Which headphones are better to choose for the phone?

Which headphones are better to choose for the phone? This issue is quite relevant for most of us. You can’t buy headphones for a lifetime, it’s not a sideboard or a car. They are lost, broken, and progress does not stand still. At the moment, there are already wireless headphones on sale, and who knows what the manufacturers of equipment will offer us in a couple of years? So, let's figure out how to choose headphones for your smartphone.

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Choosing a headset for your phone: a necessity or a fad?

Since telephones and tablets have become our constant companions, which we do not let go of either at work or in transport, the question of the need for headphones in the household disappears by itself:

  • Most often they are used to listen to music by people who lead an active lifestyle. The phone speakers do not produce very high-quality sound, some frequencies are lost.
  • You can also isolate yourself with headphones from the outside world and watch movies, clips, shows in transport during a long journey.
  • Or this situation: there are several children in the room. Everyone is busy with something in their gadget (smartphone, laptop, tablet): one - plays the game, the other - listens to music, the third - watches the cartoon. And when they are all sitting in the headphones, no one interferes with each other and asks to lower the volume or go to another room. Thanks to this simple accessory, all family members will be happy.

Headphones are needed, but is it possible to buy the first ones in the store just because we like the price? At first glance, they differ only in size and color. As it turned out, buy good earphones for smartphone without knowing some of the nuances, it’s not so simple. And the point here is not in the price and not in the celebrity of the brand, but in the technical characteristics of this device.

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How to choose headphones for the phone according to the characteristics?

Good headset for smartphone - This is, first of all, cool sound and ease of use. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the following specifications.


A parameter that depends on the magnetic core on the headphone membrane, it affects the sound volume.

Important! The optimal sensitivity value is 100 dB. In this limit, the sound is heard well even in a noisy place, but at the same time it is not distorted.

frequency range

This parameter represents the range of perceived frequencies and depends on the diameter of the earpiece membrane.

Standard: 20 to 20,000 Hz. In general, the wider the range, the better the sound quality.

Important! Do not rush to buy a product if its technical specifications show numbers that go beyond the above. This is often an ordinary marketing move aimed at highlighting your products against the background of analogues. A normal healthy human ear is capable of perceiving frequencies ranging from 20 (sometimes 15) to 20,000 Hz. Anything below 20 and above 20,000 Hz, a person is simply not able to hear, even if the “magic” headphones give them out.



Resistance or impedance should be between 20-30 ohms.

Important! The resistance should not exceed 35 ohms and be below 16 ohms, otherwise - the smartphone will not be able to perceive sound or it will be distorted.

Maximum power

The optimal value of this parameter is 100 mW.

Important! Good inexpensive phone headsets do not have to have more power.

Distortion level

This characteristic is important, but not so often voiced in the labeling. The distortion factor is measured as a percentage. The lower this indicator, the cleaner the sound we hear.

Which factors are equally important?

  • Compatible with your gadget. Most often, the headphones are universal, but there are exceptions.
  • The size. Choose what will be convenient for you in operation.
  • The presence of a microphone and control panel.
  • Ease of use and storage.
  • The length and thickness of the cord. Its length should be enough not to hold the phone in hand, but to put it in your pocket.

Important! It should be noted that too long and thin wire will be constantly confused.

  • The presence in the kit cover for storage and spare ear pads.
  • The presence of an adapter for the aircraft and compatibility with Apple.
  • Water resistant and sturdy housing.
  • Stylish design.

These characteristics relate to the bulk of the headphones.

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Types of headphones by the type of connection with the gadget

Choosing a headphone for your phone simply huge. Consider the main types of this accessory.


It can be vacuum, overhead or in-ear headphones that connect to a smartphone or other device using a wire. When choosing, you need to pay attention to whether the gadget's output is compatible with the headphone plug. As a rule, there are no problems with this, but there are exceptions.

Important! Experts recommend choosing headphones where the plug is L-shaped, it breaks less.


This is the kind that does not have a wire reaching for the gadget. Their interaction with the device most often occurs via Bluetooth. There are models that can work simultaneously with multiple devices.

Important! The beauty of wireless headphones is that the user is free from tangled and obstructed wires. But they also have a significant drawback: the wireless headset is heavier due to the built-in battery, and often the noise purity spoils the noise.

The best wireless headphones for your phone, accordingly, those that weigh less and produce a cleaner signal.

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Types of headphones by sound transmission method

Another important nuance, if you thoroughly approached the issue, which headphones are better to choose for the phone.


This type of device is the most common.

Important! The percentage of dynamic headphones is 97% of all products for this purpose.

Such accessories work according to the following principle: a coil with a wire in the field of a permanent magnet is connected to the emitter and the membrane. Fluctuations are converted into sound waves. In these headphones we hear the best mid and low frequencies.


Principle of action: the alternating armature moves under the influence of an alternating magnetic field and acts on the radiating membrane.

Due to its design, the amount of sound distortion is quite small, the sound is balanced, high frequencies are especially audible.


Such devices combined a speaker and armature. Hybrid earphones transmit sound best because we hear mids, lows and highs.

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Types of headphones for the type of “connection with the ears”

This factor will determine your convenience when using the headset.


They are the oldest form, have the shape of a hoop (headband) with two ear pads in the form of round pads (bowls):

  • They are convenient in that they hold tight in place and wonderfully isolate from external noise. You can completely immerse yourself in music and listen to your favorite songs, without any external interference.
  • Many on-ear headphones are height-adjustable and look pretty stylish.

Their minus - they are bulky and weigh much more vacuum or liners, you can not hide them in your pocket.

Important! Despite the shortcomings of this type of headphones, many music lovers put up with some inconvenience for the sake of clear sound.


These accessories are also called “buttons” or “inserts”. These “buttons” are simply put into the ears. Among their advantages can be noted:

  • These headphones are tiny and light in comparison with overheads, they can easily be placed in a small pocket.
  • They do not overlap external noise, they have low sound power, so the sound quality is not the best.

Their disadvantage is that they are not very firmly attached to the ears and can fall out.


Vacuum (intra channel, “gag”)

These accessories are as small as plug-ins, but have soft tips that are inserted directly into the ear canal, that is, they are placed a little deeper and are closely adjacent to the walls of the ear canal. Thanks to this design, extraneous external noise practically does not penetrate the ear, and you listen to music without interference. By increasing the sound area decreases the level of amplitude distortion of the membrane.

Important! The sound quality is much better compared to the in-ear headphones, but as the doctors say, constantly listening to loud music with such headphones will sooner damage your hearing.

In order for the vacuum headphones to fit perfectly in your ear, you need to choose the right silicone tips. Good manufacturers always put a few different sized pairs in the kit.

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Helpful hints:

Before buying any headphones, you should decide how often you will listen to music with headphones and how important sound quality is to you:

  • If you sometimes listen to music or radio on the way to work and the main thing for you is the entertainment factor, rather than the purity of sound, then you can completely do with simple plug-in headphones that are easy to hide in your pocket.
  • If you lead an active lifestyle, play sports, while wanting to enjoy high-quality sound and want the headset to stay firmly in place, the best choice is vacuum headphones. They meet these wishes, in addition, they weigh little and take up little space in your pocket.
  • If you are a music lover and spend many hours listening to your favorite tracks, while you want to isolate yourself from the outside world, then on-ear headphones will suit you. They will provide high-quality sound, isolate you from external noise and will stay firmly on your head. They are used at home more, although they are quite suitable for the street, you just can’t hide them in your pocket as unnecessary.


When you buy a headset for a smartphone, pay attention to the manufacturer and the package bundle:

  • High-quality products from a good brand usually have decent packaging with accompanying documents, which contains complete information about the product and manufacturer.
  • Headphones of the middle and expensive segment have good sound quality, a sturdy case, a high-quality wire and a plug, often a cover and interchangeable ear pads are included.

If you are often called, and during a conversation you don’t want to get your phone out of your pocket, you should pay attention to the presence of a microphone and control panel when buying headphones. To receive a call you just need to press the button on the panel.

Important! There are headphone models that have buttons on the socket with which you can adjust the volume or switch tracks.

Good earphones for your phone - "relatives". An ideal option for your smartphone is a headset from the same manufacturer. Before buying, read in advance with the selected product on the Internet, read customer reviews, study headphone ratings this year.

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Top best phone earphones according to customer reviews

Choosing a headphone for your phone very large, we can’t cover a tenth of the entire assortment, so we will focus on the most popular models.

Best over-ear headphones for smartphone:

  • Sony has been holding its leading position in the music world for quite some time. Qualitative, although not cheap, are considered earphones for a phone with good bass MDR-ZX300, MDR-XB950 Extra Bass.
  • Headphones from Philips are considered spectacular and stylish. The SHL3060 / 00 model has not only many colors of the case, but also an adjustable headband, rotary cups, famous for clean sound and equipped with a convenient case.
  • Phone Earphone Rating headset heads Urbanears Plattan ADV. Among their advantages are light weight and compactness, the ability to fold for transportation, the presence of a removable cable in a fabric braid and a removable headband. The sound quality is chic, in addition, there are three color options. The cost of these headphones, unfortunately, is considerable, but each penny spent will not be spent in vain.
  • For stylish music lovers, there is an exclusive Molami Plica design model. It is covered in leather and is a fashion accessory with high-quality sound.


The best in-ear headphones:

  • One of the options “stylish and high-quality” is the Philips SHE 3205 in-ear. At the smallest size, they look original, give good sound, and also have a mini-remote with a built-in microphone.
  • The original design of the in-ear headphones from Samsung, the Gear Circle, is striking. It synchronizes with many operating systems, and also has a control unit that slips around the neck, which is quite convenient.
  • Sports enthusiasts enjoy wireless earbuds Jabra Sport Bluetooth. They give a bright sound with powerful bass, they are convenient to use, since you will never get entangled in wires. Appearance is also beyond praise.
  • For Apple owners, without a doubt, the best headset will, of course, be “native”. For example, snow-white model EarPods MD827ZM / A with an unusual form of earbuds, which comes with a remote control with a microphone.

The best vacuum headphones:

  • These headphones allow you to hear the sound more clearly. The Koss brand decided to slightly modify the usual form of ear pads. In The Plug model, the vacuum tab is conical in shape. They are tightly inserted into the ears, hold tight, while not pushing.
  • The best headphones for your phonegiving high-quality sound at the level of professional monitor counterparts, although quite expensive - these are Weston W60 headphones. By the way, they are compatible with iPhone, which is important for fans of the “apple”.
  • Inexpensive, but high-quality headphones are presented by the Panasonic brand - the Rp-hje 190e-s model. They give excellent sound, provide increased sound insulation and have anatomically comfortable lining.
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When choosing headphones, you should not rely only on the appearance and price of the accessory. Take the time to look at the specifications on the packaging or ask the seller about them. Knowing all the basic nuances, how to choose good earphones for your phone, You can buy a device for your gadget, which does not harm your health and provides high-quality and comfortable listening to your favorite tracks. The article presents the most popular and sought-after models at the moment, so the choice will become even easier.

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