How to fix the sensor on the phone?

The capabilities of the touch screen of a mobile phone are simply amazing. The multi-touch used to seem fantastic, however, like the touch screen itself. Of course, it is very good that the development of technology has reached such a level, but the size and fragility of the display, at times, is very bad. If a breakdown has already happened, then how to deal with its consequences? Is there a need to buy a new device? Not always - there are cases when you can take the initiative in your own hands and return the screen to life. How to fix the touchscreen sensor on the phone? - Let's try to answer this question in detail in this article.

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Can I repair or restore a broken touchscreen smartphone?

Previously, controlling a phone without buttons seemed like something out of a fantasy genre. Now everything looks very simple. But do not forget that the sensor is a very complex device with a large number of important components that are not immune from breakdowns. It will be difficult to repair without basic knowledge, so you need to act with extreme caution. We don’t want to break the phone?

Before the repair procedure itself, it is necessary to establish the cause of the breakdown of the touchscreen on your own or with someone else's help, in order to prevent this in the future. A breakdown can be caused by the following several reasons:

  • Strong mechanical impact on the display.
  • Exposure to liquids or accumulation of debris.
  • Running out of operating potential.
  • Software failure in the Android operating system.
  • Impaired performance of the part itself.

For any of these cases, the recovery procedure will be very different from work in a specialized technical center.

Important! If, in principle, you have certain knowledge and skills in the repair of electrical appliances, you will be able to cope with the easy repair tasks that arise from time to time. Bookmark instructions that will help you:

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The main nuances of screen repair at home

How to repair the touch screen on the phone at home? First you need to clearly realize and understand that a mobile phone will not always be able to stay “alive” after a repair. If you have already decided and have confidence in your actions, then you can safely get to work.

First you need to determine the exact cause of the breakdown. In order to do this, you can take the device to cheap diagnostics. If you are well aware of the type of breakdown, then run to the store and purchase the necessary details for the sensor recovery procedure.

Assembling / disassembling and replacing parts with your own efforts has a number of certain advantages and disadvantages:

  • You may not be competent in repair matters, but you must have a balanced desire.
  • You can perfectly understand all external processes, but do not understand the internal ones.
  • Independent work will void the warranty on the part.

If your intentions are still solid, then prepare a workplace, stock up on free time and the necessary tools.

Important! After repair, it is advisable to protect the phone from heavy loads.

How to fix a broken phone screen? Is all sensor work effective? Let's get acquainted with recovery methods.

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To carry out work, you need to carefully take care of the workplace and acquire the necessary tools. Just follow the following manipulation instructions:

  • Take a small Phillips screwdriver and disassemble the phone case.

Important! If the model of your mobile device has an integrated display, then carrying out repair work at home is not possible. Take the smartphone to a specialist in a service center.

  • Using a soldering station with a radio amateur kit, strip out all the contacts and press the contacts of the sensor to them. It remains just to apply power and check the result.
  • If everything worked out, then use a dielectric to fix the “paws” and assemble the case.
  • If you are unlucky, you will have to seek the help of a specialist.

Important! When working with a microcircuit, use clothing made of a material that will not accumulate static. It should also be grounded, observing all requirements for safety regulations.

How to fix the sensor on the phone if the problem is in the cable? The answer is provided below.

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We repair a loop

Very often, problems with the sensor are caused by defective contacts in the connector due to water or normal wear and tear. What to do in this case?

  1. Again, you need to disassemble the devices, get a special alcohol-containing liquid and wipe it with the connector and the cable.
  2. In the “repair” you will help the most ordinary school gum. We take it and clean the contacts of the loop so that they shine.
  3. But it is not always possible to get rid of a malfunction. In this case, a thin elastic is taken and installed in the place where the cable and connector are connected. These measures will help improve contact.

Important! Often, the procedure for repairing and replacing sensors looks very uniform, whatever the cause of the defect. The manipulations themselves are not particularly complicated and do not require any special technical knowledge. The most important thing is to be patient and be extremely attentive to all the actions you perform. If you still have extra money, it’s better not to take the initiative in your own hands and go to the nearest service center, where the specialists will cope for one or two.

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Moisture has entered

For many users, sensor breakdowns are caused by moisture and there is a need to dry the mobile device. To do this, do the following:

  1. Remove the battery immediately to eliminate the effects of electrolysis. Electrolysis is able to "destroy" oxidizing contacts, which will make the battery unsuitable for use.
  2. Now disassemble the case of the device using a screwdriver, wipe the board with a special alcohol base.
  3. Now thoroughly dry the phone and return all the components to their places.

Important! You may also find useful and easy ways to restore the appearance of any type of gadget:

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Timely action can save the life of your phone. And what you can do in different situations of failure, you now know.


