What screen resolution is better for a monitor?

Need to buy a new monitor, but don’t know where to start, how to behave when choosing? You need to choose the right screen resolution, because the quality of the resulting image will largely depend on this. And this is important when working with computer programs, and when watching a video. This article will help you figure out which screen resolution is best for the monitor in your case. Let's start about everything in order.

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What screen resolution is better for a monitor?

In fact, it’s very difficult to choose the best screen extension. Obviously, the choice of resolution depends on the purpose of the purchase of the monitor. Games? Social networks? What screens are and what should be for a good view? For each goal, there is an optimal resolution. In order not to miss the choice, you need to get acquainted with the terminology.

Basic classification

Resolution - the maximum number of pixels horizontally and vertically:

  • A display that supports a resolution below 640x480 pixels is called VGA.
  • If there are 800 × 600 points or more - SVGA.
  • Monitors with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels are sometimes called XGA.

Each display is characterized by resolution. Display device size and resolution are two different things. When choosing, it is best to be guided by the characteristics of the existing device.

Important! Which screen resolution is better? Each monitor has parameters recommended for it, which are selected in such a way that each pixel on the display device matches the pixel in the image, which will lead to the clearest picture. Optimum “dimensions” are indicated in the technical specifications of the device.

Monitor resolutions and types

What normal or large should the screen resolution be? The maximum resolution of a liquid crystal monitor is determined by the resolution of its matrix. The higher it is, the more different data can be displayed. Consider specific examples:

  • For LCD monitors, everything depends on the size of the matrix. Do not forget that the maximum screen resolution depends on the diagonal of the screen. For 15-inch displays, a resolution of 1024x768 pixels is characteristic. Perfect for the simplest office monitors.
  • 19 and 17-inch monitors are equipped with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels. These monitors perform a wider range of tasks.
  • Modern monitors are equipped with higher resolution. It amounts to 1600x1200 pixels or more.
  • Every year on the same diagonal fits more and more points. Who knows what will await us in a couple of years?

Screen Resolution Setting

To adjust the resolution of the device, you do not need to have special knowledge in modern technology:

  1. Open the “Start” menu, and then go to “Control Panel”.
  2. In the “Appearance and Personalization” category, select “Screen Resolution Settings”.
  3. In the “Resolution” menu you can set the values ​​you need.

Diagonal size

The diagonal of the screen is an important feature that distinguishes monitors from each other, while greatly affecting the price category. Basically, there are four categories of monitors:

  1. 20 inches is the choice for the office. Budgeting is the main criterion for choosing if you are an entrepreneur.
  2. 20-24 inches. More than half of the display devices sold in 2016 belong to this category.
  3. 27 inches Such “devices” should not be installed at the usual “working” distance, since such a diagonal will make individual pixels noticeable.
  4. 30 inches or more. They are not a mass product due to the high price, overall dimensions.

Important! The last two categories are not very popular and are not suitable for “standard” home use.

Occasionally, you can find special systems consisting of several monitors. Such systems have their advantages, especially among gamers. But for trouble-free operation, you will need a rather powerful computer. And the market is no longer deprived of virtual reality devices that come out cheaper and have an effect an order of magnitude higher and better.

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A bit about TVs

Each format has its own merits. But to choose a value that determines the number of points per unit area, you need, starting from the existing signal source:

  • HD-Ready - screens are suitable for all types of modern television. But this format is best suited for watching DVD movies.
  • Full HD - devices with the parameters of 1920x1080. Great for game consoles, satellite TV channels, and Blue-Ray disc players

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Aspect ratio

When choosing a display, consider the aspect ratio. Let's talk about some of the most popular screen formats of our day.

The most famous screen formats:

  • Previously, the monitors of the first computers and TVs went in the 4 to 3. format. These numbers express the aspect ratio of the display object. The vast majority of TVs have just this format.
  • A 5: 4 ratio is also considered popular. This format is often used in the manufacture of screens for computers.
  • But gradually a new format is gaining popularity - 16: 9. It is this format that is the founder of the new image size.

Benefits and convenience of a wide format

The main bet of a wide format is convenience. It is easier for the user to perceive information on the sides, and not on the side and bottom. But let's not miss all the nuances. Widescreen monitors are much cheaper to manufacture.

Devices of this format have both opponents and supporters:

  • It’s more convenient for someone to work and relax behind a widescreen monitor.
  • Someone is tired of flipping “back and forth” the page in search of the necessary information and they will prefer to use the 4: 3 screen.

Important! For work and rest on social networks, 4: 3 or 5: 4 screens are suitable, since it will be possible to open several windows at the same time, and there will be more work space. But let's not forget that all this is statistics, and each user has the right to independently decide what “sizes” are more convenient for him to work with.

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Optimal distance to the monitor

For any monitor size, you need to know the correct distance to it. To determine the optimal distance to the screen, there is a universal formula - a factor of 1 or 1.5 must be multiplied by the diagonal.

Important! The location of the information display device at a calculated distance will help you not to tire your eyes when working with a computer.

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Matrix types

To date, matrices are known that are manufactured according to the following principles:

  • TN matrices are inexpensive and fast. The equipment based on them is relatively inexpensive and is well suited for computer games with dynamics.

Important! The disadvantage of such matrices is a small viewing angle and not the most acceptable color rendering. Such devices are definitely not suitable for professionals.

  • IPS - better and more expensive matrices. Color reproduction is noticeably better than the previous type. Not deprived of a good viewing angle.

Important! The disadvantage of these matrices is the longer response time.

  • VA is a compromise between TN and IPS matrices in both price and quality. Short response times and color reproduction are better than previous ones. But this type is highly dependent on the angle of view and has not the best transmission of halftones.

The most important thing when choosing is to take into account your individual preferences and acquisition goals:

  • monitors with a short response time are suitable for computer games;
  • for design - with good color rendering.
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Based on the information in this article, you can easily understand all the nuances of choosing a high-quality display, and its further operation will not cause you any difficulties or discomfort.

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