How to remove scratches from the touch screen?

All kinds of gadgets with touch screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. And along with them various problems appeared that simply need to be solved to maintain a high-quality picture of the monitor or its response when touched. One of the most common questions of all owners of modern household appliances, how to remove scratches from the touch screen? You will learn different ways to solve this problem from this article.

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Types of scratches

Before you get rid of scratches on the screen, you need to understand how widespread the damage is. Such damage can be of two types:

  • Small. These are scratches that are not felt if you hold them with your fingernail. They are visible only from a certain angle.
  • Large. This kind of damage to the touch screen is well felt and visible from any angle.

Of course, the appearance of even very small scratches can upset the owner of the phone. But it’s not necessary to start looking for a new gadget. You can remove scratches from the touch screen even without the help of a repair shop, on your own.

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How can I solve the problem?

In service centers, the problem of a scratched display is solved in most cases by replacing the screen. And it can cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is logical that the question arises: is it possible to get rid of scratches on the phone screen at home? Sometimes it’s quite real. Below are a few possible ways, but they should be used very carefully so as not to spoil the smartphone completely.

Unfortunately, none of these methods will give you a 100% guarantee that scratches from the screen of your phone will disappear without a trace. The result depends primarily on the degree of damage to the screen.

What should be done if these problems appear on the display, and how to care for the phone so that even after a long service it looks like new? You will find these and other useful recommendations later in the text.

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The most common causes of damage

It is extremely rare for a new smartphone to maintain a flawless appearance for a long time. Usually the back panel of the device is erased, small scratches appear on the display. What leads to their appearance?

The most common cause of large cracks is when the phone falls onto a hard surface from a height. Usually this happens by accident, for example, when the owner, trying to get the gadget out of a purse or pocket, drops it on asphalt or tile.

Important! Scratching is possible when the screen comes in contact with solid objects - a lighter, keys and even small things. Therefore, always carry your smartphone in a separate pocket in a special case.

You should not take your fashionable gadget with you to the beach, there it can quickly lose its presentation. Even the smallest grains of sand are hard enough and can cause damage to the surface when in contact with the display.

Display Scratch Prevention

In order to prevent the appearance of even the smallest scratches and other damage to the screen, it is necessary to properly care for it from the first days of use.

Follow a few simple rules:

  • Keep your phone from the first day of use in a silicone, plastic or rubber case. We have prepared a separate review that will tell which case is better - silicone or plastic.
  • Be sure to attach a protective film or glass to the screen. Follow the link to find out how to do it yourself stick glass on the phone.
  • Do not carry your smartphone in the same pocket with various metal objects.

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How to get rid of scratches on the screen?

Removing scratches from the touch screen by yourself at home is always risky. Before you begin such an operation, think about whether you will be able to do the necessary procedures with extreme caution.

So, if you still decide to get rid of scratches on the screen on your own, you should carry out preparatory work.

Phone preparation:

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. Tape the external connectors with electrical tape or masking tape. This is done in order to prevent water and other foreign substances from entering the gadget.
  3. Stock up on a lot of patience, as some scratches turn out to be very, very “tenacious”. It may take you hours rather than minutes of hard work.

Now that the phone is ready for the procedure, you can choose a convenient and suitable method for you and get to work.

Toothpaste or powder

Using toothpaste or toothpaste is the most common way to remove scratches from the screen of a touch phone.


  1. Apply a thin layer of paste or powder to the display and rub in a circular motion.
  2. Wait until the product on the screen is completely dry.
  3. Wipe the display with a dampened cotton pad or cloth.

Important! After this procedure, minor damage will become less noticeable. But if there are deep scratches on your touch screen, you won’t be able to get rid of them in this way.

Baby powder or baking soda

The methods of using these two agents can be combined into one, since the difference is only in the ingredients, and the principle of application is the same.


  1. Dilute soda or baby powder to a porridge-like consistency.
  2. Using a cotton pad or sponge, apply the mixture to problem areas of the screen.
  3. Wipe off any remaining product with a tissue.
  4. Wipe the display dry.

Sunflower oil

This method is less effective than the rest. Using vegetable oil, you can get rid of only small scratches, and only for a short time. But at the same time there are pluses: after you put the oil on the screen, it will get its former shine.

Furniture and machine care products

Furniture care products and polishes can also be used to remove scratches from the touch screen.


  1. Apply the selected product to the telephone screen.
  2. Polish the surface with a rag.

Important! The effectiveness of using furniture polishes depends on the depth of damage and the quality of the selected product. This method helps get rid of shallow, surface scratches.


Abrasive fine-grained sandpaper is perfect for polishing. To remove scratches from the touch screen, it must be used in the form of a roller.

Important! You need to use sandpaper very carefully to remove scratches from the touch screen. This method is only suitable for patient and tidy people.

In no case should you rush during the process of polishing the screen, so as not to completely ruin it.

Important! After the procedure, you will notice that the touch screen has become dull and matte. This effect gives sandpaper. To return the screen shine, you need to apply a little GOI paste on it, and then wipe the screen with microfiber.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is a rather soft abrasive material that is used for polishing metal, ceramic and optical products. It is suitable for polishing displays of smartphones.

Important! Before buying GOI paste, consult with the seller, as there are 4 different types of this substance.


  1. Put a small amount of paste on a cloth.

Important! To apply the paste on the surface of the touch screen you need a special napkin or cotton cloth.

  1. Wipe the touch screen slowly, without pressing hard on it.

Important! Apply the paste in layers, one after another. For best results, take short breaks to let the paste dry.

  1. After the procedure, wipe the screen with a previously used cloth, rinsing it in clean water.

Important! Wash hands thoroughly after completing this procedure.

You may not see the effect right away.

Special tools for polishing displays

You can buy such products at any household appliance store. Special tools are provided to get rid of scratches on the touch screen better than other tools. They will not help you completely eliminate the damage, but it’s quite possible to hide them. Scratches on your display will become less noticeable.


Using suede for polishing the touch screen has positive reviews. But this method is considered less effective than most of the above. Suede fabric will not help you remove noticeable scratches no matter how much you rub the screen with it.

Important! Having protected your gadget externally, do not forget to protect it from the inside. Our helpful tips will help you properly. choose an antivirus program for your phone.

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How to get rid of scratches on the tempered glass screen?

The main disadvantage of Gorilla Glass is that it is difficult not only to scratch it, but also to get rid of any damage. Such material is stronger than usual, but unfortunately, and it is not safe from any damage. In this case, you will have to use more radical methods, toothpaste here certainly will not help.

The following is a method that is ideal for removing scratches from screens made of Gorilla Glass.

Important! You should think about polishing the Gorilla Glass touch glass only as a last resort, when the display is damaged to such an extent that scratches prevent you from using your smartphone.

Try polishing the screen before changing it. Polishing the display at home can save you a lot of money, and the risk of increased damage is minimal.

Grinder and paste GOI

GOI paste and grinder will help you remove scratches from Gorilla Glass.

With a grinder, you can remove scratches from the touch screen more smoothly. You can polish the screen with high quality, thanks to the high speed of rotation of this tool, and eliminate even the most noticeable and major defects.

Important! In the event that you do not have a grinding machine, you can use a simple drill with the appropriate nozzle.


  1. First make a polishing wheel with a rag or microfiber sponge (the so-called roller).
  2. Apply a thin layer of paste on it and start polishing.

Important! You need to start with small revolutions. It is necessary to constantly monitor the process. In order not to overheat the glass, you do not need to polish one section of the display for a long time.

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How to prevent scratches on the touch screen?

To protect the screen, you can use both stationery tape and a special film. The first option is more budget.

Important! When you glue a strip of adhesive tape on the screen, you need to act very carefully. It is very important to precisely cut a piece of the right size. If you stick the tape inaccurately, your phone will look terrible.

The best option, of course, is to use a special protective film. Do not save on its purchase.

Important! If you want to hide all scratches, use a film with a silicone base.Its feature is that it will fill in small scratches on your screen, and they will become completely invisible. It is worth doing this immediately after buying a smartphone, because replacing the screen will cost you much more.

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Stock footage

With the inept use of most of the tools suggested above, you risk ruining the screen permanently, making scratches even more noticeable. Therefore, before you start removing defects on the screen at home, think very carefully whether you can do this extremely carefully and accurately. In order not to damage the touch screen of the phone, first try the method of your choice on any old phone.

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