How to restore an inkjet printer cartridge?

As a result of long-term downtime of the printer or because of its untimely refueling, a situation arises when the ink cartridge dries. Manufacturers of inkjet printers do not recommend performing various manipulations with these elements, since only their complete replacement is an acceptable measure. But despite this, sometimes there is a way to avoid such an expensive procedure. In this article, we will look at how to restore an inkjet printer cartridge.

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What cartridges can be restored?

Since the existence of inkjet printing, various options for the implementation of such technology have arisen. Cartridges and ink tanks have appeared, which have different types of ink, with distinctive properties. They are used for different types of surfaces, a printer or a multifunctional device of the MFP of various designs. In all of these devices, the recovery process is also performed in different ways.

Important! The recovery process for color and black cartridges with integrated printheads is the same. But the upgrade procedure for a black cartridge is much easier than for a color cartridge. Since there is only one color cast, the chances of getting a positive result are much greater.

The recovery process is understood as the procedure for cleaning the print head and units after the ink has dried or the cartridge channels are clogged. This is a very scrupulous job, and with the slightest carelessness or non-observance of the provisions of the instructions, damage can occur that preclude the possibility of further work of the part.

Important! For cartridges that have reached the end of their life, the chances of recovery are very minimal. The update procedure helps to restore only recently functioning models. Do not rely on a one hundred percent return of print quality.

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What to use for updating?

How to restore a dried Canon cartridge?

  • For reconstructive manipulations, special fluids should be used that are used separately for each type of cartridge.
  • You can also use distilled water.

Important! For cartridges, it is categorically not recommended to use ordinary tap water for carrying out the restoration procedure.

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What details are not worth the time?

Not all cartridges can be given a second life:

  • Severely clogged or dried up models cannot be restored further.
  • Cartridges with sponges hardened are useless to return to their original state.
  • With damaged electronics, it is no longer possible to make the cartridge function.
  • Broken sealing, which is expressed in cracks or damage to the bags, leads to the fact that the cartridge has served its useful life and its further use is impossible.
  • Mechanical damage to the nozzles deprives you of the last hope of the inkjet printer.

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Method number 1 - soaking

If the sponge dries inside the cartridge, you can try to soak it. Here's how to restore a Canon cartridge by soaking it:

  • We install the cartridge with nozzles down into a vessel that is filled with distilled water or a special flushing fluid. This cartridge position corresponds to the operating condition set in the printer. The soaking procedure can take a very long period of time - from a couple of hours to several days.

Important! Water should be poured a little, approximately to a height of about 1 cm, since only nozzles should be immersed.

  • Then fill the ink cartridge. Before this, the ink should be pumped with a syringe, using a suction cup.

Important! We carry out this procedure slowly, without making any effort.

  • We delay the syringe in a slow motion when the ink exits in an even flow and in large quantities (about 10 ml).
  • Before placing the cartridge in the printer device, we wipe it from traces of ink, especially carefully wipe the electronics.
  • We do 3-4 head cleaning.
  • We print a trial version of the page. With a positive result, our method was a success.

If the cartridge is very dry, then:

  • Abundantly water the napkin with a special composition.
  • We install the cartridge in such a position that the nozzles are on a napkin.

Important! In this position, the cartridge should stand for at least three days.

  • Using a syringe with a rubber adapter on both sides, we perform a purge procedure. In this case, you need to blow directly into the nozzle. In this situation, the main requirement is a slow purge, while you need to try not to overdo it.

Important! Cartridges of the brands HP, Lexmark, Canon and others like them can very successfully be restored in this way.

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Method number 2 - “the principle of cooking pasta”

The second method involves steaming or applying the "principle of cooking pasta." To implement the second method, you will have to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • a small bucket or a small iron bowl;
  • pliers used in carpentry;
  • toilet paper or tissue.

How to fix an inkjet printer cartridge using this method:

  • Turn on the printer.
  • Open the lid of the device and wait. In this situation, the cartridges themselves travel to carry out a replacement.
  • Gently push down on the cartridge box, and it goes without any problems.
  • We take out the cartridge.
  • In a small bucket or in an iron bowl, we heat a little water to a boil.
  • We take a cartridge and hold its printheads above the steam for several minutes.

Important! You can apply the rinse option, while lowering the printing elements of the cartridge for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Using a similar method, you need to be very careful. To do this, use pliers, since the cartridge heats up very quickly. In this case, you can not compress it strongly, otherwise, damage may occur.

  • The dried paint soaks in the head and begins to drip. Using wipes, we wipe away all the excess until all the colors appear. This procedure can take a lot of time, which is affected by the degree of neglect of the printing nozzles.
  • If the ink cartridge has not been used for a long time, then rinse it from the inside.
  • Being careful, we open a cover of the device. Older models are equipped with a special metal fixture. Opening the lid, you can hear a slight crunch, without which you can not do. For new models of printers apply adhesive tape, which seal the lid. First we get rid of the adhesive tape, then using a screwdriver, carefully open the lid.

Important! Do not allow the walls to crack, otherwise the container may become unusable.

  • We take out the absorbent inserts and carefully rinse them with lukewarm water.

Important! It is mandatory to remember the location of each of them, so that after washing, correctly install them in place.

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Method number 3 - steaming

Consider another method, which is the steaming of failed parts.

Important! This method helps to restore the operation of a dead cartridge for an inkjet printer, which has not been functioning for quite some time, completely dried up, and no purges, lotions or ultrasonic baths bring the desired result.

This method is mainly used when restoring the working condition of cartridges of the brands HP, Canon, Lexmark, which have printing built-in elements.

How to restore a dried Canon cartridge:

  • We take a teapot and boil water in it.
  • After boiling, pour water into any bowl, the depth of the water should be about 1 cm.
  • With nozzles down, we immerse the dried cartridge in boiling water, having previously removed the top sticker, which closes the holes.

Important! When heated, the paint expands greatly, which can provoke the release of it through the filling holes - they are at the top.

  • For about 30 seconds, hold the cartridge in boiling water. We carry out this procedure three times.

Important! All operations should be performed with a refilled cartridge.

  • Wipe the nozzle of the cartridge with a napkin.
  • We install the cartridge in the printer and start printing some photo, while setting the best quality. First, low-quality images will come out, then four main color sheets will be driven away completely in the same color, but the quality will still be lame. In order to eliminate this problem, we print any photo, in the printer settings we display the usual quality.

Important! It is very important that in the settings it is indicated not draft, not fast quality, but the most ordinary.

  • After the procedure, the cartridge restores its functional activity.

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Method number 4 - under a stream of hot water

Consider another option to restore cartridge operation. Sometimes there is a situation in which the cartridge head dries or clogs. In this case, a jet of hot water can be used. For this method of restoration of functioning, it is not necessary to purchase an additional special “cartridge cleaning fluid”.

How to repair a dried inkjet printer:

  • We take the cartridge and lower it into the bath, head up.
  • Turn on the hot water, which should flow in a small stream.
  • With a stream of hot water we water the head with nozzles.

Important! The cartridge should be in this position for several minutes. At the same time, the cartridge must be slowly moved so that the falling stream of water at the same time bathes all nozzles.

  • After that, close the tap.
  • Using a cloth, we lay the cartridge head down on it - in this position it should dry.
  • We wipe it.
  • Install in the printer.
  • Print a test page. If after the first time the quality of the printed page leaves much to be desired, then this procedure is repeated several more times.

Important! The meaning of this method of cleaning printing elements lies in the fact that hot water, which flows from a height of about one meter, quickly picks up speed, striking, and with force passes through the nozzle holes through which ink enters the paper at the time of printing. Thus, the cleaning of the printing elements occurs - a stream of hot water is able to break dried channels, which were difficult to clean.

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Method number 5 - cleaning in an ultrasonic bath

This cartridge cleaning process involves the use of Fairy Detergent and water.

Important! This method allows you to restore color cartridges with water-based ink. The restoration of functional activity is even subject to cartridges that have not worked for about 10 years, but simply gather dust in the nightstand.

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Method number 6 - special compositions for soaking

How to restore an inkjet printer cartridge? Consider special formulations that help to soak. There are three types of such formulations:

  • An acidic environment that is used for color Hewlets. The composition includes 10% of the essence of acetic acid, 80% of distilled water, 10% alcohol.
  • A neutral composition that is used for the entire spectrum of printers, consisting of 10% glycerol, 10% alcohol, 80% distilled water.
  • Alkaline acidification is mainly used for “Epsons”, “Canon”. To do this, we prepare 10% ammonia, 10% alcohol, 10% glycerin, 70% distilled water

These formulations are subject to filtration. If the use of any one type does not bring the desired results, then you can use a different composition.

Important! It is not recommended to replace distilled water with boiled water.

Consider how to properly soak:

  • Abundantly water the napkin with the required composition.
  • With nozzles down, put the cartridge on a napkin.
  • If the cartridge is empty or if it is very dry, then it can be completely lowered directly into the solution or the composition can be poured inside the cartridge. In this condition, it should stand for about three days.

Important! If the cartridge is foam, then you can not fill it with a solution.

  • After the set time, we purge with a syringe, with a rubber adapter located on both sides of it.
  • Blow directly into the nozzle.
  • We try not to overdo it with blowing.

Important! With this method, “Hewlets”, “Lexmark”, “Canon” are quite successfully restored.

Epsons are restored according to a different principle:

  • Take the head to the side.
  • From a napkin or a thin piece of tissue of the appropriate size, we make a sponge and put it near the parking lot of the head.
  • We soak it abundantly with “acidification” and pack the head.

Important! This process must not be purged.

  • Leave for at least 10 hours.

Important! You can apply another method, for this we completely dismantle the head and immerse it in nozzles by about 1 cm in the solution. After that, turn on the cleaning 2-3 times. Working cartridges should begin to function.

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In this article, we have offered you many ways to restore an inkjet print cartridge. Choose the most suitable for you based on the technical condition of your printer parts and the means at hand.

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