How to make a radio?

Despite the abundance of various mobile gadgets, larger equipment, many with interest and genuine enthusiasm tend to craft something with their own hands. And this is not surprising, because only new knowledge, work and ingenuity make us live and be in a constant path to self-development. This article is dedicated to those who are passionate about electronics and technology. Let's talk about how to make a radio yourself. It will be a question of the rare Komsomolets model, popular in Soviet times.
to contents ↑What needs to be prepared for work?
To make a do-it-yourself radio receiver, you need to find:
- Conventional spool of thread.
- PEL winding wire.
- Scavenger (D2, D9).
- Head electromagnetic phones.
- Constant capacitors.
- Clips with plug type sockets.
Now directly the procedure, how to make a radio with your own hands.
to contents ↑Frame base:
- As a frame basis, we use a spool of warp from threads.
- Winding a winding conductor (450 turns) onto the coil, making bends every 80 turns.
- Do bends by twisting the wire loops.
- Strip the taps and ends of the prepared spool.
to contents ↑Important! Spending a lot of time at the cottage in the summer season, I do not want to completely renounce civilization. To keep abreast of the latest news and events, to be able to relax while watching your favorite shows, you do not have to spend money on the purchase of special equipment. Find out, how to make a beer can antennawhich is suitable for any type of TV.
How to make a do-it-yourself radio - receiver assembly:
- Connect one of the detector contacts to the start of the coiled solenoid.
- Connect one of the contact legs of the headset to the reel end.
- Using a separate piece of wire, connect the terminals of the telephone and the scavenger.
- Connect the wire - this will be the antenna to the wire that goes from the detector to the solenoid.
- Strip the end of the antenna from a layer of insulating material.
How to make a radio at home - figured out. Now screw the ground cable to the conductor connecting the headphone and the end of the solenoid. Now this conductor will be grounded. It is necessary in order to be able to experiment, switching between the terminals of the solenoid when tuning the receiver.
to contents ↑Important! To ensure that the signal quality is at its best, also use our workshops to do the antenna for the radio do it yourself.
After you have managed to assemble the radio, you still have to take one important step - to tune it. To do this, attach phones to your ears and watch out for noise. If there is no noise, you must tune the device to a radio wave. The essence of tuning is to change the number of turns in the antenna circuit.
to contents ↑Important! The detector radio is capable of receiving medium and long radio waves. You can work on its improvement, so that the device receives waves from remote stations.
How does a radio detector work?
The antenna receives alternating current, which converts the detector. Next, information is transmitted to the headphones in the form of sound waves. Tune to a particular radio station by turning the knob.The antenna helps to receive a signal from powerful points located nearby.
to contents ↑Important! Undoubtedly, low power is a design flaw. But there is an advantage: such a device works without a power source. That's why it is a detector one. If you decide not to waste time assembling the device yourself, you may find it useful radio rating.
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As you can see, for someone who is really interested in assembling various electrical appliances, it will be very exciting to assemble a radio with your own hands. Moreover, the operating procedure is very simple and does not require complex actions.
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