How to fix a column?

Computer speakers can always fail, especially if the user preferred an unknown manufacturer. Many just buy new equipment to replace the old, but this is not the best way out of the situation. There are dozens of different speaker recovery techniques. How to fix the column in your case? Most likely you will find the answer below.

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Speaker operation device

The main purpose of sound output devices is to amplify the weak signal that the equipment receives from the audio card of a personal computer. The speakers are a stereo amplifier of sound frequencies. You can classify the entire filling into three blocks:

  • Power Supply.
  • Stereo audio power amplifier.
  • Several speakers.

Important! Such devices receive power from a network of 220 volts. But there are cases when the equipment is powered via a USB port with a voltage of 5 Volts. And with a computer, devices are connected, as a rule, with the help of the well-known jack of 3.5 millimeters.

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Types of fixed breakdowns

To fix the column, you first need to do the diagnostics:

  1. Plug the devices into a network or USB port. If the diode is on, then the UMZCH (audio frequency amplifier) ​​is working and works quite well.
  2. Touch the 3.5 mm exit with your fingertip. Serviceable speakers will emit a background of 50 hertz. You will not confuse this buzz with anything.

Important! If there is no noise, then the problem may be: a 3.5 mm plug or UMZCH. The latter, as a rule, breaks very rarely, so first of all, take care of the plug.

How to fix a column for music? Different cases require different actions. Let's talk about some of them.

Only one column is defective

It often happens that only one column fails.

Important! A breakdown can be caused by a violation of the contacts in the plug and socket of the computer's audio card.

In order to get rid of the problem, you must do the following:

  1. Disconnect all devices from the power supply. Precautions in the first place.
  2. Take a cotton pad or piece of cloth, soak in industrial alcohol and carefully wipe the plug.
  3. If the problem is not resolved, you will have to replace the plug itself.

It happens that the speakers in the speakers themselves are disrupted. You must be able to determine this.

Checking the performance of the speakers

Do-it-yourself speaker repair for computer speakers is not the trickiest thing, but you need to know what we are faced with. Let's talk about the most rare breakdown in the speakers for computers - this is a breakdown of the speakers themselves.

Important! According to statistics, the cable is most often erased or the contact in the plug is broken, which breaks the speaker.

If you suspect that the problem is in the speakers, then it is very easy to check its performance. To do this, follow the following instructions:

  • Get a digital multimeter or analog tester.
  • Set the measuring limit to 200 ohms on the measuring device.
  • When the probe and speaker contact, a value should be displayed that does not exceed 16 ohms.

Important! You can look at the speaker itself, its resistance should be indicated on it: 4, 8 or 16 Ohms.

  • If the values ​​differ from the nominal, then the speaker is broken. But do not be upset, because its cost on the radio market does not even exceed $ 2.

Important! If you don’t have a multimeter or any other tester and are not expected, connect a 1.5 Volt battery.A healthy speaker will delight you with signs of life when you touch the battery.

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Change the wires and plug

The plug from the speakers broke, how to fix it? There is also nothing complicated. You just need to know how to carry out the replacement.

Important! Purchase plugs and wires for stereo speakers only. In other words, the sound must be divided into two channels.

The plug is also made using stereo technology. The seller will be able to tell you where and how many outputs are available in each plug from the assortment. But the wire must be necessarily three or four-wire.

Important! The easiest way to install new components is soldering, and in fact it is the only one. No twisting will help to achieve a good effect.

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Eliminate the rustling in the columns

The most budgetary models of audio systems are equipped with adjustable potentiometers. These are the most common resistors in which there is resistance adjustment. Using a special slider, the physical value of the electrical resistance is changed. New and high-quality speakers provide silence during such operations, but the lubricant dies in them over time, which leads to the appearance of foreign sounds and sparks transmitted through the UMZCH.

In order to solve this problem, you need to acquire a special tool and grease them with a “track” in the potentiometer. If you do not want to poke around in the insides, you can take the equipment to the service and replace the annoying part for a small amount.

But if you read up to this point, then, most likely, you will eliminate all problems yourself. Do-it-yourself speaker repair for computer speakers will not only help save money, but will also give a unique useful experience for future equipment repairs.

Grease the volume control

First, you need to disassemble the column into which the potentiometer is mounted. Using a soldering iron it is necessary to unsolder and disassemble. Difficulties at work depend not only on you. The manufacturer very often hackles in production.

After all the showdowns, you need to do the following:

  1. We remove the old tool from the potentiometer track.
  2. We clean the entire surface area from dirt and dust. It is best to use the most ordinary school gum.
  3. We take technical vaseline and put on the track.
  4. It remains only to assemble the volume control and solder it back.
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Stock footage

If you did everything right, then the speaker system will become stable and of high quality, and the speakers themselves will play only music, excluding all rustles and noises.


