How to remove capital letters on the keyboard?

Despite the age of advanced technology, many people are still just starting to get to know computers. And they have a hard time, because the capabilities of modern PCs are much wider than the first models. Beginning PC users always have a lot of questions during their work. How to remove the capital letters on the keyboard is one of the most common, to which you will see the answer today.

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For what reasons should I change the font?

Many who have a great need to reduce the font on the screen while working with a stationary personal computer. This problem can be caused by a system failure of the device, when all the shortcuts have increased in size, or you just need to make the font smaller so that more information can fit on the computer screen.

Yes, it’s not particularly important, since the methods for solving the problem will be the same for all cases. This material should help the novice user to cope with the task, and he only needs a keyboard and a computer mouse.

If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove the large font on the keyboard, this means that the visualization of the characters on the workspace of your device has ceased to satisfy your vision. This feature is very annoying when working in a browser or in any of the utilities, for example: Microsoft Word, Excel and others. It also happens that you need to take action, because some label labels are not displayed properly, which means that you need to reduce the size of the system output characters of the Windows operating system.

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The main methods of solving the problem

Among the countless ways to remove capital letters on a computer, the most popular and simple solutions are distinguished.

Method 1

Just use the keys “control” (Ctrl) and “minus” (-). This method is universal for most Windows computer programs, and for third-party software too. Just press Ctrl and hold it, and then press the minus sign - you will immediately see how everything decreases.

Important! If you suddenly want to increase something, then replace the minus with the plus (+), and everything will return to its place.

Method 2

You can also use the settings of the browser you are using. When surfing the world’s network space, you may need to reduce the font size that this browser displays. Such measures are necessary in order to make surfing comfortable.

To “play around with letters:

  1. Just go to the program settings and find there the parameter that is responsible for the dimensions.
  2. Set the desired values ​​and continue to use the Internet.
  3. If the result does not satisfy you, then you can try zooming in on the page. In the settings there will be a menu in which the keys are usually located, which are responsible for adjusting the display sizes in the form of “minus” and “plus”.

Important! You may also be interested to know how to install on-screen keyboard.


Method 3

You can also try controlling the resolution of the monitor. Resolution is the number of dots that are simultaneously displayed on the screen. If you change the values ​​of this parameter, then the icons and fonts will change their size, they will look more visual, and the operation of a personal computer will become more comfortable.

Important! Do you want to change the already tired screen design, but do not have a clue how to implement this? Read the detailed instructions:

In order to crank up all these actions, right-click on the empty area in the desktop space and select the section called “Screen Resolution”, in which you need to switch to higher screen resolutions.

Important! Do not forget to consider the capabilities of your information display device and do not set those values ​​that exceed its technical parameters.

Method 4

You can try to reduce the size of letters using the built-in standard tools of the Windows operating system. This method is also effective, and for its use you only need a computer running in operating mode:

  1. You need to move the computer mouse cursor to an empty area on the workspace and click RMB.
  2. A context menu will open before you, in which you need to select the section with the name “Personalization”.
  3. Now go to the “Window color” tab, and then to “Advanced design options”. There you should see elements, for example, “Icon” and put down those sizes that will suit your needs. Here you can change the visualization of windows, and the size of the letters that system windows use.

Important! If you are a novice user and do not always understand what you clicked on and why the picture or options in a particular program changed, other information will probably come in handy. Find out, how to remove computer screen magnification.

Method 5

And finally, you can use the screen settings:

  1. Go to the control panel from the “Start” menu and open “Control and personalization”.
  2. Now we are looking for the “Screen” item, go into it and adjust the size to a smaller side, if possible.

Important! You can also use another option, which is called “Another font size” - you can find this option in the same menu on the left.

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Now you know the answer to the question of how to remove a large font on the keyboard, even you know how to do it in several ways at once. Good luck in your endeavors!

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