Quartz lamp for the home - how to choose?

Infectious diseases are a big problem. Especially in the cold season, when immunity is reduced, and especially in families where there are small children. Bacteria and other pathogens can remain in the air and on the surfaces of the room for a long time. To solve this problem, a device such as a quartz lamp for the home helps. How to choose a device for everyday use? This will be discussed in the article.

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The effect of UV radiation on the body

A quartz lamp creates UV radiation, contributing to the destruction of pathogenic microflora in different environments: in water, air or on a solid surface. By acting on the cell of the pathogen, the ultraviolet ray destroys DNA molecules and disrupts the processes inside the cell.

Naturally, the question arises: will a quartz lamp harm the cells of the human body?

According to studies, it was found that in reasonable doses, quartz radiation has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • Increases disease resistance.
  • It has a therapeutic effect in certain diseases of the skin and respiratory tract.

Important! The key phrase here is the phrase “in reasonable doses,” because from too intense exposure, health problems can occur, up to malignant neoplasms. In the first place, the skin suffers - traces of burns may remain on it. For this reason, you can use a quartz lamp at home only after consulting a specialist.

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Application area

First, let's find out what the quartz lamp does, where it is used. Currently, quartz lamps use:

  • In medical institutions, sanatoriums.
  • At the research institute.
  • In child care facilities (schools, kindergartens).
  • At home.

Important! In any of the premises of the house, you can conduct your own cleaning of air, furniture and any items. Quartz lamps allow you to do this quickly, but there are other ways. We described them in detail in an article “How to sanitize?”.

Directions for use of devices can be as follows:

  1. For therapeutic purposes. The procedure is carried out as prescribed by the attending physician and for medical reasons.
  2. For preventive disinfection of premises, disinfection of clothing and shoes. In particular, such prevention is relevant for an epidemic of colds and infectious diseases.
  3. To improve the performance of a biochemical blood test.
  4. For cosmetic purposes.
  5. To activate the production of vitamin D in the body (this is especially useful for babies).
  6. In the treatment of functional jaundice in newborns.

As you can see, the benefits of the rational use of the device are many.

Important! Sometimes home craftsmen make such devices on their own, but you should not get carried away with it. The radiation dosage is uncontrolled, and this is fraught with health problems. This is exactly the case when the purchase of a certified product is justified.

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How to choose a quartz lamp for home use?

If you choose a device for home use, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Lack of excessive ozone formation during work.In large quantities, ozone is harmful to the body, so for home use only the ozone-free device should be chosen.
  • Mobility (the ability to move around the rooms). The best option for an ordinary apartment is a small irradiator, which can be transported throughout the apartment to disinfect the air.

Important! Floor and wall type devices are used in medical and child care facilities. Although, if desired, such a device can be placed at home.

  • The power of the device. You can determine the power of a quartz device only after consulting a specialist. As a rule, this is the attending physician who prescribed the procedure.

Important! An alternative to such a device may be a little less effective, but an interesting salt lamp in terms of design. What kind of device is it, how it works, whether it is possible not to buy, but to make it with your own hands - read about all this in our articles below:

  1. Salt lamp - indications for use.
  2. DIY salt lamp.
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Types of quartz lamps

When choosing a quartz lamp, you must also decide which device is preferable - open or closed type.


An open lamp is a lamp that spreads UV radiation in all directions. Due to this, the disinfecting effect of such a lamp is very strong.

But there is a drawback - the lack of a barrier between the UV source and the person. Therefore, irradiation of the room is possible only if certain conditions are met:

  • Lack of people, animals and houseplants in the room. You can’t neglect this rule!
  • The duration of quartzing is short and clearly regulated, since open-type lamps are powerful enough. The timing of exposure is determined by a specialist.

Important! As you can see, it is undesirable to choose an open-type quartz lamp for the home, as careless handling of the device can harm. Moreover, not only people, plants and pets suffer, but also decoration materials. And more often to make repairs - who will like it?


So called closed luminaires with UV radiation. These are devices in which radiation does not come out. This means that only air that passes through the device is processed. Air flow is carried out by special fans.

The features of such a lamp are as follows:

  • Safety for people, as well as all domestic “flora and fauna”. Air disinfection in the presence of people, plants and animals is possible.
  • Only air is disinfected. This is a lamp flaw, but not at all critical. But it is completely safe and ideal for home use.
  • The possibility of a longer disinfection, compared with an open lamp.

Important! Such a device is suitable for home use. It can be used even if children are nearby.

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What else do you need to know, or how to use a quartz lamp at home?

Before buying an appliance you need to know the following:

  1. Before using the lamp, be sure to read the instructions.
  2. Position the lamp so that it does not interfere with movement around the house.
  3. A closed lamp is safe, but should not be used for more than 2-3 hours a day.
  4. It is advisable to buy a portable mobile device. In this case, you can disinfect the air in all rooms of the apartment.
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So which quartz lamp is best for home? You can use a quartz lamp at home only with the purchase of the correct model and with the permission of a specialist. The best option for the home is a closed portable device. Trying to make the emitter yourself should not be. You can not calculate the power, and this is already dangerous!

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