How to remove the blue screen?

Every programmer, and many other users, are familiar with such a concept as the “Blue Screen of Death”. This scary name is similar to one of the names of Joan Rowling's books, but in reality it is one of the most unpleasant problems for owners of stationary personal computers and laptops. How to remove the blue screen with your own efforts without the help of a wizard? First you need to figure out how to eliminate the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon, and then take on the problem itself.

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BSOD and everything about him

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) causes fatal malfunctions for the entire Windows operating system. Its presence indicates that the file system of the computer is damaged, and the components that are necessary for the normal functioning of the OS are faulty.

Unfortunately, few people know how to eliminate the blue screen of death, which often occurs and prevents the work of the device. To take up treatment, you need to find the root of the problem. In fact, there are a lot of methods for elimination, and some of them require a lot of time to carry out. Let's take a detailed look at all the causes of this error and try to cure the computer.

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What do you need to do?

This error is always accompanied by information in English, so it is more difficult for Russian users to work with such a problem. Work will need to be based on the information contained in absolutely every BSOD.

You may think that all blue screens are identical, but we hasten to disappoint you - this is not so. To determine the malfunction, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with this screen and consider all the main areas that an ordinary user should pay attention to. What to do?

To solve, you need to look at the screen:

  1. Check out the name of the error. It should be located at the top of the screen.
  2. Below are tips for resolving it, but they are superficial, so move on.
  3. Next is a sixteen-digit code that does not interest us at all.
  4. Below you can observe the parameters of the appeared malfunction. These lines are extremely important for some cases.
  5. Even lower may be the name of the driver whose files were damaged and caused a malfunction.
  6. Sometimes at the end of the screen the address of the location of the place where the error occurred is displayed.

Important! Items No. 5 and No. 6 are not relevant for all cases of malfunctions.

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How to fix the blue screen?

  1. First you need to evaluate the impact of physical devices that might have been installed on the file system recently. They must be placed correctly.
  2. Next, you need to check whether the driver is for the new device and whether it has a digital signature. Often the reason is the incorrect operation of third-party or internal software, which should also be noted.

Important! Remember that all cables must be connected correctly and properly. The location in the slot must be symmetrical and very tight. To check this reason, you will need to carefully unscrew all the fasteners and remove the back cover of the device. Check RAM and hard drive for problems.

To prevent the appearance of a blue screen of death, you must constantly pay attention to the operating temperature of the components of the system unit. Excessive overheating can lead to mechanical thermal damage to the device.The following parts of the device are most susceptible to thermal influences:

  • CPU (processor).
  • GPU (video card).
  • BP (power supply unit).
  • Hard drive (Winchester).

Important! Each user needs to regularly check the performance of the cooling system of these components. In order not to regularly visit the BIOS, you can use the help of third-party software: CPUID HWMonitor, AIDA 64x.


If you decide to fix this error yourself, then do not neglect the fact that the culprit may be a defective device. RAM slots very often cause crashes in the OS. Among programmers, this phenomenon is called “Dead Memory”.

It is unrealistic to cure this situation, so you have to fork out for new components. But the root of the problem can still be established. To clarify the circumstances, you can use the free software Memtest. Write it to the boot disk (USB flash drive), restart the computer and start it. The program will require only a few minutes in order to check the operation of the RAM for serviceability.

Important! To accurately determine the problem, it is recommended to run all types of testing one at a time.


To prevent the blue screen from appearing in the future, try checking the hard drive for performance using the file diagnostics of the disks. You can run it as follows:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu and enter “chkdsk.exe” in the search field.
  2. Run this system utility with administrator privileges.
  3. The software will start and independently carry out diagnostics by testing the hard drive.

Important! For troubleshooting, you can return the PC to its standard configuration. Disconnect all devices that are not important for the functionality of the system. This method will help to quickly get rid of the screen and identify all the possible reasons for its appearance.

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Now you know how to remove the blue screen, which most computer users are so afraid of. Be careful not to endanger your system!

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