How to choose a case for the computer?

The computer case is not only a decorative element, but also functional. The right choice allows for the convenient assembly of a personal computer, the effective operation of the cooling system and the possibility of placing a computer device both on the table and under it. Before proceeding with the selection of components for a PC, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with some of the main nuances. In this article we will look at how to choose a case for the computer.
to contents ↑Why should I pay attention to choosing a box for a PC?
Choosing a computer case is not so simple. Many users do not pay much attention to the features of the case, choose it only on the basis of design. Some computer owners prefer to buy a powerful graphics card or processor than spend money on an expensive box. So, a video card directly affects performance, and the case is just a shell for other elements.
Important! For experienced users, this explanation is not entirely reasonable. Even the case for a computer device can solve specific problems. In addition, it becomes an indispensable part of the interior of the room in which the computer is located. Currently, in stores selling computer equipment you can buy goods in any color scheme and any size.
Let's go through all the most important parameters so that you can choose a really high-quality case for your computer within your budget.
to contents ↑Materials
Currently, aluminum, steel or plastic is used to manufacture computer cases. How to choose PC case material?
Plastic, as a rule, is mainly used on the front panel of the device, but sometimes there are models in which the top of the box is also made of plastic. The main components for the manufacture of cases are still steel and aluminum.
It is used in expensive models. This situation is explained by the properties of the material:
- Light weight and at the same time high strength allow this material to be the main one both in the manufacture of mobile phones and other computer equipment.
- A weighty argument is the appearance - aluminum fits perfectly into the interior of any office.
Important! Among the significant shortcomings, there is only one - the price. To purchase such a case will have to spend some savings.
Computer cases use various types of steel. The most popular is the leaf option.
Important! Such a choice of case for the computer should be approached with extreme caution - take into account the quality of anti-corrosion treatment and the dimensions of the steel sheets.
A criterion for the thickness of steel is very important:
- With a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm, the functionality of such a product will be relatively low. So, damage to the filling of the computer device may occur, in addition, a noise effect will be constantly present. Such thin steel is not always able to cope with the vibrations of cooling systems and hard drives.
- The best option is steel, which has a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm.In this case, there is no need to worry about the safety of computer parts, and vibration and loud functioning will not bother you.
- But the most ideal steel thickness is 1 mm. The operation of the computer device in this case will be the most secure and quiet. Accordingly, this thickness affects the weight of the case of a computer device, but you don’t always carry it with you.
Important! When planning your own PC assembly from individual components, responsibly approach the choice of filling for the case. Our following reviews will help you with this:
For many users, the appearance of the computer case plays an important role. Of course, the design of the equipment attracts attention, but the modern, beautiful and good PC case is inferior in functionality to its modest "brothers." In addition to the stylish design, it would not hurt to pay attention to the various connectors, the presence of a power supply and housing dimensions.
Important! There are also models that have a fan pre-installed.
One of the important parameters is size. There are five types of forms of computer cases.
It is the most compact body and is suitable for small rooms or just for fans of minimalism. In addition to small sizes, the cases also differ in appearance.
Important! It is almost impossible to purchase Barebone separately, since they are implemented with pre-installed processors, video cards, boards. The user in this case acquires a hard disk and RAM.
An important advantage of the compact case is the presence of a passive cooling system, thanks to which the functioning of the computer becomes almost silent.
Mini tower
This size is suitable for office space. The case is low, there is no way to install a regular size motherboard. If, nevertheless, you managed to “shove it in”, then problems may occur that provoke overheating.
When purchasing a computer device for home use, consider the following:
- The option to launch powerful games with MiniTower is not suitable. The presence of compact dimensions does not allow for high-quality ventilation, and even a small acceleration can significantly increase the temperature inside the computer device.
- But the option of working with various programs and documents is quite suitable.
Cases of this type are perfect for powerful computer equipment. That MidiTower is the most preferred option among users:
- A good case for a MidiTower PC allows you to easily install a full-size motherboard.
- There is also the ability to install multiple video cards and a multi-core processor. The presence of such a form factor without problems allows you to build the most powerful gaming computers.
- The presence of an impressive size creates good ventilation, eliminates overheating of components.
Important! Not all models have a fan, so in some cases you will have to purchase additional equipment. To run modern games without the risk of overheating, it is necessary to install powerful coolers on the video card and processor.
When buying a MidiTower, pay attention to the power supply and get acquainted with its characteristics. Sometimes there is a situation where the presence of a standard unit does not provide for large overclocking, since it does not have sufficient power. In this case, you must use the replacement unit. In addition, the size of the video card should not be ignored, since there are such models in which MidiTower does not fit.
FullTower and BigTower
They are the most dimensional options for computer cases. The presence of such form factors allows the installation of the most powerful “filling”.They are used in high-level systems. Of particular note is ventilation, which in this case is impeccable. It is provided by both coolers and an interesting case design. Overclockers will also have to purchase a power supply. With the right selection of components, all modern games will function efficiently.
to contents ↑Important! When the assembly of the PC is finished, it will be necessary to solve several more issues to ensure the safety and efficient operation of the equipment. To deal with this faster and easier, read our reviews:
How to choose a case for the computer? The appearance of the device depends on the individual preferences of the user. Many computer owners sacrifice functionality for design twists on the surface of the case.
Important! Do not forget that the solid color of the case with the presence of a minimum of light bulbs and other "bells and whistles" for a long time will have a stylish and sought-after look. But the case of an indefinite form with a backlight reminiscent of a rural disco, very quickly go out of fashion.
It is also necessary to pay close attention to functionality:
- The top and front panels must be equipped with connectors. In addition, there is a standard option for installing inputs for an audio device and USB ports.
- For those who lack such functions, one can purchase a model with a SATA port used to connect a portable hard drive, and modern USB 3.0 designs. high speed ports.
- You can also optionally select the rotation speed controller of the cooling coolers, since depending on the load on the computer device it is useful to change the speeds.
Ergonomics is a science that provides for the efficient use of a subject. Considering the case in terms of ergonomics, implies the convenience of its operation.
Important! There is a certain amount of truth in the statement that ergonomics are better, the more the case costs. Such a case can be upgraded, bring a new one to the cooling system, develop backlights or some other design elements both outside and inside. Most users do not attach importance to such a problem until they have to face inconvenience.
How to choose a PC case according to the ergonomic criterion:
- Cases that have good ergonomics provide for the creation of new coolers, while the motherboard or other parts are not removed. This is very important when creating a silent computer.
- Pay attention to the cells that are used for hard drives. Currently, manufacturers of high-quality enclosures make skids. There are also options for fully removable baskets.
- An important point is the screwless mounting of devices other than the motherboard. On the modern market there are such cases that are opened without a screwdriver or other devices, which greatly simplifies the procedure for cleaning a computer device and replacing its parts.
- Due attention must be paid to the location of the cable system inside the system unit. It is very good if there is an opportunity to hide them without harming them and other devices. This arrangement allows you to increase access to parts, which helps to circulate air more freely. This is important to avoid overheating.
to contents ↑Important! In modern models, there is an opportunity in which cables are hidden behind the motherboard. In addition to ergonomics, the appearance of a computer device improves, it becomes neat. This is especially true for transparent cases.
Cooling and noise
How to choose a case for a computer with good cooling? It is known from the school curriculum that with increasing temperature, the air flow rises. The same thing happens in the case. When cooling internal devices, warm air rises to the top of the unit. Therefore:
- At the top, it is advisable to install exhaust fans that can throw warm air out of the case.
- At the same time, it is much more convenient for cold air to come from the front. Thus, he will be able to cool the graphics editor and hard drives.
- For speed of air movement, two exhaust fans should be installed at the top of the casing. The step-by-step instructions in the article will help you with this. "How to install fans in a computer case?".
- The exhaust carlson can also be installed at the top of the rear panel of the system unit.
Important! Care should be taken when installing side fans. They can be used if there is a propeller at the bottom of the front panel that supplies cool air. In the absence of such a device, the air flow that must exit through the rear and upper coolers will tend to the side fans. This will lead to a violation of the airflow of the hard drives.
If you need a gaming computer, you need to pay attention to the fans themselves. In the configuration quite often there are weak models that are not able to cope with such a load. A similar problem can be solved by purchasing powerful propellers.
Important! The Austrian company Noctua is famous for the production of such devices. Austrian fans have hydrodynamic bearings that eliminate friction. The warranty for such products is 5 years. The larger the propeller, the better it will cool.
Power Supply
The power supply should be at the bottom of the system unit, where it will receive the right amount of cold air.
to contents ↑Important! Some models have power supplies that are installed with fans down. Such an installation does not allow him to participate in the cooling procedure of the system unit. He begins to suck in air from outside the enclosure and throw it out there. After this procedure, a large amount of dust is generated and it will be necessary to clean the computer device very often.
Which computer case to buy?
Today on the modern market there are a lot of different brands that produce PC cases. Sometimes it’s very difficult to sort out which company to give preference to. Consider the companies that produce the best cases for the computer.
Under such a brand, the largest number of computer cases is produced. Among buyers, both budget and gaming devices are in great demand. The second models are more spacious and well-placed cooling system.
In 2001, AeroCool Advanced Technologies was founded. From the very beginning, developers have been looking for a special approach to the production of cases. The main task was to learn how to keep the temperature low even under extreme computer loads.
Important! Currently, almost no AeroCool case is heating up.
Cooler master
Another company that is famous not so much for cases as for cooling systems and power supplies. The developers of this company are also trying to maintain the optimal temperature, which would not damage all other computer components.
In 1992, the Cooler Master was formed. Most of all, the company specializes in the production of budget products, but its assortment also includes gaming computer cases.
Important! A distinctive feature of such devices is the presence of thicker steel, bright backlight and high-speed USB 3.0 ports.
This is one of the young companies that appeared in 2009. The company manufactures computer components and other accessories.ExeGate enclosures are in demand and can be found in many stores.
Budget and good PC cases from ExeGate are not distinguished by anything, while for high-end models there is the possibility of absorbing the sound produced by the cooling system. In addition, these models have a large number of connectors.
In win
This company was founded more than 30 years ago. The company is engaged in a wide field of activity, but the most popular is the production of computer components. The company also manufactures computer cases, the creation of which comes from high-quality steel.
Important! The assortment is very large. Currently, more than two hundred cases of the brand name IN WIN are produced.
Many manufacturers of computer cases are trying to expand their range, despite the fact that the equipment is very expensive. A company called Thermaltake produces top-end computer components that gamers and other users appreciate, for whom the main thing is great power.
Thermaltake enclosures use special steel that absorbs soft sounds completely. In addition, this product has a distinctive appearance. On the computer market, Thermaltake products stand out among numerous competitors.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, we examined all the main points so that you can choose a case for your computer that perfectly matches your system. We hope that now using the PC will be convenient, long and trouble-free.
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