How to hang the TV on the wall with a bracket?

As a result of technological progress, the good old bedside tables for television are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The flat panel gives us a unique opportunity to make the display one of the design elements of the room, you just need to figure out how to hang the TV on the wall with a bracket quickly and accurately.

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Mounting the TV on the wall - pluses and general rules

The optimal location of the display on the wall will help you to spend leisure time comfortably, without harmful stress on the body. In addition, if you fix the screen on the wall, you will get a lot of advantages:

  • Space saving.
  • Practicality.
  • Convenience of viewing.
  • A variety of interior.
  • A wonderful wall decoration, especially if it is highlighted with the help of various materials and shades.
  • The technique is less susceptible to mechanical damage.

To properly mount the TV on the wall, follow these guidelines:

  1. With a device weighing more than 25 kg, you will need a partner for installation.
  2. In the absence of skills and proper experience, entrust the task of installing the screen to a specialist.
  3. Before installing the equipment, check the quality of the wall. Walls made of drywall can withstand a weight of 30-35 kg and not more, and then, if you use a special dowel. Select for installation a more reliable wall, for example, a supporting wall, which can withstand even more serious loads.
  4. You can not hang the TV on a wall with a bracket in a limited space. Many people tend to place the screen in a special niche, but this is very dangerous, since if the distance between the equipment and the wall is not enough for air circulation, this can lead to overheating and damage to the device. Poor ventilation significantly reduces the life of plasma panels.
  5. The outlet should be near the place of future installation of equipment. The wire should not be stretched, as this may result in a fire.
  6. It is strongly discouraged to connect the plasma to the mains until the installation is completed.
  7. The location of the device must be safe - for both people and technology. Before you hang the TV on the wall, make sure that the doors of furniture cabinets will not touch it when you open it, as well as households when passing by.

Important! The distance from the monitor to the audience should be comfortable. If you purchased a screen with a diagonal of 27 inches (68.6 cm), then the optimal distance is 2 meters. In addition, a highly suspended TV, strains the muscles of the neck and eyes. Ideally, the middle of the screen should be at eye level.

Helpful hints:

  1. In order not to look at the monitor in an uncomfortable position, decide before starting work with the height of its location. To do this, take masking tape and stick it on the wall, repeating the plasma circuit in the place where you plan to place it. Sit in front of an impromptu TV and look at the picture for 10-20 minutes. If at the end of the “viewing”, you don’t have a desire to move it lower or higher, then proceed with the installation.
  2. When marking up a place for equipment, be sure to use the level so that the placement line is completely flat.
  3. Do not plan a place of installation over various heating devices.
  4. It is not recommended that the equipment be located in a place where direct sunlight falls on it.

Once the installation location is found, mount the TV on the wall yourself. Get interesting ideas in our separate post “Wall Design with TV”.

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Installation technology

Fastening methods are in the form of:

  • A plate that attaches directly to the wall.
  • Brackets.

Further we will tell you how to hang the TV on the wall in each of these ways safely and securely.

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How to fix the TV without a bracket?

Modern display models are ready for wall mounting thanks to their design. Rigid fastening is ensured by mounted special grooves into which the “ears” holding the plasma are inserted during installation. This type of fastening to screws is fixed, and the process itself differs little from fixing a picture or a mirror. This design also looks like a picture on the wall.

Important! The disadvantage of this mount: rigidity, as a result of which the screen is fixed in one static position without the ability to change the angle of inclination.


For plasma mounting, you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.


The process of mounting the TV on the wall as follows:

  1. Determine the height of the mount and outline the point at which your gaze rests. This is where the middle of the screen will be.
  2. Designate a place to install the earhooks.
  3. Measure the distance between the slots on the monitor.
  4. Set aside the measured distance on the wall using the level.
  5. Drill holes.
  6. Fasten the ears with screws.
  7. Hang the plasma.

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How to hang the TV on the wall on the bracket?

For more comfortable placement of the screen, use special brackets. You can purchase the design together with the plasma panel.

Bracket selection

The choice of the appropriate type of bracket is affected by:

  1. Device weight.
  2. Screen diagonal.
  3. Type of equipment.

Important! An instruction is attached to the brackets, which indicates:

  • Amount of possible weight in kg.
  • The functionality of the mount.
  • Type of. An optimal bracket is available for each type of screen.

When choosing a mount, contact the seller who will quickly and intelligibly advise what is necessary for you to hang the TV on the wall with a bracket.

The following types of brackets are distinguished:

  • Fixed. These are fixed brackets that are designed to securely fix the screen to the wall. They are much more reliable and durable than standard mounting ears. Use fixed brackets for panels with a large diagonal and a large weight.
  • Mounts with the possibility of horizontal or vertical tilt. These types of brackets can be used for medium-sized plasma.
  • Models with the ability to rotate both horizontally and vertically. Such fasteners are used for small devices, because by their design features, the brackets do not withstand heavy loads.

How to install the TV bracket on the wall?

To hang the TV bracket on the wall, you will need the following tools:

  • Drill or punch (if the wall is concrete).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Vacuum cleaner to remove dust after drilling.
  • The expansion bolt shield with self-tapping screws.
  • A simple pencil to mark the location of the mounting holes.
  • Building level.
  • Hammer for driving dowels into the hole.

Important! Before mounting the bracket on the wall, for the convenience of watching TV, do not forget to choose the right oneTV viewing angle.

Mounting the bracket is carried out in three stages:

  • Choosing the location of the fasteners.
  • Install the bracket on the wall.
  • Installing mounts on the TV.

Let's consider in more detail how to hang the bracket on the wall:

  1. Remove the stand from the TV if it came with it.
  2. Open the bracket packaging and carefully read the assembly and mounting instructions.
  3. Sort the bracket parts. The kit consists of two parts: the bracket itself (attached to the screen) and the wall panel.
  4. Attach the bracket parts to the technique (according to the instructions). To do this, lay the TV face down on a soft surface. There are special holes on the back cover for securing the grooves of the bracket. They are fastened with bolts that come with the kit.
  5. Attach the rest of the structure to the elements.
  6. Measure the distance from the top of the TV to the top of the panel.
  7. Set aside the distance obtained on the wall from the top of an impromptu TV made of masking tape.
  8. Attach the base of the bracket to the wall and outline the holes for the screws with a pencil (use a tape measure and building level).
  9. Before you start drilling a wall, check it for wiring so as not to interrupt it with a tool. Check the wiring plan or “ring” the wall with a special device.
  10. Use the drill to make the necessary holes. In this case, let the partner remove the formed dust with the help of a vacuum cleaner pipe.
  11. Attach the panel to the wall using dowels with self-tapping screws.
  12. Attach the second part of the bracket with the support bar to the plate.
  13. Hang the TV on the bracket and fix the position using special bolts.
  14. Put decorative caps on the bracket (if included).
  15. If there is no channel for the television cable in the bracket, secure it with nylon clamps.

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Helpful hints:

  1. If you plan to install TV to the kitchen, then the main emphasis is on the convenience of fastening, since the mounted device should not interfere with cooking. Install the TV higher and use the pan-tilt brackets. In this case, do not use screens with a large diagonal, as this is unsafe, and there is no point in such a TV.
  2. To securely mount the structure to the wall, use drill drills ⅛ inch smaller than the diameter of the mounting screws.
  3. For each type of wall, use specially designed wall plugs:
    • For concrete and brick - more than 50 mm long.
    • For wooden walls - from 30 mm long.
    • For drywall surfaces - dowels in the form of a snail, a butterfly.
  4. Recommended hide the wires from the TV in the box or strobe.
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Stock footage

When mounting the TV on the wall, use the rule: “Measure seven times - cut one.” Carry out all the work carefully and leisurely in order to subsequently see an evenly hanging display. Enjoy your favorite movies, concerts and shows wherever you want - in the bedroom or in the kitchen, and as you enjoy, that is, lying, standing or sitting.

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