”.
to contents ↑Important! Information that you delete from the computer, in most cases, ends up in the trash. Its clutter can affect the speed of the device. Take note of the best ways. cleaning recycle pc.
Microphone setup with Realtek controller
Having trouble setting up your microphone with headphones on Windows 7? You should pay attention to this point. It happens that the microphone is incorrectly “detected”. To return the functionality to the microphone, an indication of the type of device in the driver will help:
- We go to the control panel.
- Go to the “Realtek HD Manager”.
- Select the “Microphone” window.
- The recorder should be marked as working. You can also set the microphone volume here.
Important! Sometimes you need to specify which device is connected to the computer. Some laptops are equipped with only one 3.5 mm jack, which raises the issue of sharing headphones and a microphone, so you have to combine them.
to contents ↑Important! In most cases, the microphone is used for communication on social networks. Connect and webcam for more convenience. In our separate review you will find step-by-step instructions so that without any problems set up a webcam on a computer.
Skype microphone setup
You can configure the microphone on the computer in third-party applications. Skype is ideal for such purposes, just as you can configure a separate analog microphone. Skype is just an example - no one forbids you to use other software.
To set up the microphone on Windows, you will need:
- We go in Skype.
- Select “Calls” go to “Sound settings”.
- With correctly configured parameters, here you will observe the interface of a kind of equalizer. If you try to say something into the microphone, the slider will begin to move. Check the box next to the option “Allow automatic microphone setup”.
- Open advanced settings and select a sound recorder from which the signal will be received.
Important! If the sound is still very quiet or nothing is heard at all, then in one of the settings, most likely, sound suppression is set. Set the maximum value and the subject of our attention should disappear. If there is no signal and microphone support too, you should refer to the device definition in the Realtek drivers, as we discussed above.
To improve the quality of communication, do the following:
- Update your Skype version.
- Check the speed of your internet. If you have a modem connection, the problem may not be with the microphone.
- Try lowering the volume of music and noise. Get closer to the microphone.
Has your problem been resolved? If you can’t get rid of the problems, you should check the microphone for physical integrity or take it to diagnostics.
Important! Do you like to sing karaoke? Connect your microphone to your computer and enjoy singing. Detailed instructions on this topic are provided in the article.“A microphone for karaoke on a computer”.
Decreasing sensitivity in alternative ways
Very high sensitivity prevents high-quality communication on the Internet. To solve this issue, the user is forced to intentionally “degrade” such a parameter. Sensitivity reduction is carried out through the use of software and hardware methods:
- Solution through a “mixer program”. We are looking for a sensitivity regulator in it, with the help of which we get rid of difficulties.
- When connecting the device to a tape recorder, you can use manual adjustment of the recording level. Reduce the sensitivity of the appropriate regulator. It is not possible to do such a job by ear, so you need to follow the indicators.
- And now we will get into the “insides” of technology. We turn on a resistor (variable) with a nominal value of 10 kΩ in series with an electret computer microphone. An increase in resistance leads to a decrease in the power supply of the amplifier stage, which entails a decrease in sensitivity.
Important! Do not try to disassemble the equipment yourself if you are not confident in your skills.
- The pursued goal can be achieved using the “crude” method. You just need to wrap the device in several layers of fabric, the number of which is selected empirically.
Stock footage
As you may have noticed, there are just so many ways to customize. The instructions in this article should solve problems of any kind. If you are unable to achieve the desired result yourself, you should consult with a specialist. There is also the possibility of a 3.5 mm input failure on the PC itself. You can easily check this by taking a technique from someone and connecting it to the input. Is the result unsatisfactory again? Then the problem should be solved by a different approach. Enjoy your communication!
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