How to make do-it-yourself headphones at home?

Hundreds of millions of people have long been unable to imagine their life without music. Every day, you can see in the transport men and women using headphones to listen to their favorite tracks. All this, of course, is great, but, unfortunately, the headset breaks very, very often. For this reason, many users are asking one question: how to make headphones with your own hands at home? The question is quite relevant, because in all the variety of available models you can rely only on yourself.

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Making a headset for listening

Where to start? In order to understand how to make your own headphones, we recommend that you refer to the following instructions:

  • Get an output of the kind that will fully satisfy the requirements of the sound source jack (mobile device or computer). Today, one of the most common types can be distinguished - miniJack. The diameter of such a terminal is either 6.3 mm or 3.5 mm. The first is used mainly in stationary home appliances, and the second - in mobile portable. But let's not forget that each rule has its own exception.
  • Now remove the housing cover on the purchased plug. Next, pass through the hole in this cover a very durable and high-quality cable, which should have four cores.
  • Then find the stand on the surface of the plug that is used to secure the wire. This rack is equipped with a special hole. Solder half the conductors in the cable to this hole. There will be two conductors. Solder them to two small pins. Also put on them special small tubes for insulation.
  • Next, wind the wire with electrical tape and secure the wrapped section in the rack.
  • Close the plug and use the most common ohmmeter, which you need to check the device for short circuit (short circuits).
  • Get two small speakers with the same diameter. The resistance of each of them should be eight ohms. Install these speakers in special round resonator covers. For this operation, you can use small plastic jars. Next, sequentially connect one resistor with a resistance of 30 ohms.
  • Now take care of the headband. Make it out of some metal ruler. Place and lock the emitters on this structure. This step can be done in several different ways, for example, you can use a nut and screws.

Important! Please note that sharp protruding parts in the future may be harmful to your health, so these elements should be avoided.

  • Now attach two wires to each emitter. Connect the first of these wires to the rack of your plug, and the second to any of its small contacts.

Now you know how to assemble headphones with your own hands, but is it possible to achieve the same result in another way?

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Making a new headset out of a broken old one

Nobody forbids you to use another way to create a new device. To carry out the work you will need the following tools:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Broken headphones.
  • Soldering Station.
  • Insulating tape.

Important! The result is guaranteed only if at least one of the headphone speakers is operational.

To carry out the work, follow the following instructions:

  • Use a sharpened blade or sharp scissors to remove the plastic component from your plug.
  • Using the same sharp object, strip the wires from insulation and use a soldering iron to connect the wires to the corresponding connectors on the plug.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the optimal signal transmission will occur only on soldered wires, since the “twisting” will cause you to lose the useful part of the signal. It should also be borne in mind that during the association, the pairs have the same color.

  • If the defect that disabled the headset occurred inside the device, it should be replaced with another. Use one more broken pair for this. If for some reason the wires have come off the membrane, use the soldering iron again.

Important! Try not to confuse the left and right speakers during work.

If all the actions were performed according to the instructions, it only remains to check the operability of the new device on some sound source (laptop, PC, mobile phone or tablet).

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Now you know how to make earphones for your phone in two different ways. Only undertake work if you are confident in your abilities. Read the instructions carefully and do not neglect safety measures.

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