How to choose the TV diagonal for a room?

For several decades now, television has been an integral part of hundreds of millions of human lives all over the planet. Manufacturers monitor demand indicators and improve their technology almost every day. The abundance of television equipment in the market can lead the buyer into a stupor: how to choose the right diagonal of the TV for the room? We suggest you familiarize yourself with some tips and tricks for choosing a plasma, taking into account the size of your room.

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It often happens that the acquired model does not fit into the apartment. In order not to encounter such a problem, it is necessary to take into account the diagonal dimensions of the device. It is also worthwhile to understand all the factors that could affect the comfort and quality during viewing.

Let's start with the definition: the diagonal is the distance that separates the corners of the screen. It is generally accepted that this value is measured in inches, and every inch is 2.54 from one centimeter.

The sizes, as everyone knows, are very different, but all manufacturers are trying to adhere to generally accepted standards. The modern market offers the buyer equipment with the values: 17, 19, 22, etc. It is necessary to determine the diagonal dimensions, guided by the following two factors:

  1. The size of the room. Based on this indicator, it is necessary to select the desired viewing angle and the distance from the viewer to the screen.
  2. Technical parameters of the display itself, starting with the type and ending with the resolution.


The weight, thickness and price tag of the TV receiver also depend on the size of the diagonal. Moreover, the dependence is directly proportional. It is good that modern technologies have long been presenting high-level quality to the consumer, because before the diagonal also influenced the picture, but if we are talking about image quality, you will have to get acquainted with other characteristics:

  • TV screen resolution.
  • Type of TV. Since this issue is quite extensive, we disclosed it separately in all details. If you have not yet decided on your preferences for this item, do not postpone it, because this characteristic is one of the most important. Be sure to read the article. "Plasma or LCD or LED - which is better?".
  • Type and quality of the matrix. A separate review on our website is dedicated to this topic, which will help you deal with all the details which type of matrix TV is better.
  • Contrast and sharpness.

Important! It is best to purchase models with larger sizes, since the eyes will be less tired during viewing, but do not forget that the distance from the screen affects the viewing angle, which can adversely affect comfort. It’s hard for your eyes to immediately cover the entire area of ​​a huge TV if you sit right in front of it.

How to choose the size of the TV in the room? It's time to look for the answer below!

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How does the distance depend on the diagonal?

First you need to choose the place where the device will be located, and the method looks like this: multiply the size of the diagonal by five. The result that is obtained is the most optimal normalized value characterizing the remoteness of the TV receiver from the viewer's eyes.

Important! If your gadget is 17-19 inches in size, then the smartest solution is to position the screen at a distance of one meter from the viewer, and 40 inch tv and more - at least two.

You also need to consider that this method was most relevant for those times when all the devices worked on lamps, but now the market is flooded with plasma, LCD and other modern technologies, which affected the location criteria. But the principle has not changed much, because the greater the distance between the corners of the TV, the farther you need to position it from human eyes. All parameters should be coordinated and then you will not harm your eyes.

Check out the list that will help you find the required distance (diagonal distance):

  • 17 inches - 1 meter.
  • 25 — 2.
  • 32 — 2.5.
  • 37 — 2.7.
  • 40 — 3.
  • 50 — 4.
  • 55 — 4.5.
  • 80 — 6.

Important! Now you know how to choose the TV diagonal for the distance that will separate you from it. And our individual publications will help you understand really high-quality models of the right size for you. Find out all about:

  1. Best 32-inch TVs.
  2. The best TV panels 43 inches.
  3. Best 55-inch TVs.

What else should be considered?

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We take into account the resolution

Everyone knows that different models have different resolutions. The higher the value of this parameter, the closer you can get to the TV screen. Resolution is the number of pixels that are displayed on the screen.

Important! Devices with huge values ​​can be located closest, but if the number of points is not high, then you will have to sit farther to compensate for the quality.

To date, the following two formats have the highest resolution:

  1. FULL HD. This format implies values ​​in 1920x1080 pixels.
  2. HD Ready has worse quality: 1366x768 pixels.

We repeat that the number of points characterizes the resolution values, which directly affects the distance from the viewer to the screen. For example, two televisions with the same values, but with different density of points, should be located at different distances.

How to choose the size of the TV? You just need to think in the reverse order. We take the size of the room and pretend to be the necessary resolution. For example, if you have two meters, then think about buying a Full HD model with a size of 37-40 inches.

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What affects the viewing angle?

We spent enough time on two important parameters, but what about the viewing angle? Peripheral vision helps to enhance the presence effect, which is affected by the viewing angle of the image.

In order not to miscalculate, you need to take into account the values ​​of this parameter according to the following principle:

  • If this value is 20 degrees, then the distance is calculated by multiplying the value of this parameter by 2.5.
  • At 30 degrees, multiply by a factor of 1.6. This option is most suitable for watching a home theater.
  • If the value is 40 degrees, then the coefficient takes 1.2. This is the best distance for viewing Full HD models.

Also, the choice of model for the apartment should be supported by the immersion effect, and a number of other interesting nuances that may be associated with the installation of TV. But all these features will be purely individual, therefore, decisions are made only for you.

Important! For a long time are on sale 3D TV panels. To view these screens will require special glasses. If you decide to buy such a device, then take the option with the largest sizes.

And also you may be interested in another innovative option - 4k tvs.

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Selecting the diagonal of the TV from the viewing distance is a delicate matter and takes some time to think. Decide on your desires, the geometric dimensions of the room and boldly go to the store for a new thing!

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