How to install a router?

Are there people who don’t use a wireless connection today? Every day this is less and less like the truth, since almost every family has a router. Tablets, mobile phones, even televisions today support the Wi-Fi function and the ability to access the Internet to view interesting content or download applications with special capabilities. You still have not purchased this miracle device, because you do not know how to install a router? We will help you with this!
to contents ↑Router to the apartment
There is such a class of devices as “home - small office”. One of the representatives of this class is a router. These combined systems allow you to establish an Internet connection without using wires. It is enough for the user to decide on the service provider and purchase this device in order to implement everything. But did you know that these devices require customization, and specialists take an unreasonably large amount of money for such work?
Let's try to deal with all this ourselves. Today we will understand how to install the router yourself. All work will be done in stages:
- Installation of the device.
- Fixing the result.
- Connection of the device and its setup.
Go to work!
to contents ↑Important! If you are not so skilled in technology and still do not have access to the Internet, we will gladly help you with detailed instructions so that you can:
Instrument Installation
Before setting up, you need to decide on a “wired” connection.
The number of wire lines determines the location of the device:
- The cord length from the provider should be minimal so that it reaches the device. If there is confusion with the criteria, then do not rush to change everything, because for the first inclusion it is enough to connect a computer and a router.
- It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the router, like any other device, requires power from an external unit. In the box you can find an adapter that allows you to power the device from an outlet that has a voltage of 220 volts.
to contents ↑Important! When choosing a location, be sure to consider the safety rules.
Installation fixing
Absolutely any router can be placed in a horizontal position on a flat surface. The housing for this is equipped with small rubber inserts. But with a vertical arrangement, everything is a little more complicated, since not every model allows you to crank it up.
Important! If the model of your device is not intended for vertical installation, then do not violate this rule, as you can cause overheating and subsequent failure of the device.
How to install a Wi-Fi router - the consumer must first decide for himself, and only then go to the store for new equipment.
to contents ↑We are engaged in connection
The device has four hardware ports for using a local network. Pay attention to which devices will be connected to it.
Let's pay attention to the following installation rules:
- Establish a connection of all wires to the local network, if, of course, they will be used.
- Plug the cable of your Internet service provider into the output of the “Internet” router. On some models, the port may be called “WAN”.
- It remains to connect the PSU (power supply) of the device and insert it into the outlet.
Set up the device
Each supplied kit includes: a router itself, a power supply unit and a power cord, which is also called a “patch cord”. Initial setup requires such a cord. Only in this case will you be able to fully verify the operability of your device.
Getting started:
- Before you install the router, you need to connect it next to your personal stationary computer.
- If the model of your gadget is new, then you can skip the next step. Apply power to the unit and wait about two to three minutes. Press the “reset” key, which is located on the case (you need to hold it for about five seconds, more detailed instructions are in the documentation of the kit). These actions will reset all settings to “factory”.
- Now you need to do the verification of the network card of a personal computer. It must be installed in the “auto” mode (IP, DNS). To check, go to “Connection Properties”, then to “TCPIP (v4)” and “Properties”. Check that the filling is correct and click “OK”.
Important! When you turn on the power, do not forget to connect its main port to the output of the PC network card, which can only be done using a patch cord. And also, if you have already acquired modern technology, do not forget Connect the Internet to Smart TV.
- Now apply power and reboot the operating system.
- When you turn on the computer again, wait about two to three minutes, because you need to establish a local connection.
- Next, go to the browser and type in the IP address of the router in the address bar, which should be indicated on the box or in the instructions.
- The same instructions provide the username and password that you will need to enter.
- We call our provider and ask for data for further configuration (for the model of each router they are individual). While there is a call to the office, you can specify the network name and new password yourself.
to contents ↑Important! We recommend that you write down your password on a piece of paper in order not to lose it. If you lose this data, you will have to reset the router to the factory settings again.
Stock footage
Done! Now, the next installation of the router will not take you ten minutes, because from this article you learned how to quickly and correctly do everything in order to start using all the gadgets in the house without interruption in the Internet connection.
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