Which antenna to choose for digital TV?

Today, digital television is out of competition in terms of quality. However, the use of the digital format does not guarantee the complete absence of failures. Choosing the right antenna helps reduce the risk of technical malfunctions that result in poor image quality. We will figure out which antenna to choose for digital TV, which model to give preference.
to contents ↑Classification
Devices for digital TV are divided according to the following classification criteria:
- Place of installation.
- Technical capabilities of video amplification.
- The frequency range of the reception.
Consider the varieties of digital television antennas in more detail.
They are located indoors.
Important! The use of indoor devices is advisable with good signal quality, and the house is located near the transmitting tower. For this reason, the scope of such devices is limited. Other houses, power lines and much more interfere with the signal.
Do not buy a room TV antenna for a house located in the countryside, at a considerable distance from the city. For the device to work properly, the following conditions must be met:
- The nearest television tower should be no further than 20 km.
- Low building density.
Compared with indoor, they have a much more extensive scope.
to contents ↑Important! Installing them is a certain difficulty, so it is advisable to contact the master. Image quality depends on proper installation, regardless of the presence of interference and the location of the tower.
Criterias of choice
Before giving preference to a particular model, it is necessary to take into account such factors:
- Power.
- The distance from the tower.
- The location of buildings near the house.
- The presence of interference.
- The side that the windows face.
- The specifics of the landscape.
- The number of floors in the house.
to contents ↑Important! Also find out how to choose a digital receiver.
Signal gain
Consider models that differ in technical capabilities of signal amplification in order to understand what the best antenna for digital TV will be in your case.
The following features are characteristic of this type of television antenna:
- Possibility of signal amplification due to design features.
- Work regardless of the network.
- As a rule, these are low-power devices, therefore the image quality leaves much to be desired.
Important! You can purchase a passive model if the house is located near the tower, there are no high-rise buildings nearby, and the height of the device exceeds 10 m.
The amplification of the video signal in active antennas is carried out by means of an amplification device mounted in the device or separately located. The device works from the power supply unit or the power supply network.
These models are characterized by a high gain. These devices are recommended when the house is far away from the signal source.
Important! Sometimes owners have complaints about extraneous noise in the signal.
Causes of noise can be as follows:
- Poor product.
- Using a directional antenna with a stable digital signal.
- Incorrectly selected equipment (amplification is more than what is necessary).
to contents ↑Important! If you plan to watch online programs not only on a TV, but also on a computer, this can be easily implemented. In this case, our PC tuner setup instructions.
Catch frequencies
Depending on the received frequencies, such devices can be distinguished.
With their help, it is possible to broadcast certain channels with a specific frequency.
Important! An ordinary viewer does not need such a model.
As the name implies, waves of a certain frequency range are received. For example, a digital antenna is sufficient for good digital signal reception.
Receive signals of meter and decimeter range. Experts recommend just such a universal option.
to contents ↑Important! If you plan to use the antenna with a TV panel of the Samsung brand, save the article in your bookmarks“How to tune digital channels through an antenna?”.
Specialist recommendations
Often, customers have difficulty choosing, especially given the huge variety of offers from various stores. In order not to make a mistake when buying, you must consider:
- The purpose of the acquisition of the device.
- Features of the area where the device will be installed.
But technical specifications alone are not enough. It is important to correctly install the device. Then, even with the budget model, you will not doubt that you have the best antenna for digital TV. For this:
- It is necessary that the device is directed towards the TV tower.
- If the windows face the TV tower, it is quite enough to purchase a window television antenna.
Important! Despite the fact that such a device is considered indoor, the quality of the received video signal is not inferior to an outdoor type.
- If there are several TVs in the house, you need to purchase an outdoor antenna with the best characteristics.
- Do not place the device near surfaces and objects that themselves generate interference: other transmitting devices, metal tiles, etc.
to contents ↑Important! If you have already practiced and made various devices and objects for the home, then you do not have to spend money on such a device. We have already prepared several workshops,how to make an antenna for digital TV do it yourself.
Best Digital TV Antenna - Model Overview
The ranking considers receivers of different types.
Blackmor DVB — T2-T5207
This is one of the best indoor antennas for digital television with a built-in amplifier. Captures UHF signals in two formats. The gain is 28 dB.
Important! The antenna is not equipped with a cable, so you have to buy it separately.
Delta K 132 A
Another receiver for indoor use, equipped with an amplifier. The device is powered by a set-top box or injector. The gain variability is 20.5-25.0 dB.
Blackmor DVB-T2_711C
A universal model that works equally well in and out of rooms. Accepts digital and analog signals. The device is equipped with a special fixing bracket, cable, power supply and stand for placing the device on a horizontal surface.
The gain value depends on the number of received channels:
- 6-12 - 30 dB.
- 21-60 - 36 dB.
A small outdoor TV antenna that attaches to a balcony or wall. The mass of the device is only 0.9 kg, the magnitude of the gain is 13.5 dB.
External compact device with a mass of 0.45 kg. Can be fixed to a balcony frame or wall. The gain is in the range of 5.8-7.2 dB.
Small-sized outdoor receiver from the company ANT-512S, the mass of which slightly exceeds 1 kg. The gain is 10-12 dB.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As practice shows, choosing too expensive a model should not be. Receivers with average performance, to which amplifiers are selected, provide good signal reception.
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