How to remove safe mode on a computer?

Microsoft operating systems are the most common in the world. And this is not at all surprising, since these OSs offer the widest functionality in the simplest interface, which is understandable to any user and very quickly recognized. But how to achieve great heights in working with a computer? For example, many users are interested in how to remove the safe mode on the computer?

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Safe mode

The inclusion of this function takes place for those cases when there is a need to check the compatibility of drivers or to fix complex operating system errors. Also in this mode, it is convenient to search and eliminate various threats. When using unlicensed software, there is a high probability that you will find system malfunctions in the device.

Using safe mode, you can always restore the previous version of the operating system when you save the last restore point. Starting this mode is only half the story, as many users do not know how to remove safe mode on a laptop or PC.

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Short review

This feature was integrated by developers from Microsoft in order to fix various errors and crashes in Windows. The whole point is that the device thus starts up only with the standard set of software and drivers that are required only to run.

Important! Please note that the launch will be carried out only in the resolution of 800x600 pixels.

Safe Mode (safe mode) is also famous for the fact that when using it it is impossible to access the Internet, since the system excludes the possibility of running network card drivers. But this is not a problem, because this function allows you to select and activate drivers manually, which positively affects the range of functional features of the computer. When launched, no third-party application will be launched that is not required for stable operation of the operating system.

Launch Safe Mode

To activate this “mod”, you need to use a special key from the keyboard (in most cases it is F8). This key must be pressed while turning on the computer. Immediately after clicking on the screen, the following scenarios will appear:

  1. BR, in which there is support for the main tools and a set of drivers.
  2. BR, in which there is support for access to the Internet, by including a network card.
  3. BR, in which you can use the command line for personal purposes.
  4. And the usual download, which presents the simplest operating parameters.

Important! If for purity, then you can find other formats of this mode. For example, there is the same debugging mode or system activation with support for graphic processing. To start the OS in the mode that you need, you need to select it with the controls (arrows on the keyboard) and confirm your actions by pressing the Enter button.

Using msconfig to activate SM

If for some reason your OS cannot boot in standard mode, you can use the special msconfig system console:

  1. To start it, you need to simultaneously press the Win key and the R key.
  2. You will see a command line in which you need to enter the name of our console.
  3. After recording, you should see a section entitled “System Configuration”, go to it and select the item called “Download”.
  4. Next, check the box next to the item with safe mode and select the optimal download option.
  5. Then just click on the “OK” element using the computer mouse cursor.
  6. At the end of the manipulation, it remains to click on the “Exit without rebooting” item, and the OS will do everything on its own.

With the inclusion, of course, we figured out, but how to remove the safe mode on the computer? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

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How to get out of the BR?

If you managed to get into the desired mode and eliminate all the annoying problems that are associated with the performance of Windows, now you need to understand how to get out of here. In fact, there’s absolutely nothing complicated here, you just need to log out using the same algorithm used to log in. You just need to uncheck the box next to “Safe Mode”, reboot “Windows” and select the standard input.

What problems may arise at startup?

With how to remove safe mode on a laptop and PC, everything is clear, but what other pitfalls can be? Often during the launch of SM, the OS can show you the “blue screen of death”. Such cases are due to changes in the registry. To eliminate such errors, it will be necessary to repair the damaged registry using specialized software. Perfectly for solving such problems SafeBootKeyRepair is suitable, which is freely available at the very first link in the Google search engine.

You will need:

  1. Download the archive with the utility and unzip it.
  2. Run the executable file that is designed specifically for your version of the operating system.
  3. Wait for the process to finish and enjoy the stable operation of Safe Mod’s.

Important! If recovery attempts are vain and nothing comes of it, then you can come to the rescue of the excellent AVG antivirus, which is also available for free and equipped with the function to restore the operation of the BR parameters.

Operation of this function

When your Windows operating system is running in security mode, you will need to find and eliminate the problem that entails crashes and errors in the computer. If you are already aware of what kind of “ailment” struck your device, then you just need to activate the control panel, go to the section that allows you to remove and install software, just demolish the utility that makes incorrect changes to the work.

But if you do not suspect the root of the problem, you will have to check absolutely all the software on the PC's memory.

Well, in the end, you can go on an easier path and do a system restore from the last saved point:

  1. Just go to “My computer”, right-click on the empty space of the computer mouse and wait until the context menu opens.
  2. In this menu you need to go to the “System Protection” section and use the “Restore” function.
  3. Windows will offer you a recovery point, and you just have to select it and agree to the conditions.
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Stock footage

Now you know exactly how to remove safe mode on your computer and even fix some problems. Try to avoid downloading such software, which causes a lot of doubts, and then everything will be fine with you.

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