DIY computer chair

Everyone knows that for productive and comfortable work at the computer table you need to take care of the availability of the right furniture. An office chair is not an exception at all, because the presence of such a piece of furniture radically facilitates the life of an office worker. Today in the market of goods you can find a wide variety of options for every taste, price and color. But if you suddenly have a lot of free time, skills in working with wood, metal structures and fabric, then why not make a computer chair with your own hands? Especially if you spend a lot of time on your PC at home. You will find step-by-step instructions for making such a practical piece of furniture in this article.

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How to prepare for the process?

Before grabbing a saw and a hammer, think a few more times: do you need such furniture at all? If there is even a hint of doubt, then you can convince yourself by evaluating the undeniable advantages of such a chair:

  • “Handmade” will allow you to create an author's design that will fit exactly into your interior.
  • You yourself will choose the necessary sizes that will suit your height and weight.
  • The quality of the assembly materials and the work itself will depend only on you.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Gonush doubt away and begin to make a chair for the computer with your own hands right now.

What do you need for work?

In order to create furniture yourself, you will need to find the following tools:

  1. Try to get a welding machine. If only “evil” neighbors live around you, then rent a device.
  2. Find a jigsaw.
  3. It would not hurt to have a grinder.
  4. You will also need a drill with a set of drills.
  5. Furniture stapler, which is sold in specialized stores.
  6. Plywood with a thickness of 10 to 15 millimeters.
  7. It would not be bad to get a metal profile, which is needed for the design.
  8. In a fabric store, purchase a synthetic winterizer and foam rubber, and also purchase a roll of upholstery fabric.
  9. It will be possible to use paints and varnishes (optional).
  10. Rigid sandpaper for grinding.
  11. A set of bolts and screws.
  12. A set of diverse wrenches and screwdrivers.
  13. And the final component is the swivel castors.

Important! It is not necessary to be a professional carpenter to make furniture of a suitable purpose and format. See this by looking at our detailed instructions on how tohow to make a table for a computer with your own hands.

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Manufacturing process

How to make a computer chair with your own hands? This is how the order of your work will look in detail:

  • Take sheets of plywood and cut out the base for the seat, armrests and backrest. The edges must be sanded with a sandpaper.

Important! The dimensions are determined only by you, so consider your height, weight, and of course, artistic preferences.

  • A computer chair should have a base in its design, which can be done in the style of factory furniture or make four legs, like a simple chair. Remember that the most important requirements for this subject are reliability and stability. The base must be made of a metal profile. Optionally, you can use the pipes, corner and channel.
  • Unfortunately, your option cannot be adjusted according to the height level, so consider the optimal values ​​for you in advance.Also remember the wheels, which should also be included in the calculation of the position of the structure.
  • But the backrest can already add the regulation function, but you can not add - it's up to you. For the fixed version, it is necessary to weld a metal profile in the form of a rectangular figure or a cross, fixing this matter to the base with a welding machine or bolts.
  • For a functional backrest, you will need to do the following: we attach the frame itself to the hinges, we fasten special trims with holes directly to the backrest, and we install bolts on the seat. At the exit, you should get a design that will include two brackets for fixing, located at an angle from two sides.
  • A computer chair has some differences from an office chair - this is the presence of armrests in the design. Cook them in the form of the letter “P”. Just attach the bottom of the bar to the base and make sure the top is directly below your limbs.

Important! Also do not forget to consider that foam rubber will increase the height of the structure.

  • Sand the body, prime it and paint. Wait until it is completely dry and put the seat with armrests on the bolts or screws. Pre-made castors are mounted on furniture legs.
  • Now we pick up tape and ropes, fix a dense layer of foam on the back, armrests and seat. On top of all this, you should pull on a synthetic winterizer and upholstery fabric, which gives a lot of aesthetics to your invention. The “furniture stapler” is useful for “applying” fabric.
  • Remains quite a bit: we cover all the "plain" parts with a cloth. To do this, write down the size of each part and, considering it, cut a lot of pieces. It is best to add 22 millimeters of tissue to each side. Now we apply the coating with the front part outward, and bend the edges inward, hiding the staples from the tool.

DIY office chair ready! It's time to think about how to clean up the workplace and decorate computer desk.

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Useful Tips:

  1. It’s much easier to make a chair out of those parts that you have littered with old and broken furniture. Such enterprise and thrifty will save you from working with a welding machine.
  2. And if at the same time you also take the upholstery by the stencil, then the pattern of the coating will be greatly simplified.
  3. And finally, with the whole lift, you can recreate that chair, which will be able to be adjusted.

Important! In order to create complete harmony and comfort in the room, we also offer you:

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Now, imagining the amount of work, you can finally decide whether it makes sense to make a computer chair with your own hands or whether it will be easier to buy a finished item from the range offered in the store. In any case, we hope that the furniture will be comfortable and contribute to your productive work!

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