How to make sure that the laptop does not turn off when the lid is closed?

Modern PCs have a variety of functions, with some of their capabilities even advanced users can not always figure it out at first after purchase. One of them is aimed at saving energy consumption, therefore, according to the standard time or the schedule set by the user in the settings, the screen goes into the so-called “sleep mode”. However, it can sometimes interfere with work, forcing it to spend precious minutes turning on the PC and waiting for it to load. How to make sure that the laptop does not turn off when the lid is closed? This feature was useful to those who very often use a torrent or other similar service. To solve the problem, you need to consider all approaches.

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We close the laptop without disconnecting

Typically, when you close the lid, the laptop goes into sleep mode, but not all users like it - some want it to continue to perform ongoing processes. And the solution to the problem, in fact, looks very simple, you just need to familiarize yourself with the methods that will be described below.

Why is it turning off?

The bottom line is that according to the standard in the OS (operating system), parameters are set that are programmed for actions that occur on a specific event. If you close your laptop, it will go into sleep or hibernation, depending on the version of your Windows operating system.

Before answering the question, how to make sure that when you close the lid of the laptop it doesn’t turn off, let's see how these modes differ?


Distinctive features

Many users believe that these are the same functions, or at least simply confuse them. In order to deal with this problem once and for all, you need to familiarize yourself with some explanations that are relevant for most versions of Windows:

  1. Sleep mode is used to save power consumption, it works by reducing the level of consumption, it also allows you to instantly resume work with the touch of a button. If we give some comparison, this parameter is very similar to the pause function in music audio players - the OS simply pauses all current operations, but continues to take power in order to immediately return to work at the click of a user's fingers.
  2. But hibernation requires even less energy, since switching to this mode allows you to save all open files and recordings of all running programs to your hard drive, and only then interrupts the power supply. As soon as the user needs to return to working condition, the OS will immediately download all the data that has been saved and written to RAM (RAM). This is very convenient for those cases when you need to continue working from where you left off.

Important! If you often have to spend a lot of time on your PC, you’ll probably get tired of the picture on the monitor from time to time. You can easily replace it, and if you still have not figured it out, we suggest you use simple and understandable instructions with which you will surely succeed:

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How to leave the device working?

How to set the lid closing on a laptop? Everything is very simple - you will not spend three minutes to solve the problem. The procedure is primitive and does not require any special knowledge or experience from the user. It all depends on the version of the OS in which you are currently working.

Windows 10:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu and go to the “Settings” section.
  2. You need the first line, which is called “System”.
  3. “Power and sleep mode” - find this item in the menu, which is located on the left.
  4. We look down and see “Related Settings” there, go in there and select “Advanced Power Settings”.
  5. A context menu will open before you, in which you will need to find the tab “Actions when closing the lid”
  6. Next, go to “System” - “Power and sleep mode” - “Related parameters”.
  7. Find the “Advanced power settings” below. We go to the “Actions on closing the lid”, configure the computer so that all the parameters satisfy your individual needs.

Everything is ready! Remember to save the changes.

Important! Remember that you can successfully hide some data of an "intimate" nature even on your desktop. To do this, follow the link where you will find detailed recommendations, how to make a transparent folder on your desktop.

Win 8:

  1. Go to “Explorer”, which is located in the menu of the “Start” call button, find the “Computer” section and click on it with LMB (with the left mouse button).
  2. At the top you can find the shortcut “Control Panel”, you need to go there.
  3. Now select the window with the name “Equipment and Sound” and go from there to the “Power” section.
  4. In the “Action on closing the lid” menu, set the value “Action is not required” and save all changes.

Win 7:

  1. We get to the “Control Panel” in the same way as described in previous versions.
  2. We find the “Power” tab and find the already familiar menu “Actions when closing the lid”.
  3. We do the same thing as in paragraph 4 of the previous instruction and save the result.

Important! To rarely experience difficulties working with a PC due to brakes and freezing of the operating system, leave a few practical ways to solve this problem:

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Now you can easily say how to configure the closing of the lid on the laptop on any version of the Windows operating system. Do not be afraid to use all the features of your PC so that working with it is always convenient for you.

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