How to make a shortcut to the desktop?

Being a novice in the field of computer technology is a difficult time, because getting the right experience with such an abundance of unnecessary information is not an easy task. But do not despair, because in the space of the global network there are many guides and instructions that will instantly direct you in the right direction. Some users, starting to work on a PC, ask one simple question: how to make a shortcut to the desktop? Today you will see the answer to this question.
to contents ↑Main way
Suppose we need to bring to the workspace a shortcut to a well-known program from Microsoft called “Word”. In order to achieve success in this matter, you need to follow these steps:
- We move the mouse cursor to the lower left corner of the screen and click LMB (with the left mouse button) on the “Start” button.
- We take our pointer further and look for the menu with the name “All Programs”, click on it with LMB.
- You will see a table with the applications installed on the device. You need to click on the arrow to enter this list.
- Now hover over the folder in which the desired software is located. For our example, this is Microsoft Office.
- Before you again expanded list with the programs that are included in this package.
- Point the mouse at Word and click on it with the right mouse button.
- You should see a context menu in front of you. In it, click on the “Send” tab and select “Desktop (create shortcut).
Done! Now you have quick access to the desired program directly from the desktop.
Important! If you’re tired of the usual screen background, but don’t know how to replace it, follow the links to the articles with step-by-step instructions:
We have shown you one of the available methods. Can I set a shortcut on my desktop differently?
to contents ↑Second way
It happens that in the menu that was described above, you did not find the software that you want to get quick access to. This happens when someone accidentally or intentionally removes a shortcut from the Start menu. Do not get upset, because this is a fixable thing. If the application is installed on the hard drive of your computer, you just need to find the file that is responsible for starting the program and display its shortcut on the workspace.
For an example we will take Word again:
- For this program, the path will look something like this: C-Program Files - Microsoft Office - OFFICE11.
- If you easily got to the root folder, then you just have to find a file called “WINWORD.exe”.
- Click on this RMB file and you will see a context menu in which you need to follow the instructions that are in the beginning.
This method is ideal for any installed program. It is worth noting that most startup files have the extension “.exe”, but there are other formats. If you can’t immediately understand which file you need, then simply open the existing ones with a double click on the computer mouse. If the window of the necessary software opens before you, then you are on the right track. After finding the desired “executable”, it remains to repeat the passed.
to contents ↑Important! Never use the “Delete” key in Program Files. Such actions may lead to a malfunction of the system.
How to rename a shortcut?
Perhaps you do not like the name of the label, then you can select and enter your name. In order to achieve a result, you need to do the following:
- We hover over the shortcut icon and click RMB on it.
- In the context menu, look for the tab “Rename” by clicking on it with LMB.
- Immediately in the input field the file name is set.
- If you set a name, then just press “Enter” and save the progress.
Important! Remember that these actions can only be done with respect to the labels (they have a distinctive arrow in the lower left corner of the picture). If you try to rename something at the root of the program, then you run the risk of disrupting the application.
Now it became clear how to put a shortcut on the desktop, but how to bring your favorite sites there too?
Important! It is not at all necessary to delete files that you don’t want to show to anyone or try to hide them away inside the registry. You can do much easier! Find out, how to make a transparent folder on your desktop.
Conclusion of a site on a desktop
Not always the “Favorites” folder is enough for the operation of the browser, since the links accumulate and you begin to get lost in them. Why not make the browser launch and load the necessary site with the click of a mouse?
Let's look at this simple procedure based on the example of Internet Explorer:
- Open the browser itself and go to the desired site.
- Go to the “File” menu and click on “Send”.
- Next, expand the right side and use the link “Shortcut to the desktop”.
- After clicking on this item, the icon of your favorite site should appear on your table.
to contents ↑Important! So that during the work you are not distracted by system brakes and regular glitches, be sure to bookmark our useful articles and use the information from them as necessary until you remember the whole algorithm:
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That's all. Learn the basics of computer control and enjoy your successes and achievements!
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