How to remove the safe mode on the phone?

Every self-respecting user of the Windows operating system is aware that there is a safe mode with a specific purpose. But few people know that exactly the same mode is also in devices based on the Android operating system. Safe mode on Android is such a mode in which you can download the device. This function will leave only standard applications running, which can help users who very often encounter lags and brakes due to installed software.
Using this mode, you can easily get rid of everything that could interfere with the stable operation of the operating system. Usually you can return to normal operation without difficulty, but some still encounter problems when switching back. How to remove the safe mode on the phone? You can find the answer in this article.
to contents ↑Safe mode
We learned that this feature allows you to reboot the device and solve those problems that once interfered with you. It is with its help that you can find the source of lags and brakes, and then erase unnecessary data. But what if I encounter problems when moving back? There are several effective ways that we suggest you familiarize yourself.
Remove safe mode
First you need to figure out how to remove the safe mode on your tablet or mobile phone, since this is the most pressing issue in this topic. In total, there are several methods that can return your device to its usual working state:
- If the design of your mobile device allows you to remove the battery, then you're in luck. Disconnect the battery for half a minute, and then return the component to its place and try loading the Android operating system in normal mode.
- You can also try rebooting the device. Start the reboot, wait for it to turn off, and during startup, hold down the Home key, holding it until the mobile phone fully loads.
- If the previous method did not help, then you can try to carry out similar manipulations. We activate the reboot and right during activation we press and hold the volume down key until it starts completely.
to contents ↑Important! On some models of mobile devices, when turned on, you must press and hold the volume up key to the very end.
Rough way
In order to return the device to normal operation, you can try to resort to the most “hard” method:
- We start the reboot and at startup we hold down the Power key and one of the following: the volume up key or the volume down key.
- Before you should open a system menu, something remotely similar to Bios.
- You need to find the line “Wipe data / Factory Reset”. Management in the menu is carried out by keys of the mobile device. The power key is responsible for the selection.
- We select this line and agree in the next dialog box.
- Wait until the end of the procedure. The phone should return to the factory settings and turn on.
Important! This method will lead to the loss of all data that was stored in the memory of the mobile phone.
Now you know how to turn off the safe mode on Android on your phone, but how to turn it on again when you need it?
Turn on safe mode
To return this function, do the following:
- Hold down the power key of the device.
- A context menu will open in front of you, in which you usually turn off the power or switch to flight mode. It is necessary to hold down the “Power off” item and hold your finger on the screen until you see a message prompting you to switch to safe mode.
- Confirm your actions by clicking “OK” and wait for the reboot.
After switching on, the device will inform you in which mode it is working.
Important! Your device must have a version of the Android operating system at least 4.1.
To use this feature on devices older than Android 4.1, you just need to turn off your smartphone. When you turn on the gadget, the manufacturer’s logo should appear, at this point you need to press the volume up and down button. These keys must be left pressed until the device is turned on.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Use the necessary options for your gadget correctly, having previously monitored the basic principles of operation of both it and third-party downloaded software. Then there will be no problems with the operation of the smartphone, and you will not find yourself in an unexpected situation at the most inopportune moment.
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