Replacing the screen on the phone 🥝 how to replace it yourself

The screen of a mobile phone is a very fragile and important component. Damage to this part makes the operation of the smartphone almost impossible, but what if the defect is still received? You can try to take the initiative in your own hands and take up repair procedures yourself. Such enterprise will save you a good amount of money. How to change the glass on the phone? There are instructions that will allow you to repair the device yourself at home. Pay attention to these instructions in this article.

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Features of glass repair mobile gadget at home

In the case of falls, most often the entire touch is taken by the touchscreen. A huge number of calls to the service center is connected with this kind of breakdowns.

Important! This prospect is not very good, because some cases of replacement in the workshops will cost you half the cost of the mobile phone itself. This situation is caused by the fact that many device models use OGS screens.

In order to divide the display into a touchscreen and a matrix, acquiring the simplest tools (a vacuum suction cup, a Phillips screwdriver, a sharp knife and a thin flat object) will not be enough. All replacement usually occurs in the following order:

  1. Dismantling the device.
  2. Removing a damaged module from the chassis.
  3. Strong fixation and heating of the display on special equipment.
  4. Separation of the matrix from the touchscreen using a special nylon thread.
  5. Cleaning the matrix from technical glue.
  6. Placement of the component on a special stencil for subsequent application of photopolymer colorless glue.
  7. Placing the sensor in a stencil to remove excess glue between the layers.
  8. Ultraviolet irradiation for fast hardening of glue.
  9. Return of the module to the case and assembly of the device in the reverse order.

Important! As you can see, without special equipment you can’t fix it yourself. Unfortunately for most users, OGS screens are placed on almost all modern smartphones and all independent attempts to make a replacement are relevant only if you are interested in gaining experience and not at all sorry to break the device.

How to change the protective glass on the phone? If you are still overwhelmed with courage and a desire to return the device to stable operation, then there is one way for you.

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Replace OGS-glass at home

Only those users who have any experience in this area should undertake disassembly. It will be very difficult for a beginner to do without new injuries. To disassemble, you need to use the following tools and available tools:

  • A small set of Phillips and star-shaped screwdrivers for disassembling a mobile phone case.
  • Plastic spatula, unnecessary debit card or pick.
  • The most common hair dryer that can heat the screen to about 80 degrees Celsius.
  • Thin nylon string or guitar string. These tools will be needed to separate the module into its component parts.
  • Work or medical rubber gloves.
  • Rubber suction cup with a ring.
  • Some kind of perforated metal sheet and about a dozen bolts with nuts. The length of the bolts should be about 2-3 cm.
  • A special glue that hardens when exposed to UV (ultraviolet).
  • Ultraviolet lamp, pure alcohol or wiper and computer napkins.

Important! Curly screwdrivers, technical picks and plastic blades with suction cups are often delivered complete with a new touchscreen. It is best to use the above replacement tools.


Self-replacement of glass on the phone looks something like this:

  • First you need to disassemble the device case. The task is simplified if the mobile phone is equipped with a removable cover and battery. After disassembling the case, take a screwdriver and unscrew all the screws that fix the elements on the case. On YouTube, you can find hundreds of detailed instructions for performing this procedure.
  • Now you need to take on the display module itself. We take a hairdryer and warm up the smartphone around the perimeter. “Grasp” the suction cup by the module and pull it slightly towards you, not forgetting to heat the entire structure with a hairdryer. Try not to damage the cables when removing the part.
  • Now you need to prepare for the stratification of the extracted module. Just place it on a pre-prepared metal plane with holes and screw the bolts around the module so that it does not move.
  • We pass to the bundle itself. We take the same hair dryer and carefully warm the matrix somewhere to 70-90 degrees Celsius. Now we take in our hands a kapron thread or a guitar string, cling to the edge, and continuing to warm up, “cut” the components.
  • If everything worked out for you, then we clean the matrix from the remnants of the old glue with alcohol and napkins. All this must be done very carefully to avoid damage to the screen.

Important! Gloves should be worn so as not to leave any greasy prints. If the adhesive layer is removed without problems, then wipe the component with alcohol one more time.

  • We smear the matrix with new glue, in accordance with its new touchscreen. Now slightly press on the structure and remove the glue that protrudes on the sides.
  • About 30 minutes you need to irradiate the glue under the UV lamp.
  • We take up the installation of the module if there are no traces of old glue left. We place the module on the loop and lubricate the housing along the entire perimeter with glue.
  • We glue the whole thing on the case, wait for drying and collect the gadget in the reverse order.

Important! Do not forget to check the operation of the device.

How to replace the protective glass on the phone if it is not OGS technology?

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Change the glass on the smartphone

If your device uses a screen with an air gap, then you can take on the replacement safely. This is exactly the case when you can completely save. But this method also requires a certain base of technical knowledge and the ability to use a soldering iron. You will need all the same tools that were used in the previous method, and you need to follow this instruction:

  1. We disassemble the phone in the same way as in the previous method.
  2. We remove the screen with a hairdryer, we sit the suction cup on the touchscreen and remove it.
  3. Now you need to get rid of the damaged part by sending the obsolete component to the scrap. After that, we clean all work spaces from glue or tape.
  4. We put a new component. Remove the film from the matrix module before mounting. Thin strips of double-sided tape or B-7000 glue are applied along the perimeter of the structure. Put the sensor in its rightful place and press it until it dries. Do not forget to remove the protruding drops.
  5. If a soldering was used to mount the module, then we take a soldering iron in our hands and fix the part around the perimeter with solder.
  6. We collect the whole phone in the reverse order and check it for performance.
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Now you have learned how to change the touch glass on the phone with your own efforts without third-party help. The most important thing is to rush less during all the manipulations, and then everything will be great!


