How to make an antenna for a TV?

What do we do first of all when we get home - maybe we erase things, maybe we cook? No. We turn on the TV. And without which it cannot work - the answer is very simple, without an antenna. When arranging an apartment and a house of permanent residence, this issue is solved at the stage of buying a TV. But when traveling to the country, the most unforeseen situations may arise, since the antenna used there can very easily and easily fail at the most unexpected moment, or simply be absent there. How to make an antenna for a TV? The price of a homemade device is scanty, and the options for its creation are more than enough. Now you will see this!

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Beer can antenna

This is the most popular antenna for television devices. With their own hands to create such a force for almost everyone. The secret of its popularity lies in the simplicity, as well as the availability of materials. You can make an antenna from cans even at a picnic or in a summer residence.

Important! Experienced masters often argue that in order to understand how to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands, and then assemble it, you will need no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, it receives much more channels than an ordinary stationary one.

In order to make an antenna for TV from empty cans, prepare the following materials:

  • antenna cable;
  • several tin cans of beer or any other low-alcohol drinks;
  • plug;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • adhesive or insulating tape;
  • stick;
  • screwdriver.


Antenna Assembly Instructions:

  • Attach the cans to the stick using insulating tape approximately 7 cm apart.
  • Screw the screws into the beer can and attach the antenna cable stripped from all sides to them.

Important! If the jar has extra rings to open, then you can attach the cable to them with screws.

  • Tie the cable to the stick with tape - this is necessary to ensure greater stability of the receiver.

Important! You can use a hanger as a replacement for a wooden stick - in this case, it will be more convenient to hang the antenna for tuning.

  • In order for the antenna not to lose all its working properties due to weather changes, close the jars with a plastic bottle. It is better to take a container of 2-3 liters, having previously cut off the bottom of it, and then the neck.
  • In the center of the bottle, drill a hole through which the cable will be drawn. After connecting, scald this place with boiling water - in this case, the plastic will become slightly deformed from high temperature and will make the hole more airtight.

The beer can antenna is ready! It remains only to connect it directly to the TV and set it up. You can improve the design by making an antenna from several sections.

Important! If you spend a lot of time in the country, you are probably using a radio. To improve the signal quality, we also offer you some interesting ways in the form of step-by-step master classes,how to make a do-it-yourself radio antenna.

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Simple tv antenna

If you do not consider yourself a great master, but you still want to try to make an antenna for your TV with your own hands, you can make the simplest version of it.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Connect the antenna input to absolutely any circuit made of pre-insulated metal.
  2. Mount the circuit on a plastic or wooden stand, put directly on the balcony or TV.
  3. Since you need to connect the antenna to the TV using a cable and a plug, cut off about 5 cm of insulation on the cable.
  4. Divide in half and bend open the winding.
  5. Carefully cut the inner winding, and then bare the cable core.
  6. Using a screw, fasten the core together with the winding in the plug. If there is no place inside your plug for securing the winding, you can cut it off.
  7. Strip the other end of the cable, make a ring from the core, and then fasten it to the loop.
  8. Wrap the joint with insulation - for greater structural reliability.

Useful tips for use:

  1. In order for the reception to be of better quality, make a screen that is a metal mesh. It is isolated from the TV and placed at the back of the receiver. As a screen, you can use a metal mesh netting from the fence.
  2. If possible, increase the reception area. To do this, attach metal rods directly to the screen. Connect the rods to the screen, observing the symmetry, to get the largest possible area.
  3. In the center of the structure, position the amplifier by connecting the contacts to the receiver by soldering.

Important! Antennas for a TV of this type are not installed in the house. As a rule, they are carried out to the roof and turned towards the nearest TV tower.

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Antenna from the minimum amount of materials

Since it is not always possible to make an antenna for a TV at home due to the lack of a tool, two quite elementary methods are quite widespread.

Method 1

For this option you can use the simplest wire. But not aluminum - it is subject to extremely rapid oxidation, which is not very good. Brass or copper wire is perfect:

  1. Strip the wire from both ends of the insulation winding.
  2. Attach one end to a tube or battery, and insert the other end into the television jack.

Important! You will see that a signal appeared immediately, because the pipe that passes through most of the house and goes up is an amplifier of the necessary frequencies. In this way, you can catch about 5-6 channels.

Method 2

The second option will be feasible only for those who have a balcony:

  1. Take exactly the same wire as during the first method, only longer so that it can connect the TV together with the balcony area.
  2. Strip the wire at both ends.
  3. Connect one end directly to the TV, and the other, rewind it to pre-stretched strings on which you dry clothes.

Important! Such an impromptu antenna can not only help to increase the number of received channels, but also make the image quality much higher.

In addition to the simplest options suggested in this article, you may also be interested in information about how to make a satellite dish do it yourself.

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As you can see, even from junk materials that can simply be stored in your home without any purpose, you can create the necessary household appliances. Now you know several ways how to make an antenna for a TV, and in any situation you can establish a high-quality TV signal, even in the most remote conditions from civilization. Have a good experiment!

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