How to install flash player on LG Smart TV?

Smart TV technology opens up endless possibilities for the user. With the advent of this feature, watching TV has become more than just ordinary leisure time for your favorite TV channels. Today, anyone can interact with TV dexp-technologies and choose their own “program". Consumers are increasingly using third-party players to watch TV shows and movies on the big screen at any time. How to install flash player on LG Smart TV? Indeed, without this technology, viewing streaming videos is impossible. In modern models of devices, adobe Flash Player is built into the firmware, but today we will talk about those TVs that run on webOS. How to install the player in this case? Let's try to figure it out together. A small instruction will help you figure this out.

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Installation Instructions

To run the widget player to watch streaming videos on LG TVs with WebOS, you need to do the following:

  1. Unzip to the root folder of the USB drive. If you do not have this file, then just type the name into the search engine and download the archive from the official site.
  2. Log in to LG Smart TV under your account name.
  3. Now you need to insert the USB flash drive into the TV output.
  4. As soon as a message about the discovery of a new device appears, press Home on the remote control and scroll through the side buttons until you find a launcher in the list.

If you are the owner of a Samsung TV, then the setting is practically no different. In addition, you can read about how to set up digital channels on a samsung tv.

Important! For the first launch, you need to enter the name of your device so that the site can identify you. The name must be entered only once, and you can change it directly on the site.

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What to do next?

How to install flash player on TV? If you have already launched the widget, then read the instructions for the following actions:

  • Go to settings. Here you need to set a username and password. The data for registration should completely match the ones you used before.
  • Here in the settings you can configure other additional options. After each change, press “OK” on the remote control. To save the username and password fields, you need to select the “OK” button on the on-screen keyboard using the arrows and press the same button on your remote control.

Important! If you make changes and press the “Back” key on the remote control, the changes will not be saved. If you have completed all the necessary settings, then you can safely press the red key on the remote control. All changes must be saved.

  • If you correctly filled in the data, then you will be automatically redirected to the portal and your device will register. It will always be displayed in the list of devices in the site section.
  • After linking the playlist to the TV, you need to update the data using the red button on the remote control.

Important! Remember that such expensive equipment requires proper care. You can not thoughtlessly use any improvised means to clean it. So that you do not provoke damage to the panel, we have prepared a special review, than wiping the TV screen at home.

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Now you can enjoy watching streaming videos using only the available controls for navigation!


