How to choose a tablet for reading and watching movies?

The modern rhythm of life leads to the fact that many tend to usefully spend maximum time. And indicative of this is the ability to read interesting information, watch videos, play even on the go. Before deciding how to choose a tablet for reading and watching movies, you need to decide on your own needs. If you choose a gadget for video, reading, you must prioritize such parameters as the characteristics of the picture and sound, as well as ease of use. We will deal with everything in more detail in this article.

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Instrument Requirements and Related Specifications

Before you figure out which tablet to choose for watching movies - Foras or Apple, let's decide on a set of basic characteristics:

  • Convenience. The larger the screen size, the more comfortable the video viewing and / or reading.
  • Visual perception is the relationship between different sides of the screen.
  • The quality of the picture. It is determined by the type of matrix and screen resolution.
  • Memory card.
  • Power, realistic sound. Depends on the quality, power of the speakers built into the gadget.
  • Battery capacity.

Display dimensions

Regarding screen sizes, you need to consider such tips to choose a tablet for reading and watching movies:

  • To date, the most popular diagonal value is 10.1 inches. Such gadgets have an optimal aspect ratio.
  • Some companies produce devices with a diagonal size of 11.6 inches or more. However, these models are too bulky, in size closer to laptops.
  • The best option for viewing media content is still 10.1 inches.

Important! Since many users of gadgets choose a new device precisely by the size of the display, we prepared a separate rating of models according to this criterion. Follow the link to learn about top 10 inch tablets.

Picture quality

The resolution of the matrix is ​​one of the determining factors, and a strict principle applies here: the higher the better. According to experts, you should focus on a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels or more. This resolution is sufficient for high-quality image transmission.

Screen aspect ratio

This is an indicator that is not always paid attention to. And completely in vain. The convenience of viewing content largely depends on it. For a comfortable video viewing, the optimal ratios are 16: 9 and 16:10. This ratio provides a screen diagonal of 10.1 inches.

Important! Models with an aspect ratio of 4: 3 are not suitable for working with video. This is due to the fact that when watching a movie, black frames form on the sides, which interferes with the perception of information. This ratio is for devices with a diagonal of 9.7 inches.

Matrix type

As for the type of matrix, the most common are the following types:

  • TFT This type of matrix is ​​used in budget tablet models.
  • IPS (LG). This is the most common category of matrices. Gadgets with an IPS screen guarantee good image quality and a wide viewing angle.
  • PLS (Samsung). In fact, this is an analogue of the IPS matrix.
  • Super AMOLED from the described liquid crystal options is characterized by good color reproduction and contrast. This type of matrix is ​​used in expensive tablet models.

Important! With excellent image quality, Super AMOLED screens have a short life. The short life of the green phosphor over time leads to a distortion of color reproduction. Therefore, the best option is tablets with the matrix PLS, IPS. The image is decent enough, reliability also did not disappoint.


Sound quality

If we talk about the power of sound, then the best solution would be a model with two speakers. The best in this regard are products from Sony, Samsung and Apple. Lesser-known brands lose significantly in sound quality. Although over the past 2 years worthy brands from the Celestial Empire appeared on the market, whose products quickly flooded the markets and began to be in great demand. If you need a budget option, check out our rating of Chinese tablets - inexpensive but good.

Battery and memory

The principle of choosing the capacity of the battery and memory card is not particularly original: the larger, the better:

  • The battery capacity of popular models is 6 thousand mAh or more.
  • The range of memory is 64-128 GB.

Important! In principle, battery performance is not very critical if you insure yourself with the purchase of a useful device. On our portal of useful tips you will find useful information about such devices in articles:

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Are Apple tablets convenient for watching movies?

Unfortunately not. The “fault” is the aspect ratio of 4: 3. Due to the black bars on the sides of the screen, the perception will be much worse. In addition, Apple products do not allow expanding the internal memory with an additional memory card.

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Review of good tablet models for viewing media content

So, select the device model. Maybe our review will help you.

Sony Xperia Tablet Z2

This is the most durable and lightweight gadget of the rating models:

  • Users will like bright and rich colors.
  • Light weight and compactness make it possible to watch movies while holding the device in hand.
  • 10-inch screen provides a good perception of content.
  • Thanks to the built-in 3G and 4G modules, it is possible to watch movies online.
  • The battery life is about 13 hours. This makes it possible to use the gadget while traveling.

ASUS Transformer Book T100TAM

Transforming model, featuring special convenience. The cost is low. For $ 300, the buyer will receive a gadget with a good Atom Z3775 processor and 2GB RAM. A 10-inch screen provides excellent quality pictures. The convenience of the device is that it is equipped with a hard drive on which you can store video recordings.

Important! We examined similar models in detail on the characteristics in a separate publication, taking into account the main criterion - the possibility of transformation. If you are interested in just such an option, check out rating of the best transformer tablets.

Acer Aspire Switch 10

Transformer model with a 10-inch screen and excellent movie playback quality. Downloading videos is very fast. The power of the internal memory is also impressive - 64 GB. The device is also equipped with a 3G module.

Apple iPad Air 2

The main advantage of this model is its versatility. It can be used for reading, films and for games. However, the quality of perception suffers somewhat due to the diagonal of 9.7 inches. But then there are continuous pluses:

  • The battery power is enough for the gadget to work offline for 10 hours.
  • A large amount of internal memory makes it possible to record even the longest series.

Films can be shown online or in recordings. This is a tablet for watching movies with a good battery and a good gaming model.If you plan to use the new gadget for games as well, then it makes sense to look closely at models suitable for this purpose, because they will certainly pull all the other entertainments. We offer you a special review of the best gaming tablets.

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Stock footage

All the above devices are characterized by good power and performance. Therefore, then you have to make a choice solely according to your preferences.


