How to choose a gaming computer?

A computer can be used not only as an assistant, which can greatly simplify human life, but also as a whole amusement park in which you can play games, go to the movies and listen to your favorite music. It seems that the gaming industry is moving forward at the same rate as all technological progress, so the launch of such innovative products requires more and more power of the individual components of a stationary personal computer. How to choose a gaming computer? In order to give the answer closest to the truth, you should familiarize yourself with all the basic parameters of the computer.

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Choosing a gaming machine

The topic of conversation should start with the fact that the details must be bought separately from each other, since it is such a technique that will help you achieve the desired result and save a lot of money. As you know, entire system blocks made by the finished assembly have just space cost and do not always satisfy the gamer's needs. Unfortunately, not every user can choose components on their own, but without this skill today is simply nowhere.

Now we will try to understand in detail the selection of the following components:

  1. The processor is the heart of your computer.
  2. Graphic adapter (video card) - it is the characteristics of this component that make the largest contribution to the processing of video game graphics.
  3. RAM (random access memory). The amount of RAM affects the resource that a user will have to run a computer game.
  4. Hard drive (Winchester). The volume of this medium will be filled with your applications and other data. The greater the value, the more information can be entered on the computer.

Well. We superficially got acquainted with the parameters of the main components for a gaming PC. To assemble the best computer, you need to find the components with the best performance.

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For gamers, the central processor unit from the Intel Cor i5 family of any modification is perfect. Why not Core i7? The thing is that even the most modern game will load the 5th generation without significant differences from the work of the 7th. It makes sense to overpay, if at a lower cost you can get the same performance?

Important! A laptop can also be used for the game, and so that you choose the right chip, we have prepared for youprocessor rating for laptop.

This fifth-generation chip on the market is not only in one modification, as novice users might think. Today, in stores you can find dozens of varieties of these families, which will differ from each other in clock speed, cache memory and the number of cores.

Important! The price range for this type of CPU will vary from 160 to 300 US dollars. According to most users, the optimal model for games is the 4690K, which has a cost of about $ 260.

This chip, if you believe the specifications, is equipped with an LGA 1150 socket, which will definitely need to be considered when choosing a motherboard. If you purchase a motherboard with a different connector, you will not be able to install this processor in it.

Important! For those who do not mind the money for this meager difference in performance, we can give preference to the seventh generation of Intel processors of the “Extreme” line, the cost of which varies from 300 to 1000 US dollars.

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Video card

The best computer should have the best graphics adapter. Choosing this component will require considerable investment if you want to build a gaming machine.

Conventionally, video processors can be classified into two types:

  • NVIDIA GeForce Products.
  • AMD Radeon Products.

There is an opinion that in each game each product shows itself in its own way. Let's look at the most important characteristics that should be given attention to:

  • Type of memory. Each graphics adapter has its own integrated memory for data processing.

Important! The most modern type is GDDR5, which we recommend purchasing for a computer.

  • Memory size. This value characterizes how much data this component can store without accessing the computer's RAM. In other words, the value of this value characterizes the speed of the GPU.

Important! We recommend that you pay attention to those models that have 2-4 GB.

  • The capacity of the video memory bus. Along this path, information is exchanged between the adapter chip and its memory. The larger this same bus, the more information can be transmitted at the same time, which also positively affects the overall performance.

Important! It is best to pay attention to those models with a bit depth of at least 256 bits.

  • Cooling system. Many users make a huge mistake neglecting quality cooling. Do not try to save on this aspect, because without proper “blowing” your graphics adapter will simply fail. Read the information we have prepared. Click the link to find outhow to install the fans in the computer case.

Important! The top-end GEFORCE GTX 1080 Ti will cost the buyer somewhere around $ 800. If you want to save a little, then take a look at the top models of 2015-2016.

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Here it’s a little easier to choose, because for spending the last games you will need somewhere around 8 GB of RAM. It is important to pay attention only to the fact that the motherboard should support RAM with a frequency of at least 1600 MHz. You should also choose only DDR3 slats, since DDR4 are many times more expensive and offer the user options that are still not required for any game. The best option will cost somewhere in $ 100.

Important! So that you can easily understand all the details of the choice of this component, we have prepared for you a separate more detailed article "TOHow to choose a RAM? ".

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The best gaming computer should have a large amount of memory for storing data. A screw of type HDD and a size of 1 TB is perfect for this. Why not an SSD type? Of course, solid-state media communicate faster with the system, but for games there is practically no difference, so why give extra money?

Important! If you want to plunge into computer games with your head and a little distracted from real life, for this you pick yourself a good gaming gadget. Such articles will be useful to you:

If you need the most modern and fastest PC, you can buy the motherboard that has support for the modern SATA3 used to connect hard drives.

Important! It’s best to consider the two manufacturers on the market — Seagate and Western Digital. These companies have long established themselves and delight customers for many years. A 1TB media will cost you around $ 60.

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Now you know how to choose a gaming computer according to its criteria. It remains only to choose a suitable power supply and housing, which will be an easy task even for someone who has just started to study working with a computer.

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