How to install a router in an apartment?

To keep up to date, it is necessary to acquire more and more new devices. It's no secret that Wi-Fi these days is just a huge spread. Each user of the wireless network should be wondering how to properly install the router in the apartment, is the choice of location important for the quality of communication? This article will help you find answers to these and other questions.

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Installing a router in an apartment

Only at first glance, everything looks simple. Not only the quality of communication transmission, but also the safety of the device itself depends on the choice of a place in the apartment. A competent place will help protect the router from influences of any kind. Let's pay attention to the main nuances of the location.

Where can not be installed?

Installing a router in the apartment should be carried out wisely. In order to avoid a variety of problems, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of tips that will help you understand where you should not put the device.

  • Do not place the access point near devices whose operation takes place at frequencies corresponding to 2.4 or 5 GHz. The reason for such measures is simple: different devices having the same operating frequencies will in every way interfere with the correct operation of each other.

Important! Avoid wireless connections, microwaves, telephones, and other similar equipment.

  • Reflecting surfaces will also interfere with the operation of the device. Near mirrors and other surfaces, the signal will noticeably deteriorate if it does not disappear at all.
  • Keep the minimum number of electrical appliances between your computer and the access point.
  • Avoid installation in places around which there are thick (load-bearing) walls. Such measures will help to avoid the obstacles of stable signal propagation.

Following these tips, you will achieve the best signal propagation over the area. But what else should you pay attention to? Where is it better to place a router in an apartment?

Important! Despite the ease of use of smart TVs, many still have questions. One of these is watching online television channels, as this cannot be done without licensed software. The solution to this problem is to install a flash player. Find out how to do this correctly and as soon as possible, by clicking on the link "How to install a flash player on Samsung TV?".


Some believe that the constant exposure to Wi-Fi waves is harmful to the human body. Users do not recommend installing this unit with a bedroom and living room. Believing such advice or not is up to you.

Installation height

Why do many advise choosing high places to install? Everything is very easy. It is from a height that the wave will have uniform distribution over the area of ​​the entire room.

It is quite difficult to install the router in the right place, since even the wall material affects the quality of communication. Sometimes an indoor flower or an aquarium can become an obstacle.

Important! It is recommended that you avoid installing the router on a table or system unit. Such actions may deprive you of the proper quality of communication.

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Is it possible to amplify the signal?

Do you want to increase your wireless Internet coverage, but are not ready to pay big bucks for good equipment? There is a way out. In technology stores in abundance there are devices that are called “repeater”.

The peculiarity of this technique is that it does not require the connection of any wires. You just need to plug this unit into the mains where the Wi-Fi hotspot is still available. The repeater receives and amplifies the signal of the router. Thanks to this feature, you can network even the most distant point in your apartment.

Where to install a router in an apartment with animals? Read on!

Important! We installed a router, but don’t know how to connect it to a TV? Read another article of ours and read about how to connect the Internet to Smart TV.

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Animals and heaters

If you are a pet lover, then you should pay more attention to installing a router. The appliance must be isolated from animals, whether you have a dog, a parrot or a cat. Most animals are very playful and can bite whatever they come across. Such fun may result in your pet being able to:

  • Damage the power cord.
  • Damage the cable from the Internet.
  • Damage the router itself.

Important! Also, heating systems require special attention, namely: do not choose a place for the access point near heating appliances, since overheating can lead to damage to the device, and you will be forced to repair the gadget at your own expense.

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Now you should have no questions about the placement of such devices in the apartment. Following the tips and instructions given above, you can avoid a number of tricky situations. Installing a router in an apartment no longer cause problems.

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