How to make your own computer speakers?

Many users are wondering: how to make computer speakers with your own hands? And this is not at all surprising, since only do-it-yourself work will not raise any doubts about the quality of the finished system. To create speakers for a computer at home, you will need the ability to handle a soldering iron and an understanding of basic electrical circuits. Yes, even without these skills and knowledge, you can try to create your own invention, but be prepared to face difficulties. If you light up to make speakers for your computer, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with each step in creating this useful device. In order to understand the following material, you will need basic knowledge in school physics and a little perseverance.

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Making a “bun”

Obviously, this popular component will not work without a box. The movement of air inside the structure causes the diffuser to move, which creates a volume of sound.

Apparently, you will have to make a closed box with only one hole - for air circulation. Since you are creating music equipment for your PC, there is no need to use hefty speakers. The best option is a factory car speaker.

Important! This option will not provide you with a lot of air pressure, but for a room with a computer it will be enough.

Next, you should find a bass amplifier, which is sold on radio markets in large quantities. Do not forget to take care of the low-pass filter, as the use of this node is a key point.

Important! Do not look for incomprehensible low-pass filters on a large number of amplifiers. The passive filter, which is easily assembled from resistors and capacitors, is quite enough for you.

We make the case

The body will require very strong wood. Good for such purposes are: chipboard and fiberboard. The thickness of the sheets should not exceed five millimeters, so that the entire structure has a small weight.

Important! If the old TV in a wooden case was lying around in the garage, then you can use this to create a high-quality box.

Use a jigsaw to cut out all the necessary elements. When creating the case, do not spare the glue, self-tapping screws and other elements that provide fixation. Also focus on the front part into which the speaker will be installed.

Important! To achieve the necessary stiffness, you should use wooden slats that have a triangular shape. Pay attention to all the small holes and gaps - they must be glued.

On the “back”, do not forget to drill a hole for the cable, and make a connector on the outside in order to connect to the amplifier. It will be extremely convenient if no external blocks are present in the design.

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How to make speakers for PC? The system must be powered by energy, so a little attention needs to be paid to the power supply.

Important! Do not use microcircuits that have bipolar power for construction, since it will be extremely difficult to obtain the required current for optimal performance.

Give preference to the design that will require a unipolar power supply with a voltage in the region of 12-24 V. Such measures will positively affect the repair in the future, because it will be much easier to carry it out in case of breakdown.

Important! To understand this issue in more detail, we recommend that you read the information,how to choose a power supply for a computer.

What else needs to be considered? Pay attention to the following tips:

  • The output power of the transformer should significantly exceed the total power consumption of energy.
  • It is best to create one PSU for all components at once.
  • In order to achieve the greatest efficiency, place the power supply and filter with an amplifier only for “bread”. ULF is better to mount near the main speakers and “tweeters”. Such measures will help ensure the least number of wires and the greatest efficiency.

Important! Do not forget that the sub experiences great vibrations, so all soldering should be carried out very high quality. All elements in the subwoofer must be firmly fixed.

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Amplifier and power supply

These components can be installed right into the box to save space. On the outside, you need to make connectors into which a “tulip” will be inserted. Before proceeding with this work, click on the link to find outwhich sound amplifier is better.

It is better to fill the hole with good sealant, and only then mount the front panel. Her masters also recommend putting it on sealant, and after drying - put it on the screws.

After the entire box has completely dried, it is necessary to choose a suitable material and tighten it. For power supply, you can use one transformer, a rectifier bridge and about two to three electrolytic capacitors. Such a device will purely reproduce sound and not create unnecessary interference.

Important! When observing a small buzz, the value of the capacity of electrolytes should be increased. If you cannot find elements with high capacity, you can simply stick several components parallel to each other.

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Main speakers

Here, for the case, you can take at least wood, at least plastic. Of course, it is better to choose the first material, since its use will help to achieve the best sound.

Important! If you are too lazy to engage in wood processing, then you can simply cheat and take the old devices from the radio and put them unchanged.

As mentioned above, the amplifier and PSU will stand in the box, so the finished speakers simply connect to the desired conclusions. If you want to do everything in the best possible way, it is recommended to resort to the following algorithm:

  1. Create two enclosures for the main speakers. Use the tips for making the box as instructions.
  2. Use material to tighten the structure. Such measures will help to achieve good sound.
  3. Install two speakers in each case.
  4. Connect the speakers to the computer.
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Stock footage

Well, all the components are ready, all that remains is to connect them and check the operability. It’s easy to make speakers for your computer if you just figure it out a little. Be patient and do not be afraid to make mistakes, because without mistakes you will not be able to get the necessary experience.

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