How to clean headphones from iPhone 5?

Every modern headphone needs to be cleaned from time to time, because due to heavy use, the mesh located on the speakers is clogged with grease, earwax, and dust. As a result, the sound becomes less quality. Actually, that's why many owners of modern gadgets are interested in the question of how to clean the headphones from iPhone 5 from various types of pollution. In this article we will look at the most popular effective ways to clean accessories.

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Types of modern headphones

Before cleaning the headphones from sulfur, dust, grease, it is necessary to determine which variety they belong to in order to choose the most appropriate way to clean:

  1. Most dirt accumulates in the headphones drops and earbuds.
  2. Overhead large-format models are enough to wipe periodically, because the problem of reducing sound quality due to dust or sulfur does not threaten them at all. The only reason they can fail is accidentally spilled juice or coffee, but in this case they need serious repairs.

Product Types:

  • Inserts. They are simply inserted into the ear canals and have vacuum nozzles. To wash them, just remove the nozzles.
  • Drops. Such accessories, as a rule, come with phones, players, iPhones. Their design is quite simple, but not all of them can be disassembled.
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What can absolutely not be done with headphones?

Sometimes you can find quite dubious answers to the question of how to clean the headphones from iPhone 5. Someone suggests washing them, while others recommend washing them in water with a toothbrush. These options are, in fact, unsafe, since electrical devices must not be wet.

Of course, under the influence of water, dirt can get wet and get out, but the risk of their damage is quite high. After washing, they generally stop working more often and can no longer be repaired.

Important! You can disassemble any headphones on your own only if you are 100% sure that you can then assemble them again. Often the cause of bad sound is torn or broken wires, so it is recommended to check them first.

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Apple Headphone Cleaning Features

Owners of “apple” devices certainly want to know how to clean Apple headphones. This procedure is really important, therefore it should be carried out regularly, but not too often. Cleaning itself does not take much time and effort, the main thing is to prepare for the procedure. How to do this, with the help of which tools and means, we will consider in more detail below.

Is it possible to disassemble them?

In principle, this can be done, but if there is no urgent need, then it is better to abandon this venture. The fact is that modern developers did a great job, made such headphones for iPhones durable, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. To achieve this, they deprived the body of all kinds of latches, so if disassembled, they will have to be assembled with glue.

Important! It is recommended to do this with a small scalpel, which must be carefully drawn along the seam, where the product is divided into two parts: in one - there is a mesh through which the sound passes, in the other - a speaker with all components.

How and how to clean Apple accessories?

If they stopped working, they should be disassembled, checked to see if any parts have broken, cleaned, and thereby restored to working capacity. If the sound quality has simply decreased, then the Apple headphones are cleaned without disassembly. The grid deserves special attention, because it is on it that dirt accumulates due to constant contact with a person. There are two easiest ways to clean.

First way:

  • Prepare ear sticks or toothpicks - for each earphone 2-3 pieces, alcohol, a clean cloth.
  • The most noticeable dirt can be removed with a toothpick. Everything should be done very carefully so as not to accidentally damage the mesh. At this stage, you must try to remove all possible dirt in order to get the maximum effect.

Important! An ear stick will not help here, since it can only the other way around - push dirt inward, which will make the sound even worse.

  • Take a cotton swab, moisten with alcohol. Before wiping the net, blot the stick with a napkin to remove excess alcohol. If it hits the speaker, it may damage it.
  • Using a cotton swab, carefully wipe the speaker grilles. Do this until the result is completely satisfactory.

After such manipulations, the headphones should look like new.


The second way:

  • You will need hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads, ear sticks and toothpicks.

Important! Cleaning your headphones with hydrogen peroxide is considered the most effective because it almost instantly dissolves and softens the dirt that has accumulated on the nets.

  • Put a little peroxide on the fleece and wipe the nets, but try not to fill them hard so that it does not get inside.
  • Wait a moment, then wipe them with a slightly damp cotton swab dipped in peroxide. Inaccessible places, clean with a toothpick.
  • After carrying out all the manipulations with a dry cotton pad, wipe the headphones and allow them to dry.

It will not take you more than ten minutes to perform such procedures, but your headphones will again become perfectly clean, they will sound as before!

How to return the former whiteness to headphones?

No less common is the question of how to whiten the headphones from the iPhone, because they darken quickly enough, especially in the summer, when the body sweats intensively, releases more fat. Alcohol and peroxide will not help here, you can use water-based cleaners, which, as a rule, many housewives use in the kitchen to remove grease, dirt, coal and soot.

Important! Such products are also intended for cleaning insulating surfaces, rubber hoses, gloves, hoses and connecting cables. It is recommended to use them very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

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Now you know how to clean vacuum headsets, overheads and other varieties. Thanks to this information, you can independently clean your accessories at any time. It is recommended to carry out such procedures no more than once a month in order to extend the life of the headphones and maintain sound quality at the highest level.

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