How to set a selfie stick?

Now it’s very fashionable to take pictures with a selfie stick. Such a device has covered almost all mobile phone owners with a wave. This is very convenient, since one person can take a photo of himself from the outside, while covering the entire nearest territory. Big companies like to take selfies, where absolutely everything is placed in the frame, including the photographer. Tempting, isn't it? Selfie stick is very compact, does not require special care. If you correctly connect such an accessory to your mobile device, you can enjoy bright and original photos for a long time. There is nothing complicated and impossible in its installation. We will tell you how to set a selfie stick in our article.

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What is a selfie stick?

In order to configure the monopod on your mobile phone, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of this device. Selfie sticks come with a Bluetooth connection or with a wire that is inserted into the audio output of the Android phone.

Important! Both options are good in use, but it is worth noting that the wireless monopod is easy to connect and synchronize with the device, unlike the version with a wire.

Now we will consider in detail with the main types of connections of this device.


In this case, the stick acts as a holder with a control panel connected to the phone via Bluetooth. This is a wireless accessory option. Syncing a monopod with a smartphone is easy enough. To do this, you need to connect it using a wireless connection on your phone.

Important! The cost of such a selfie stick is usually more expensive than those with a wire, and some reliable models cost a decent amount of money.

But sometimes many users have a number of problems with this type of connection. People get a wireless monopod, and as a result, they download a special program for taking selfies.

Further we will tell you how to eliminate the arising problems of connecting such a difficult accessory.



Such a selfie stick is similar to a wireless model, but differs by the presence of a wire and the installation feature with Android. There is a shutter button on the handle of the monopod, and on the other end there is a wire with a 3.5 cm jack, as for headphones or a mobile headset. Such a stick is defined by the system as a headset with a remote control, thanks to which you can easily control the camera.

This is the most popular type of monopod, which has a low price, a fairly simple connection and easy setup. It is connected to a mobile device with an ordinary wire, and after that it is synchronized with the phone.

Important! In this case, you do not need charging for a selfie stick and other additional settings.

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How to install a selfie stick on Android with a wire?

If your selfie stick is a wired model, then you can connect it to your phone without Bluetooth by changing the functions of the buttons. And if Root rights are connected on your Android, then this will greatly facilitate the task. But in this case, we will go the other way, since there are other ways to adapt the monopod without paying attention to the brand of the smartphone.

If it’s pretty easy to figure out a wireless connection, then a wired one raises a number of questions.A selfie stick with a wire is set as follows:

  1. We fix the mobile phone at the end of the stick.
  2. Insert the plug located on the wire into the headset jack.
  3. We press the button on the tripod, we check the reaction of the camera to this action.
  4. If the camera takes a photo when you press the start button, you can switch to the front camera mode and take a selfie in the usual way.
  5. If the smartphone’s camera doesn’t react at all, go to the picture settings and select “Menu”. Usually the “Menu” button is represented by a column or next, consisting of three points in the very corner of the screen.
  6. In the presented “Menu” we select the item “Settings” and here “General settings”.
  7. In the “General Settings” we find the parameters of the volume buttons and activate the snapshot function when you press the button on a tripod stick. Not all mobile phones support volume key management. In this case, you will be saved by third-party applications in which the buttons are supported initially.

Important! For successful pairing, pay attention to the compatibility of the device with the Android system, as some mobile phones are only suitable for iOS. But there are universal models suitable for smartphones.

We want to note that in a cheaper version it is easy to configure the use of volume buttons, but the maximum size of the photo will be somewhat limited, so consider another option for a selfie stick.

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How to set up a selfie stick on Android via Bluetooth?

The biggest problem with bluetooth is pairing your device. This often prompts people to look for a solution to the problem of how to install a selfie stick on their phone using wireless Bluetooth.

The connection algorithm is as follows:

  1. Making sure the device is charged and the batteries are inserted. If the batteries are not completely fresh or you are not sure about them, then take a few new ones with you, replace them right away, for sure.
  2. Turn on the Bluetooth feature on your phone.
  3. Next - turn on the selfie stick for pairing with Android.
  4. Go to the “Menu” of the phone, to the “Settings” item and find the new device found.
  5. We find the name of our monopod and establish a connection, which should appear in a few seconds. The selfie stick may have the name of the manufacturer or as a monopod model.
  6. After pairing, go to the camera on the phone, take pictures by pressing the button on a tripod.

Selfie photo is done! If desired, you can rename the name of your device so that in the future you can easily find it.

Important! If the mobile phone is connected to the device for the photo, but for some reason the picture is not taken, then use third-party Android applications, which we will talk about a little later.

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What can be problems when connecting a selfie stick?

Sometimes, connecting such monopods to a smartphone may cause some problems. Why is this happening, what is it connected with and how to fix it? We will describe the answers to these questions below.

The list of problems when connecting sticks for photos and ways to solve them:

  • If you connected the device to the phone, but for some reason it does not work, check that the plug in the audio jack is connected correctly.
  • Your accessory does not want to work due to the fact that the keys on the camera of your smartphone are not prepared in advance for working with the device. In this case, you need to perform several steps to configure them. Above, we described the procedure with the settings item in the form of three solid points. If after changing the parameters of the volume buttons, the selfie stick is not connected, then repeat these manipulations again, or try another method and save the settings.
  • If your smartphone does not have a function for setting buttons, then download the version of the “Camera” application. There are a lot of them, some of them only need to be installed without additional settings. Others need to be configured step by step, but basically such applications greatly facilitate the use of monopods.
  • It happens that you can’t reassign the buttons and the applications do not work or simply are not installed. In this case, smartphone firmware is required on a newer Android system. If, for example, your phone with the installed OS version 4.2 does not see the connected selfie stick, then update your smartphone to version 4.2.2 or to 4.4.

Important! “Selfie Camera” applications can be downloaded on the Play Market or on Google Play, and, for some of them, there is absolutely no need to pay.

As you can see, there may be several reasons that prevent you from easily and quickly connecting the device to the phone, but each of them is completely solvable.

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How to choose a monopod for a smartphone?

Before you assemble a selfie stick, you need to choose it correctly. A high-quality selfie stick for your phone will last you more than one year, if you responsibly approach the choice of such a device. When buying, you should pay attention to the features of the connection, design and characteristics of the device:

  • Height. If you want to photograph nature, then you need a telescopic tripod more than 1 meter. But do not forget that it is quite expensive. If you just want to take a picture of yourself or take joint photos with friends, then you do not need a large height.
  • The weight. When choosing a selfie stick, keep in mind that such an accessory is designed for different weight smartphones. Therefore, make sure that the weight data of the devices are close in advance.
  • Strength. Check that your selfie stick has a solid structure and does not bend when unfolded.
  • Connection type. If you do not want to tinker with batteries or often charge the device, then select the option of connecting via wire. Moreover, such models guarantee quick pairing of devices.

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Programs for installing selfie sticks on Android

Of course, you can take beautiful selfies without auxiliary applications, but they can significantly speed up the process and open up additional possibilities. Below are examples that are most popular among users:

  1. B612 is a program designed specifically for taking selfies. It allows you to impose additional effects directly during photographing or shooting video. Such an application is equipped with a self-timer, a large set of filters, the function of creating fashionable collages and the ability to share the result with any popular social network.
  2. Selfie Shop Camera - helps to quickly and correctly connect both wireless monopods and wired devices. Suitable for almost all selfie sticks, without any problems establishes a connection with a smartphone.
  3. Retrika is a common version of the application for taking a selfie, which is especially popular with users of phones with a front camera. The utility contains more than 100 filters that are programmed before the start of the picture. In the program you can beautifully process photos by applying different effects.
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Stock footage

Selfie stick is a stylish and convenient thing that allows you to capture a large number of emotional and memorable moments. From our article, you learned about how to install a selfie stick on Android, how to deal with problems when installing on a phone. We hope our article was useful. Have a good selfie!

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