How to install two monitors on one computer?

How to make work at the computer more comfortable and enjoyable? You can put a scented candle on the table, turn on pleasant music and occupy the most comfortable position ... But this is all romance, and enhanced functionality will help to achieve the greatest comfort. But what can be added to the standard set of components for the computer? Many users prefer to use two displays at once for outputting images. This is quite rational, since the use of a second screen helps to increase the workspace and place all the necessary information before your eyes. Today we will look at how to install two monitors on one computer and pay attention to all the main nuances of the connection.

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We use the second image output device

Connecting the second component, which is responsible for image output, provides the user with a number of undeniable advantages:

  • It makes it possible to dramatically increase the productivity of a stationary personal computer.
  • You can open several different programs at once and conduct parallel work behind them.
  • Also, no one will bother you to bring news to one device, and after the first to continue to work painstakingly.

Unfortunately, some users find this procedure too complicated, so they don’t give much attention to such features. If it’s clean, then connecting a second screen is very easy and simple. This material will help you learn in all details how to install 2 monitors on 1 computer.

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What are the ways to connect?

If you have a need to install a second display on a PC, then first you need to make sure that the capabilities of your computer allow you to perform this task. Make sure that your video card has several outputs for working with video processing equipment.

Absolutely all modern graphics cards have at least two slots, so you should not run into problems in this matter.

Important! If there is no external GPU in the system unit and you use only integrated graphics, then you will not be able to install the second device. To fully work with two gadgets, you will need to purchase a discrete card.

If we talk about connection interfaces, then we can distinguish the following types:

  • DVI
  • VGA
  • DisplayPort.
  • HDMI

In most cases, the video card has several interfaces at once in a small amount. Unfortunately, in practice it turns out that the graphics editor is equipped with only two DVI and VGA or one DVI. In order to work with the highest resolution, you will need to give preference to more expensive versions of video card models.

Important! It is not necessary to have two identical outputs for working with two screens at once. Two different connectors are enough for you.

Also, you can not ignore the fact that not all monitors are designed to work with all known connectors. On the cheapest models, there can generally be only one VGA output. That is why it is worth preparing thoroughly and inspecting all equipment for the presence of the necessary conclusions.

How to install a second monitor and configure it? Let's pay attention to the instructions below.


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Use of second equipment and its parameterization

The process of connecting works looks very simple. You just need to get hold of the necessary cable and establish a connection between the screen and a stationary personal computer. To establish a connection, you do not even need to turn off the power to the PC.

If your device has a free “DVI” connector, then you need the appropriate DVI cable. Other types will require other appropriate cables. Find and buy the right wire will turn out absolutely in any store of household electronic equipment.

It also happens that a situation arises in which the computer and the monitor have different ports. For such cases, you will need to purchase a special adapter from one type of interface to another. If you connected the equipment with wires, then the same image should appear on the screen of the new device, which is displayed on the first one. In simple language - both monitors will broadcast one picture.

If you have a need for the second screen to show a different picture and not depend on the work of the first, then you need to resort to the parameter settings. To do this, do the following:

  1. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop.
  2. Select the item called “Screen Resolution” in the context menu that will expand before you after the previous steps.
  3. Next, change the operating mode of the equipment from the value “Duplicate these screens” to another - “Expand these screens”. These parameters are indicated in the window that opens with the device settings. In this case, we specified the mode that will allow the second device to work independently of the first.
  4. Save your selections and keep track of changes.

If everything was done correctly, then on the second image output device, a picture with an empty workspace should appear. Now you can drag any windows onto the second workspace and perform manipulations with two independent screens.

Important! In the same settings that were described in the instructions, you can select other parameters. In the settings window, you can set the required screen resolution or set the order of the image location (just drag the window in the desired direction).

Usually the second monitor is located on the right side by default. If you want to change the default settings, just specify the order of location in the parameters, otherwise - working with windows will not work as you would like.

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Now you have personally familiarized yourself with how to install a second monitor. Nothing complicated, right? Such a procedure does not require a specific knowledge base, but just such a small instruction. Enjoy your use!

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