LED tv

In the world of modern technology, every day is a novelty. And half a century ago, no one could have imagined that he could watch his favorite movie without leaving his home, and most importantly - in high quality. What makes an ordinary image clear and a picture brighter? What is an LED TV, what are its features and advantages? Is it worth it to buy this equipment at all and how in this case to choose a suitable model? In this article we will try to reveal all the most important aspects regarding the topic of LED TVs.

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What is an LED TV?

And yet, what is ice TV? How to distinguish it from the usual? It would be wise to start by deciphering the term itself. LED from English is interpreted as light-emitting diode, and in Russian the analogue of this term sounds much more clearly - “LED”.

Having studied the configuration of this device, we can say that LED TVs are the same LCD TVs. Then what is the difference? In order to find out, you should study the features of LCD monitors. The main component of this type of technology is a matrix with pixels. Pixels are luminous dots.

Returning to the topic, the main feature is the light sources:

  • In LCD monitors, these are cold cathode fluorescent lamps.
  • In LED TVs, the role of backlighting is played by LEDs, which were discussed in the description.

We hope this information will help you distinguish between these two almost identical types of televisions on occasion.

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How to choose an LED TV?

So, now you already know what an LED TV is. Now let's move on to the topic: how do you decide, choosing this miracle of technology? How to make a reasonable choice?

General rules

Follow these tips and you will succeed:

  • When choosing a LED TV, you should pay attention to the size of the diagonal. According to experts, it’s worth stopping at the model whose diagonal in three times the size will be equal to the distance from the monitor to the viewing point. Also, use our detailed tips to set the optimal viewing angle. This will provide you with a pleasant viewing experience.
  • An important role is played by the brand and the manufacturer. Sometimes even the most publicized technique does not live up to expectations. Therefore, before buying, it would be nice to read the reviews of people on the Internet who are already owners of this device.

Important! If you look from the other side, then popular manufacturers will provide you with a long-term guarantee, and in case of malfunctions, they will correct any problems or mistakes in work. This is an important aspect when choosing a new TV. Look for a model about which there are a lot of positive reviews from our TV ratings.

  • When choosing a resolution, it is advisable to dwell on the largest - this is Full HD. With this resolution, the image will be clear, bright and accessible.
  • Speaking about the quality of the image, it should be noted that before buying an LED TV, you should test the picture quality in the store, namely such items as: whether the brightness of the given ice monitor or the color palette suits you. It will not be superfluous in this regard to pay attention to screen resolution.

Important! To distinguish the quality of colors, pay attention to the skin color of people in the frame, their movements. If it is mixed with yellowness, and, accordingly, movements are not smooth and sloppy, then one should not choose this technique.

White or composite LEDs

As we already know, the backlight of the monitor in the LED TV is carried out using special LEDs. To realize this theory, white diodes are used in the manufacture of televisions, from which, as a result of directing light to the filters, red, blue and green colors are obtained.

But since with the help of white LEDs the desired spectrum of light could not be obtained, manufacturers began to use composite LEDs (as they are also called, “quantum dots”). They work on this principle:

  • in these LEDs, blue and green colors are combined into one and “on top” are covered with a red phosphor;
  • sometimes vice versa - red and blue serve to combine, and the green phosphor “covers” them.

In general, the main feature that distinguishes between white and composite LEDs is the principle of the backlight.

Important! When purchasing new appliances for the home, think about its placement in advance. Most often today they hang a panel on the wall. But here there are various design options. To choose the most suitable in your case, read our articles:

  1. TV wall design.
  2. How to choose a TV bracket?

Quantum dots in LED monitors

Quantum dots are one of the innovations in the world of modern technology. In the manufacture of part of the diodes are replaced by the so-called quantum dots. Often, instead of red and green LEDs.

Millions of these points serve as a kind of light filter, with the help of which the necessary color is formed.

Important! This method of providing natural color reproduction is popular among manufacturers, as it is relatively low-cost and inexpensive.

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Features of LED TV

TVs of this type have certain features, which we will now consider. So:

  • The body of LED monitors is thinner than a conventional TV.
  • You can watch such TVs from almost different angles and angles.
  • The image is characterized by high contrast colors.
  • Led TV is a less energy-consuming type of equipment than its “colleagues”.
  • The color scheme is characterized by high brightness, color saturation and image clarity.

We hope that having studied this information about the features of LED screens, it will be much easier for you to decide on the choice of a suitable model of a new device in your home.

Important! In addition to the panel itself, you will also need additional equipment that will help you configure the necessary channels in good quality. Here the reviews of our experts will help you:

  1. Digital TV Tuner.
  2. Satellite dish for tv.

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Ice TV - popular models

There are many different models of LED TVs of various shapes, manufacturers, functions and options. Consider the most popular and sought after in the sales market.

Brand Name: Samsung. Model UE55JS9000:

  • Diagonal: 55 "(139.7 cm).
  • Format: 16: 9.
  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Full HD.
  • Warranty: 2 years.

Brand Name: LG. Model 32LF562V:

  • Diagonal: 32 "(81.3 cm).
  • Format: 16: 9.
  • Resolution: 1920 × 1080 Full HD.
  • Warranty: 1 year + 2 years of free after-sales service.

Brand Name: Aiwa. Model 20LE7010:

  • Diagonal: 19.5 ″ (49.5 cm).
  • Format: 16: 9.
  • Resolution: 1366 × 768 HD Ready.
  • Warranty: 2 years.

Brand Name: Panasonic. Model TX-50CX700E:

  • Diagonal: 50 ″ (127 cm).
  • Format: 16: 9.
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160 Ultra HD.
  • Warranty: 2 years.

Brand Name: Sony. Model KDL-55W805C:

  • Diagonal: 55 "(139.7 cm).
  • Format: 16: 9.
  • Resolution: 1920 × 1080 Full HD.
  • Warranty: 2 years.

Important! Perhaps you are trying to furnish your home with the latest technology. Then it’s worth considering innovative panel options:

  1. Best 3D TVs.
  2. Best 4K TVs.
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Stock footage

So, we examined the popular models of LED TVs according to the main selection criteria, studied the features of this type of equipment, talked about how not to make a mistake when choosing a new device, what are LEDs, and how they do their job. We hope you find this article really helpful. Delight yourself with good quality movies and your favorite TV shows!

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