How to install wifi on a computer?

Probably many users are familiar with a device called a “router”. This small installation helps people get a wireless Internet connection, which is very beneficial for free space and aesthetic appearance - there are practically no wires. Suppose that you have purchased a router and you have a desire to send a wireless signal not only to mobile devices, but also to a stationary personal computer. What to do in this case, how to install Wi-Fi on a computer? If there is a question, then there will be an answer to it. Therefore, today we will consider how to wirelessly connect the Internet to a PC.
to contents ↑Wi-Fi network on PC without cable
Once the router is installed, many are immediately puzzled by the question, but how to install Wi-Fi on a computer? Previously, a cable was used to transfer data, but what to do now? It makes sense to lay a new cable from the router, if the router was installed in order to get rid of all the wires?
Of course, the vast majority of devices in the room (tablets, smartphones and other laptops) are able to work with a Wi-Fi network without any tricks, since such gadgets are equipped with a wireless communication module. But if you also have a stationary personal computer, then only two scenarios emerge:
- We drop the cable from the router to the stationary PC and serve the Internet. Unfortunately, this option does not appeal to all users, since few people like to mess around with wires, and not everyone has the opportunity to conduct the coveted wire to the computer.
- The second option is to use a Wi-Fi module (adapter), which we are going to talk about today. With this device, a stationary device can be connected to a wireless network.
The topic is relevant, because today every second person faces a similar problem. After installation and configuration, all mobile gadgets had connections, but the electronic “head of family” always remained without the Internet. You can try using a special Wi-Fi receiver that connects to the computer using a USB cable. It is about these devices that most of the words will be said today.
Important! If you have an unnecessary router that you have not used for a long time, then you can try to use it as a signal receiver. He will independently receive and transmit data to the device. Best of all, models from the manufacturer ZyXel cope with this task.
Using the adapter, you can distribute the Internet in space. For example, you have cable internet connected to a PC. You can simply install the adapter on the device and distribute data to all other devices.
to contents ↑Network connection without cable
For standard PCs that do not have built-in modules in their design, there are countless wide variety of models available for sale. Such devices can be classified into the following two types:
- Internal
- External
If we talk about the price, then such a purchase can’t afford much damage. Of course, in the market you can find such models that will cost sky-high money, but buying such equipment does not make any sense.
If you are willing to spend no more than ten dollars, then you can pay attention to the following manufacturers:
- Tenda.
- TP-Link.
These components work without interruption and provide pretty high-quality communication. Many devices from this sphere are made in the form of familiar USB flash drives that are very convenient to use.
How to choose equipment for working with Wi-Fi?
We have already mentioned that there are two types of modules. To install Wi-Fi on a computer, you need to determine the look.
External adapters
These components use the USB input on the PC to connect. In order to install such a device, you do not need to remove the computer cover, and this is an absolute plus. Externally, such models look like the simplest storage media. There are small, medium, large, in general - for every taste and color. Some types of gadgets are equipped with antennas for better communication quality.
Important! If you are not very good friends with modern technology, it is best to give preference to the external type. Almost any model will suit you.
The “installation” itself is intuitive and looks like this:
- We insert the device into a free entrance.
- We are waiting for the automatic installation of drivers.
- Connect to your network.
How to install wifi on a desktop computer inside the structure? Let's outline the main nuances.
Internal adapters
This type of module uses a PCI slot for connection, which is located on the device’s motherboard. It is immediately clear that for the installation you will need to remove the cover of your PC, but even here the “installation” will not bring you any special difficulties:
- Remove the system cover.
- We insert the gadget into the PCI-input.
- Rebooting the Windows operating system.
- We are waiting for the driver installation and enjoy the wireless connection.
to contents ↑Important! Before carrying out work, be sure to disconnect all electronic devices with which you will deal.
Which of these two types is prioritized for purchase? In fact, there is practically no difference. The only difference is that in the first case you will take one USB input, and in the second you will have to tinker with the installation for a couple of minutes more. The cost of this equipment also does not differ much.
to contents ↑Important! An external module can always be taken with you and used on another computer.
Stock footage
Installing the Internet through Wi-Fi is the first thing if you have already managed to purchase a special device for these purposes. If it is very difficult for you to decide on the model of the wireless adapter, then you can always consult with your provider. Among service providers, there is a tendency to release their equipment, which you can purchase and not worry about further configuration.
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