How to disassemble a keyboard on a laptop?

Many of us like to eat while working on a laptop or computer. Unfortunately, this habit is not always without consequences. Litter, crumbs and spilled liquid regularly strike the keyboard of the device, significantly reducing its service life. You can avoid all the consequences if you clean the equipment in a timely manner. Not all users know how to disassemble a keyboard on a laptop, so we will devote some time to this useful procedure.

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We remove garbage from the keyboard

In order to understand how to clean the keyboard on a laptop, you should know about the existence of two main ways:

  • Superficial “cleaning”.
  • Deep


In the first case, it is assumed that the user needs to remove debris from the surface of the keys and between them. For this procedure, you will need several napkins and a brush made of soft material. You can easily find such “tools” in a computer store.

If you are pursuing efficiency and practicality, then pay attention to special cleaning products. Put the substance on the cloth and clean the surface of the equipment, carefully wielding between the buttons. Such products should be used in small quantities so as not to “soak” the contacts. It is also not recommended to use ethanol, as it can remove the upper layers of paint. Refuse should be from acetone.

Important! Do not use substances that contain aggressive ingredients. The use of such funds can only aggravate the situation.

Important! When using a laptop, dirt, dust can accumulate on the screen, fingerprints appear. This affects image quality. Follow the link and find out our tips on how to wipe a computer monitor.


With deep cleaning, there is an opportunity to get rid of dust on the contacts, which would help to prevent internal pollution. For such events, it is better to use the following tools:

  1. A small technical vacuum cleaner. These devices are equipped with special nozzles that will help to "get" into the farthest corners of the gadget. It is worth noting that this technique does not have enough power to remove complex contaminants.
  2. An alternative to a vacuum cleaner is a can of compressed air. Pressure flow will help remove dust from hard to reach places.
  3. For a small area, the most ordinary sticker will do. A sticker is a small piece of paper that has a sticky strip. The strip must be attached to the place of contamination and removed. This method will help to instantly get rid of small litter, but it is unlikely to work for complete cleaning.

Important! Do not forget that frequent use of the spray can or vacuum cleaner can damage the contacts of the device.

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Is there any need for disassembly?

How to clean the keyboard on a laptop at home, if liquid has got into the design of the device? It is in these cases that you should deal with disassembling the keyboard. In order to determine whether it is worth doing this, you need to pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Unreasonable overheating of equipment.
  • Lack of reaction when pressing keys.
  • A variety of sticks and strange sounds during operation.

If you notice something similar for your device, we recommend that you sit closer to the monitor and read the further instructions.

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How to clean the keyboard on a Lenovo laptop? To be honest, the algorithm will be the same for the products of all laptop manufacturers. Of course, in the technology market you can find thousands of different models that differ from each other in different parameters, appearance and other properties, but when disassembling the keyboard, you won’t be able to give your imagination free rein.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the main points of this procedure. First you need to get hold of thin tweezers and a dental probe. Obviously, not everyone will have such devices at hand, so similar tools will work well. The algorithm for disassembling a computer keyboard is as follows:

  • First you need to understand which side will make it easier to disconnect the button. Each component has two mounts. In other words, the part is mounted on the left, right, upper and lower sides.
  • You need to remove the button in a vertical orientation, because any attempts to dismantle it in another plane can end badly for the information input device.
  • Start disassembling the keyboard on the laptop should be with those keys that have numbers and letters. This is done in order to dismantle components with an identical locking mechanism.

Important! When dismantling, lay all components together with the fixing parts to the side so as not to mix them up and lose them. We also recommend that you take a photo of the equipment before you take it apart.

  • Now you can disassemble the laptop keyboard, namely its upper elements, and then you can take on larger keys. The gap is removed in almost the same way, just take into account that it is fixed immediately on two lifts. Last but not least, Ctrl, Alt, Windows and Fn are recommended.
  • If all components have been removed, you can remove the film. The film itself consists of three layers, which in the process are better to separate from each other. You need to take out the device with extreme caution, since there is a risk of damage to the cable that connects to the motherboard.
  • After that, you can do the cleaning.

With how to disassemble the keyboard on a laptop, everything is clear, but how to get rid of dirt? Most likely, the instructions below will help you.

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We remove dirt and dust

You need to start the procedure with the processing of buttons:

  • We take a small container or a plastic bag. Pour water into our “reservoir” and add a little dishwashing detergent. Dip all parts into the container.

Important! You can use laundry detergent or soap, for lack of other means.

  • Leave the components in solution for a quarter of an hour. After that, drain the water and place the keys on a flat surface where they need to dry for about three hours. If you’re not used to waiting, use a hairdryer.

Important! When using the hair dryer, it is not recommended to set the “hot” mode, as there will be a risk of melting the plastic.

  • While the parts are in solution, you can take up cleaning the keyboard. We take a rag or napkin in our hands, use a small amount of detergent and remove all dirt. In narrow places you can use simple cotton buds.
  • If the cleaning is completed and the buttons are dry, we assemble the equipment in the reverse order. A photograph taken in advance should help you with this.

Important! No matter which computer is installed in your home, it needs dust cleaning. Use our publications to learn how to do this:

  1. How to clean the system unit from dust at home?
  2. How to clean a laptop from dust?

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In case of liquid

If water or other liquid gets into the structure, you must immediately disconnect the laptop and turn it upside down.Such measures will help prevent moisture from entering the device. Then immediately remove the battery. After that, you should disassemble the keyboard on the laptop using a familiar algorithm and evaluate the degree of moisture penetration.

Important! In cases where actions were taken immediately, only the input device will suffer.

If you do not have time to take action on time and thoroughly flooded the laptop, the motherboard may also fail. To get rid of traces of fluid, you can use special tools: “Contact” or “Aksent”. These substances are sold in special containers from which they can be safely sprayed. Prepare a saucer into which the substance will drain and generously spray it at a slight angle to the surface of the device.

Important! At the end of the manipulation, the component should be placed in a well-ventilated area until it is completely dry.

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These instructions should help you figure out how to clean the keys on your laptop. In order not to be puzzled the next time, regularly conduct surface cleaning and avoid meals during the operation of the gadget.

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