How to reduce the font on the computer?

It is very difficult for beginners to communicate with a computer in one language, so on the Internet space there are thousands of different instructions and recommendations. Especially often, users ask questions when working with text. How to reduce the font on the computer, because the wrong size not only interferes with work, but negatively affects the aesthetic part? In this article, we will help you solve this problem quickly and easily.

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Why change the font value?

If you are faced with a situation in which you need an answer to the question of how to reduce the font on your computer, then you should refer to detailed instructions for fixing this problem. Often the user heavily loads his visual apparatus and resorts to increasing the elements that are displayed on the computer screen. Such actions are understandable, because everyone needs a visual rest.

Important! Font enlargement is rational only for those cases when working conditions can harm your health.

It is quite difficult to conduct a simple analysis and understand that the user for a long time is concentrated on using his vision when working with a computer. All graphic elements have standard sizes, which everyone has the right to change, satisfying precisely their individual needs.

It may seem strange, but not everyone knows how to install a large font on a computer, so let's start from this point.

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Setting the desired letter size

Before you understand, you need to understand how to update the database with new fonts. To do this, consider a few simple tips that will greatly help novice users.

In order to install a new base, you must first find it and download it to the device. Installation can be carried out using the following methods, which you will see below.

First way

For a proper installation, you can try the following detailed instructions:

  1. Unzip the archive with the database that you downloaded from the Internet into the folder you need. Then go to the folder and open the context menu in which you need to select the “Install” item.
  2. Next, you need to perform the following sequence: go to the “Start” panel and get into the “Settings” parameter. From there you should go to the “Control Panel” and open the “Fonts” section.
  3. The context menu will appear before you, in which you will need to use the “File” item and select the “Install Font ...” command.
  4. In the window with the addition of new data, you need to specify the correct location and poke on the installation key.

This is the first solution to the problem, which will help you understand how to install a large font on your computer. But are there other ways?

Second way

To achieve the same result in another way, you must do the following:

  1. Click on the “Start” menu and go to the “Run” field.
  2. In the empty space, enter “% windir% \ fonts” and confirm your action by pressing the “OK” key.
  3. Again, go to the familiar “File” option and click “Install Font ...”.
  4. You should see a window in front of you called “Adding Fonts”. Here, you will also need to indicate the path to finding the font base and use the “Install” key.


Third way

In order to use the third installation method, you need:

  1. Go to “My Computer” and select the drive with the Windows operating system preinstalled.
  2. Now go to the Windows folder, and from it to the Fonts folder.
  3. Again, you will need to use the “File” menu and install the font using the line “Install the font ...”.
  4. We indicate the path, install and use.

The developer has always sought to simplify the life of the user with advanced functionality. Font enlargement is no exception, since each operating system has a similar feature. Most often, it is accompanied by extremely simple and easy settings, the change of which is subject to almost any user. This is what is appreciated by users in the OS, since all parameters can be customized for themselves.

How to install a large font on a computer, because not every user is comfortable working with standard sizes? Let's look at a solution to this problem using the Windows XP operating system as an example.

Important! The following instructions can help in changing a variety of signatures and items on the desktop, as well as other menus and titles.

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Increase Letter Size

If you still want to change the standard values ​​to your own, then the following tips will definitely help you achieve the desired result and create comfortable conditions for future work with the computer.

In order to change the parameters in your own way, you will need to use the following settings and commands:

  1. First you need to get into the context menu of your display and select the “Properties” parameter. To do this, right-click on the empty space of your desktop and select the necessary line in the menu that appears.
  2. Next you need to get to the “Design” window and go to the section called “Advanced”.
  3. You will see several fields: “Element”, “Font” and “Size”. In each of them you can choose the necessary sizes, and to save the change, just click on the “OK” button.

Important! In the capabilities of the operating system, there is a function that allows you to change the above values ​​at once for the entire graphical display interface. Just go to the “Design” tab in the properties window and select one of three values ​​for the set size: regular, huge, large.

They figured out the increase, but some are interested in how to remove the large font on the computer. Now we will pay a little attention to this problem.

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Reduce the size

Each person sees “in his own way,” so for some of the users the font may seem very large. In order to set up your visualization properly, you just need to follow these simple tips:

  • If you are interested in reducing the values ​​in a specific text that is displayed in a text editor or Internet browser, then you should use the software menu functionality or toolbar, which is provided by the developer. In the same Word, these actions can be done by selecting a segment with your mouse and setting the desired font in the panel called “Formatting”. Just select the desired numerical value and follow the result.
  • When it comes to web browsers, the actions will look a little different. Consider an example that uses the popular Mozilla browser. At the top of the surfing software is the “Tools” item, after clicking on which you will need to go to the “Settings” section. From there, you will need to go to the tab called “Content” and select “Advanced” from the menu that opens. You will see another window in which you are lucky enough to set the necessary values.
  • Also in all browsers there is a standard zoom function by pressing the Ctrl key and the + key.The same result can be achieved on the “View” tab, in which there is a line with the name “Scale”.
  • In the popular Google Chrome browser, I’m going through a procedure that can be performed by clicking on the settings icon. After that, you need to go to the “Settings” sub-item and find the line with the name “Advanced” there. Next, a window will open in which you simply select “Font Size” and set the desired values.
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Stock footage

Using the tips and instructions described above, you can easily help anyone who does not know how to reduce the font on the computer or increase it. Expand your knowledge of computer technology and do not spoil your vision. Thanks for your attention!

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