How to choose a smartphone?

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a mobile phone. Play games, use the Internet, listen to music, watch videos and much more - all this is enclosed in only one gadget. The possibilities of modern devices are huge, and choosing the best smartphone is not an easy task. Probably only a few years ago, when such phones only appeared on sale, such problems did not arise. However, today the market for mobile gadgets is rapidly expanding with the latest devices, and many of us do not know how to choose a smartphone so that it is of high quality and meets all the user's requirements.

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Why do you need a smartphone?

Before proceeding with the selection, you should answer this question yourself, since the selection process itself directly depends on the purpose of using the device:

  • If you need a phone only for making calls and sending SMS, then all devices do an excellent job with these functions. In this case, it is not necessary to overpay for the cool functionality and the famous brand. Ordinary smartphones that we described in our review may suit you. "Rating of Chinese smartphones".
  • If you often talk on social networks, read books or make video calls, then at least you need stable Internet (except for Wi-Fi, it is desirable that there is also 3G and 4G), a good front camera, as well as a bright and contrasting display. If you want to choose a device for these purposes, the tips of our article will help you choose better phone connectivity to the internet.
  • If you are a game lover, and also like to watch movies with high expansion and work with a large number of different applications, then you should pay attention to a model with a powerful processor with a frequency of at least 1.5 GHz and 4 cores), 2-3 GB RAM, capacious battery and high-quality display with high expansion and large size.
  • For those who like to take selfies, those who travel a lot and want to capture the most interesting things on the camera, gadgets with excellent optics (16 megapixels and above), complemented by various functions, such as optical image stabilization and autofocus, are suitable.

Important! Choosing a smartphone, we often give preference to famous brands, for which we often overpay a lot of money. However, it is worth noting that Chinese devices, whose quality is at a fairly good level, can be bought for a reasonable price, without losing performance.

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Criteria for choosing a quality smartphone

You can independently decide how to choose a smartphone, having examined several basic technical characteristics. You need to choose based on the following criteria:

  • Display.
  • CPU.
  • Operating system.
  • Memory.
  • Camera.
  • Video accelerator.
  • Battery.

Important! If you want to buy a gadget in terms of price and quality, before buying it is worth at least watching a video review of the selected model, as well as reading reviews on the forums.

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From the very beginning, the important question arises, which diagonal to choose? This year it’s already hard to find a phone with 4 inch screen although that’s the number Apple started. To date, the average display size is approximately 5-5.5 inches - this is quite enough for all modern needs.Only those people who use the device to 100% are able to feel all the charms of a huge screen measuring 5.7-6 inches.

Important! Do not forget about ergonomics, since the smartphone should not only be multifunctional, but also convenient to lie in the hand.

Here are some other things to note:

  • A very important indicator when choosing a smartphone is the screen resolution. It can be different. It is best to choose a model that has a high-definition display (Full HD 1920 * 1080 or at least HD 1280 * 720).
  • Also, do not forget about the type of display (matrix). The presence of glare, image quality, viewing angle and contrast are directly dependent on this parameter.

A high-quality gadget makes it possible to consider everything that is presented on the display at any angle and always with a bright, saturated picture. There are four types of matrix:

  1. Super Amoled is the most common matrix of Samsung phones, which is famous for its brightness and black color.
  2. IPS is the most popular type of display in the world, installed on more than 70% of devices.
  3. TFT is an obsolete technology that is used in more budget models. If the phone you like has this type of matrix, then you should consider other options.
  4. Retina - is installed only on Apple devices, although Samsung developed this technology together with LG. To date, this matrix is ​​considered the best in the world.

Important! Do not forget that your new gadget needs to be protected from external factors. Our special reviews will help you choose the best protection:

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Since the two processors with a clock frequency of 2 GHz are identical, in reality, one will be faster than the other, since the frequency indicator is not always the key to success. It is worth starting from these indicators if you intend to use a smartphone for the whole. That is why it is better to compare processors using the special Antutu benchmark program or see performance graphs.

Another important factor when choosing a smartphone is the number of cores - in principle, everything is simple: the more the better, however, there is also something to know. A processor with 4, 8, and 10 cores consumes more power, which quickly discharges. Although many manufacturers resort to tricks and reduce the clock frequency, they also turn off some cores when it is possible. Well, of course, they are turned on at full power, as soon as a powerful program is launched.

Thus, they kill two birds with one stone at once.

Important! If you are not a furious gamer, then an 8-core processor will be enough for you.

The best processor manufacturers are the following:

  • Samsung
  • Intel
  • MTK.
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon.
  • Nvidia
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operating system

Currently, devices that can have three types of popular operating systems are supplied to the mobile phone market: Android, Windows, IOS. Of course, there are others, but they have become less widespread, so we will not focus on them:

  • Android Today, more and more manufacturers are abandoning their own OSes, preferring this one. This is due to the fact that a huge number of free programs have been written for Android. In addition, it is very simple and easy to use, and also makes it possible to optimize the interface for yourself.
  • IOS An operating system that is specifically designed for Apple devices. Its main advantage is simplicity and optimization for all applications. In comparison with competitors, with lower characteristics, it works faster and better. In addition, there are no viruses for her.
  • Windows This OS is the third largest number of users in the world. It appeared later than its competitors and the gadgets themselves with this OS are much smaller than with the same Android.And all because of the fact that it needs to be brought to mind and make many different applications, but its potential is very large.

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To choose a phone - inexpensive, but good, you should also pay attention to memory. To understand this parameter, you need to know that there are two types of memory:

  • For data storage (flash drive).
  • For placing command data, for the processor to perform the necessary tasks.


The more RAM the device has, the more and faster you can run games and applications at the same time. The maximum amount of RAM is currently 6 GB, but for normal daily operation of the gadget 3-4 GB is enough - you should not consider less, since the OS itself takes up memory and you will have very little to use, because of which you will have to constantly close applications to open the following.

Main memory

In some expensive models of smartphones, there is only one memory that the manufacturer offers - from 16 to 256 GB, and it is not possible to change its indicator.

But there are also powerful devices with an additional connector for flash drives, with which you can increase the memory up to 128 GB - it is advisable to choose a high-speed flash drive so that there is no braking when recording video with high resolution or during games.

Important! In most cases, downloadable applications are installed only on the main memory of the gadget and it is not always possible to transfer them to a USB flash drive.

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The camera also plays a huge role in choosing a smartphone - there is a race for megapixels. Resolution is one of the important indicators of the camera and it is measured in Mrp.

Important! A pixel is a tiny dot that makes up an image. For example, 6 Megapixels is 6,000,000 pixels, with a resolution of 3000x2000, which is enough for a high-quality picture, since a printed photo of 10x15 has a preferred resolution of 1712 x 1200 (2 megapixels).

That is why it is recommended to take a selfie camera from 5 megapixels. It makes it possible to take not only high-quality pictures, but also to shoot video.


Some modern models have the highest quality photographs of 20 megapixels or more, and 41 megapixels is still considered a record. Of course, such a camera is very cool, but in order to make it super-cool, megapixels alone are not enough, and here they will come to the rescue:

  • Autofocus - makes your photos clear, helping the camera to focus and select the necessary settings for a particular shot.
  • ISO is also an important parameter. The larger the camera’s range of operation, the better the photo will be obtained in different conditions, whether it is very bright lighting or twilight - the photos will always be great.
  • Optical stabilization - makes the picture sharper when moving, especially improving video recording.
  • The size of the optics and its quality are purely individual.
  • Flash - in almost all modern smartphones, it is LED. But sometimes there is xenon and double.

Important! With video recording, everything is simple - it is desirable that there is recording in HD, and preferably in FullHD resolution, as well as optical stabilization. Follow the link to learn all about good camera phones.

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Video accelerator

A graphics processor or video accelerator is an auxiliary microprocessor for games that deals only with graphics processing.

Of the most popular cores, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mali (Mali-T720, Mali-T830 MP2, Mali-T860 MP2, Mali-T880 MP4).
  • Qualcomm Adreno (Adreno 506, Adreno 510, Adreno 530).
  • PowerVR from Imagination Technologies (5XT and 6 Series).

Important! If you are not interested in the latest games, then we would recommend paying attention to video accelerators in the middle price-quality segment: PowerVR G6200, Adreno 510, Mali-830.

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The battery plays a very important role in the life of the smartphone. Here, in fact, everything is quite simple: the more powerful the gadget, the more energy it consumes.

Important! Battery capacity is measured in amperes.This parameter should be as much as possible, besides, if we are talking about a device for games.

The maximum battery size today is 10,000 mAh. In principle, there is one principle: the more the better. In general, when choosing a smartphone for the price-quality ratio, it is advisable to buy one whose battery capacity exceeds 2000 mAh. But make no mistake here.

Important! Some unscrupulous manufacturers indicate beautiful numbers on the packaging, however, you can not always trust this information. This is especially true for Chinese products. In a separate review on our portal of useful tips you can find out how to choose phone with good battery.

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Which company to choose a smartphone?

This issue is more difficult to understand, because currently there are a huge number of all kinds of mobile phones with excellent build quality and in terms of price and quality. Of the most popular brands, the following can be noted:

Important! The smartphones of these manufacturers, of course, will be different in price and quality, so when choosing a model for yourself, it is advisable to watch a video review and read user reviews.

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Stock footage

We hope the material in our article will help you choose a smartphone that will best meet all your wishes. Having carefully studied the information, watching video reviews and reading user reviews, it will be much easier for you to choose a quality device.

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