How to choose a charger for your phone?

A charger (charger) charges the batteries of your gadgets, providing them with energy to work. Any smartphone or tablet uses a factory device, but during use, the wires wear out and you have to look for a replacement. How to choose a charger for your phone? To choose, you need to know the most important parameters, which we will tell you about in this article.

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Main charge function

In the modern world, these devices have one USB-output for pairing with the appropriate technology. The memories have an output current strength, which is usually measured in Amperes (A):

  • for phones, these values ​​are unlikely to be higher than unity;
  • for powerful smartphones and tablets - 2.1 A.

More advanced multifunction devices can have two outputs for connecting to different devices.

Important! Please note that 2.1 A will only go for those cases when one device is connected. If you decide to recharge two devices at once, then the output will be one Ampere.

How to choose a charger for your phone? The main determining factor is the conditions of use. Based on them, it is possible to classify the memory into several types.

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The RAMs are powered by a standard network of 220 volts. The device can be factory or just an adapter for connecting a USB connector. SZU has a low cost and does not have any restrictions on the use of resources, only the presence of a network is important.

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Automotive (AZU)

In this case, your device will be powered by the vehicle’s on-board network and the AZU (car charger) will be connected to the cigarette lighter. Most often it has the form of a cylinder with the connectors necessary for the user. This type of device can only be used in cars. It is recommended for purchase to those users who are constantly driving.

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This equipment looks like a USB cable, one end of which is connected to a PC, laptop, RAM, and the other to the connector of your gadget. It has a small cost, but the functionality is limited to devices that are at hand.

The universal type must be used taking into account the value of the input current, since this parameter directly affects the charging speed. Not all sources are capable of providing sufficient current. The same PC port has an input current of 500 mA.

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A new step in the development of technology. Such devices work on the basis of the principle of magnetic induction, directing energy directly to the device. The gadget looks like the platform on which your smartphone is placed. The panel itself is charged using a cable via a USB port.

This type of charging is very easy to use, stands out for its safety and is able to be used in any conditions. Unfortunately, long-term charging and a great price tag cannot be called an advantage, and this device does not fit every phone.

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Power Bank (battery)

The most common (after RAM) and popular type. This battery does not depend on external conditions and has a large capacity, which ensures long-term operation of your electronic device.

Important! The device contains an electrolyte inside the structure, which can be dangerous to your health!

vneshnij-akkumuljator-dlja-telefona-11Two types of external PB batteries can be distinguished:

  • Li-ion The most common type, which is available to everyone and has the proper quality.
  • Lithium polymer. Almost do not heat up and self-discharge. They have smaller dimensions and longer service life. The device contains polymer metal instead of the usual electrolyte, but such devices tolerate negative temperatures worse and have a higher cost.

Important! The capacity of this equipment is usually measured in milliampere-hours (mAh). Capacity values ​​range from 1,000 to 70,000 mAh.

To learn how to choose a charger for a tablet or phone, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  1. The capacity of the charger should be 20-30% higher than the battery capacity of the mobile device.
  2. If the phone has a 2000 mAh battery, then PB should be at least 2500 mAh.

Important! For the right choice of PB, you can focus on these data:

  • For owners of smartphones, a device with a capacity of 5000 mAh is suitable.
  • Photographers will need PB with 4000 mAh or more.
  • For laptops and other powerful devices, you will need somewhere around 10,000 mAh - a minimum.
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Output connection

This criterion affects the compatibility of the charging device with any gadget. When you purchase equipment, make sure you have a micro- or mini-USB connector, or a lightning connector. The number of outputs ranges from one to four - the best solution would be to purchase a device with two outputs.

Important! Also, do not forget that in those connectors that are proprietary, you will not be able to connect a device from another manufacturer.

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Another interesting nuance is the adapter for the memory. The kit includes adapters for the cigarette lighter, AC adapter and other devices. It is the adapter that can turn one type of memory into another. This “jumper” is also useful for recharging a portable memory if it is suddenly discharged.

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There are two types of wires that can be classified:

  • Direct is the cheapest, easiest and most common option.
  • Twisted. Such a wire twists into a spring, is smaller and more durable.
  • Roulette. A cable in the form of a tape measure, which takes up very little space.
  • Built-in - it is mounted directly on the charger housing and lies there in a special recess. It is small and much more convenient than its other counterparts, since it is impossible to lose.

Cable length is an individual criterion for purchase. It can be 50 centimeters, 100 and even 200. Too long lengths will create inconvenience, as well as too small. For cars, it is best to take devices with a cable length of less than 50 cm.

Important! When buying, pay attention to the quality of the materials of which the cable is made.

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As you can see, everything is very simple with the choice of charging for any occasion. Follow the tips from this article, then your gadget will always be with a full battery, and you will not have to look for new wires and adapters for connecting the memory.

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