How to assemble a keyboard?

Prolonged use of the keyboard may result in severe pollution. This problem occurs among those users who are accustomed to eat or drink tea directly at the desktop. Even after the cleanest meal at a stationary personal computer, at least a couple of crumbs remain on the keyboard. Here simple mathematics is included: we take into account the number of meals, the abundance of dust and other small debris around the workspace. As a result, our input device turns into a breeding ground for the multiplication of a variety of bacteria, and pollution itself can cause mechanical damage to the device. The device requires regular care in the form of cleaning. Disassembling the keyboard and cleaning is only half the story. How to assemble a keyboard after all the procedures? Many users ask this question, the answer to which can be found in this article.

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Clean your gadget regularly

Any caring owner grabs his head, noticing that the keys stick on the keyboard. Dirty streaks, cloudy stains, bits of rubbish and crumbs should make the user think that it’s time to get down to business and eliminate all the dirt. If you catch up too late, you can stay with an inoperative device on your hands, since all the garbage under the keys causes damage when you click on them.

In order to deal with this problem, you need to identify two types of pollution - simple and complex. We will deal with each of them separately.

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Simple pollution

In this case, everything is very simple, you need to follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Turn off your personal computer and disconnect the input device from it.
  2. Find at home the simplest hair dryer or vacuum cleaner (it is best to get a technical one) and blow out the keyboard in order to get rid of small debris and dust. Take a soft brush or brush and walk through the space between the keys.
  3. To wipe the surface, use a lint-free cloth or buy a set of computer napkins.

Important! You can use cotton swabs or just pieces of regular cotton wool to clean. The most important thing is not to leave particles inside the structure. It is better if the air flow from the hairdryer is not hot, but cold.

This method does not require disassembling and assembling the keyboard, since light pollution does not require such measures.

Important! If you cost a little effort and time in this case, pay a little more attention to the internal cleanliness of the system, because junk files contribute to performance degradation. Read right now about how to clean your pc hard drive.



What tools can I use to clean my keyboard? Check out the following list of effective remedies:

  • Souffl’sec. This tool will cost about $ 17. Souffl’sec is suitable not only for keyboards, but also for other home electronic equipment. The product is a can of compressed air, which can easily blow all the small rubbish out of the keyboard.
  • APCK000 - a set for the care of clean working space. It includes: computer napkins, a can of compressed air, an alcohol-based product. The cost of such a set is approximately $ 20.

Important! In fact, no one forbids you to use home improvised means, but some of them may contain harsh environments that can harm the plastic case of the device and its conductive elements.

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Complex pollution

But if everything says that no one has been engaged in the device for a long time, then things will be worse. In order to prepare for cleaning, you need to acquire the following tools:

  1. The most common bag made of polyethylene.
  2. Waste Toothbrush.
  3. A little washing powder.
  4. Crosshead screwdriver.

Important! Remember that other components also need regular maintenance, on which dust and debris also settle. Use our step-by-step instructions to simultaneously dust the system unit.

How to assemble the keyboard back after cleaning? Experienced users are advised to photograph the location of the keys before any manipulation. The photo will make it easier to navigate the keyboard assembly.

Instrument disassembly

If all the tools are ready and at hand, then you can begin to remove the keys from the device. The procedure will look like this:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from your PC. It is necessary to turn it with the keys down and use a screwdriver to unscrew all the connecting screws.
  2. Now you need to remove the bottom cover. You will see in front of you a special film on which contact tracks are applied. Remove the screws that hold it, carefully pull out the film.
  3. You should have noticed that there are elastic components above each button - we must also remove them.
  4. We take out all the keys with special care so as not to damage anything. We put each of these parts in a plastic bag, add some washing powder there, mix and rinse under running water.
  5. The base of the keyboard, on which there are no contacts, must also be washed and brushed with a toothbrush.

Important! Never wash the circuit board and elastic contacts. By such actions you will disable the device.

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How to assemble the keyboard after cleaning?

If all the steps have been performed, then all the components need to be thoroughly dried and the assembly begins in the reverse order. We need to insert the keys, and this is done as follows:

  1. Take the dried elastic pins and place them on each of the keys.
  2. Replace the printed circuit board of the input device.
  3. Cover the entire structure with conductive contact film and tighten the screws with a screwdriver.
  4. With extreme care, reinstall the cable that extends from the board and secure the cover to the device with the remaining screws.

It remains only to connect the keyboard to a stationary personal computer and check it for performance.

Important! In addition to mechanical cleaning, you need a regular system. Please note that this must be done from time to time even if you have a stationary antivirus and no global problems with the PC are observed. So that it is efficient and simple, does not require a lot of time about you, follow the link where the information on how to clean your computer from viruses

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You learned how to assemble the keyboard in a few minutes, you just have to remember that all these manipulations must be carried out at least once in 3 months. Such measures will help prolong the device’s work for a long time.

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