How to unlock the remote control from the TV?

How to unlock the remote control from the TV? This question often arises before the parents of little fidgets or pet owners. And sometimes the lock is triggered by accident, because for this it is enough to press a key combination. See step-by-step instructions below on how to fix this on TV from different brands and models.

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Universal unlock methods

After locking the TV, the first thing you should look for a manual on its operation - there usually are answers to all questions. However, most often these small useful books are lost almost immediately after purchase. The guide can also be searched on the Internet. Besides, To block some models, a special key on the remote control is designed. If this is not possible, you can use keyboard shortcuts suitable for different TV models:

  • Batteries are removed to fix the problem. When they are inserted into place, the power key (usually red) should be pressed.
  • It is also enough to press any button and hold it for five to ten seconds.
  • Press the “+” and “P” keys at the same time, after which the uninterrupted glow of the diode on the remote control will begin.
  • Next, it is necessary to sort through several digital sequences that contain the same characters, for example, “3333”. The combination “1234” is also considered universal. After the numbers are entered, the “+” button is pressed.
  • Hold the “+” and “P” keys together, then press the combination “Channel +” and “Menu” or “Sound +” and “Menu”.
  • In some models of television receivers, in order to unlock the remote control, the sequence of buttons “Exit”, “9”, “1” is used.
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Unlock TV Samsung

Samsung TV receivers have a very useful mode for hotels - HOTEL MODE. With its help, almost all actions with the remote control are blocked. Detecting this mode is quite easy: using the remote control, you can only switch channels, do something else will not work.

To restore the full functionality of the D / U remote, you need to get to the service menu using a combination of buttons, usually indicated in the data sheet.

Important! For different models, it may vary.

If there is no such information, try the following sequences:

  • The buttons are pressed alternately: “MUTE”, “1”, “8”, “2”, “POWER”.
  • When the previous method did not work, you can try this combination - “DISPLAY”, “MENU”, “POWER”.

Important! It is necessary to carry out pressing in strict order, maintaining the minimum time intervals.

  • If the TV was assembled in Europe, you can use the following combination: “STANDBY” + ”DISPLAY” + ”MENU” + ”MUTE” + ”POWER”.
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Unlock Philips and Sharp TV panels

Some models use the standard combinations “0000” or “1111” to unlock. If this option does not work, try one of the following options:

  • Press and hold the “VOL-” button on the TV and the key button on the remote control at the same time.
  • On the TV, simultaneously press the sound control button and the “+” channel switch button. After that, the inclusion of an empty channel. From there, you can go to parental control to turn it off, which ultimately leads to the unlocking of the remote control.

So, if the TV remote is accidentally blocked, the first thing to do is refer to the instructions. In the event that it does not exist or there is no necessary information, you should try out universal combinations that help in unlocking the remote controls. Often they help correct the situation. If there is no result from all the manipulations, you should buy a new remote control or contact a service center for help from specialists.

In the video below, you will find a visual master class not only on how to unlock the D / U remote, but also how to set up a universal remote from the TV.


