How to remove scratches from the phone’s camera?

In our mobile age, any person has several devices with touch screens, whether it is a mobile phone or tablet. But after some time, small, and sometimes large, scratches appear on any touch device. If the cracks are large enough, and you notice that this has led to the loss of some functions or malfunctions, be sure to change the glass or display. But if the screen is just a little scuffed, you can deal with it yourself. How to remove scratches from the phone’s camera - this will be discussed in this article.

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Polishing preparation

Before you start polishing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  1. Turn off the device completely.
  2. Seal the external connectors with masking tape or electrical tape. This will prevent water and other foreign substances from entering the gadget.

Important! Be patient, you may have to spend a lot of time to tidy up your gadget.

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Paste GOI

Completely get rid of scratches is unlikely to succeed, but they can be masked. This can be done with polishing. How to remove scratches on the phone’s camera and polish the display?

You can use a tool called GOI paste. It can be of several types, depending on the grain size.

Important! The finest grained paste is suitable for polishing the display. Engine oil also does not hurt. You will need only a few drops to dilute the GOI paste.

Operating procedure:

  1. First, clean the screen and front camera from dirt, otherwise - the result will not please you.
  2. Take a woolen cloth, rub it with a paste and drip a drop of engine oil.
  3. Rub the resulting mass into the display using the same wool rag.
  4. It is necessary to polish until scratches become subtle, if you are lucky, they will not be visible at all.

Important! Surely defects during the use of the gadget appeared not only on the window with the camera. Learn also about the different ways.remove scratches from the phone case.

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Toothpaste polishing

How to polish the camera on the phone with toothpaste? For these purposes, you will need a regular white toothpaste, without any additives in the form of crystals or granules:

  1. Apply a little toothpaste to the scratched surface. You can polish with a piece of soft cloth, a cotton swab or a special microfiber cloth.
  2. Rub the product in a circular motion for several minutes.
  3. The remaining toothpaste can be removed after polishing with a slightly damp soft cloth.
  4. If you are not impressed with the result, you can grind it again.

Important! To protect your gadget’s screen from damage, check out our article on which is better to choose a film for the phone.

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Baking Soda Polishing

In the same way, you can polish the surface with baking soda, which is in the kitchen in any home:

  1. Dilute the soda with a small amount of water until a slurry is obtained.
  2. Apply this mixture on a soft rag or cloth and gently polish the surface.

Important! Try not to press hard on the surface so as not to aggravate the defect.

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How to fix scratches with polish?

First you need to purchase a special polish. The product should be composed of cerium oxide. You can buy polish both ready-made and in the form of a substance that must be dissolved before use. The first option is much more convenient to use, however, soluble powder will provide high quality polishes.

Operating procedure:

  • Prepare a polish. In the event that you bought it in the form of a powder, then it must be dissolved. Follow the instructions. Pour the specified amount of polish into a bowl, gradually adding water and stirring the resulting mixture.

Important! In no case should this product get into places such as the speaker of the telephone or the hole for the charger, or the headphone jack. In addition, it is quite dangerous for the smartphone camera. Therefore, if you want to remove scratches on the camera, then you need to use it very carefully or choose a different polishing method.

  • Now you need to rub the polish with a cotton rag or cotton swab. The surface should be treated until the moment when the damage disappears or becomes significantly less.
  • At the end of the polishing, it is imperative to remove the excess with a dry rag or cloth.

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Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil can provide timely help for your device. True, it is used rather in order to give the surface a beautiful shine, well, minor scratches will become less noticeable. Just drop a drop of oil on the screen and rub it with a dry soft cloth.

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Professional Tools

On sale there are also professional tools for polishing gadget screens. The most popular product is DISPLEX DISPLAY. A completely new type of polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. The procedure for removing scratches and scuffs is quick.

Important! The content, when used correctly, is enough for 8-10 polishes - it all depends on the area of ​​the treated surface.

DISPLEX paste does not contain abrasive elements, after applying this tool the display does not become cloudy. There is only one significant drawback - a fairly high price.

Important! If you were unable to restore the camera, and you use it constantly, it makes sense to think about buying a more advanced device. Check out our rating good camera phones.

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Scratch Prevention

How can I protect my phone’s camera and display from scratches?

  • Try to wipe your device’s screen as often as possible so that it always looks clean. Soft fabrics are best for this. There are special wipes and liquid for cleaning the display.
  • If you want to protect the touch screen from minor damage, you should purchase a special film or other protection option. Any protection available today is cheaper than replacing a glass or display.
  • Do not carry your mobile phone in your pocket with keys or other things that could damage the screen.
  • Do not give your gadget to small children.
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Stock footage

In this article, we told you how to put your gadget in order so that it does not have defects in the form of scuffs and scratches. What to do if your camera begins to shoot dimly? Replace lens or clean? Use these tips and your smartphone will look like new for a long time.


