The best programs for drawing on a computer

Currently, there is an active introduction of computer devices in our lives. Many areas of activity simply can not imagine their full existence without a personal computer - carrying out complex mathematical calculations, designing, modeling, Internet connection. Now the turn has come to drawing. With the help of special programs, now not only professionals, but also ordinary amateurs can very quickly create a “masterpiece”. In this article we will consider the best programs for drawing on a computer.
to contents ↑Features of using drawing programs
The program for drawing on a desktop computer is a necessary product for both creative users and amateurs who simply work with images.
Important! Currently, paintings that are created on a computer cause no less excitement than those for the writing of which paper canvases were used. Using the cursor on the computer screen is no easier than drawing with a pencil or brush on canvas.
Many artists who create electronic paintings use graphic tablets, thus getting rid of the use of the mouse. In this case, the use of special software is required.
Few people know that in addition to the presence in the computer of generally accepted graphic editors Windows and Photoshop, there are other drawing artists who are much better than their illustrious competitors.
to contents ↑
This product is a standard drawing program that is practically present in every Windows operating system:
- This software has a standard set of tools - brush, pencil, eraser, fill. The program offers seven varieties of pencil and nine - brushes.
- To create virtual paintings designed in the style of abstractionism and cubism, a number of figures are provided - a triangle, a stretching ellipse, a curved polyhedron, a rectangle, a “thinking cloud” for drawing comics.
- The software is able to support all variants of the used graphic formats.
Important! The program is very simple, any beginner can easily deal with it. If you want to develop “brush” skills in your child, we suggest studying in more detail how to teach a child to draw.
Main functions:
- the ability to resize images;
- feasibility of drawing with a brush or pencil;
- the ability to cut a certain part of the image;
- the corresponding area can be filled with the selected color scheme.
Important! For those users who are not professionally engaged in drawing, and for those amateurs who sometimes need to correct some little things, the capabilities of this software product are quite enough. Therefore, to familiarize yourself with drawing, you can resort to this particular application.
- destination - an amateur;
- the ability to support graphic tablets;
- the presence of joint drawing;
- plugin support;
- the presence of the Russian language;
- the ability to support RAW through plugins;
- free license.
The gimp
This software is a powerful graphics editor, in which the functional capabilities are close to the well-known Photoshop. The program is equipped with many effects that can process finished images, has a variety of tools for creating drawings.
Important! The use of such an editor helps in the design of the site or the development of the layout.
Key features:
- the ability to improve the quality of photos;
- color enhancement;
- the ability to make the image brighter;
- You can easily and quickly remove from photos all unnecessary items;
- the ability to cut layouts from websites;
- image design using graphic tablets;
- the presence of an individual file storage format “.xcf”, capable of storing textures, layers, texts, etc.
- the presence of convenient operation with the clipboard, in which there is the possibility of instant transition of the image into the program and its editing;
- the software product is equipped with a function that allows virtually “on the fly” to archive images;
- the presence of a function that allows you to open files of the “.psd” format;
- provided you have programming skills, you can create your own plugins.
- destination - pros;
- the ability to support graphic tablets;
- missing function for joint drawing;
- the presence of plugins;
- has support for RAW;
- the presence of the Russian language;
- free license.
Another version of a well-designed computer drawing program. Inkscape - software that allows you to draw with vectors.
Important! The main advantage of vector graphics is the ability to resize images, while maintaining high quality. Therefore, such an application very often finds application in the printing industry.
Using the capabilities of this software, there is the possibility of:
- complex operations with image contours;
- changes in node types;
- work with layers;
- editing gradients;
- copy and style.
That is, all the functionalities are provided that help to create professional-masterpieces in an electronic version. In addition, the context menu has a large number of functions with which you can perform all kinds of actions with a picture.
Important! The program is able to support hot keys and has the ability to interact with popular formats, including non-graphic ones, for example, XML.
Main characteristics:
- destination - pros;
- there is the possibility of supporting graphic tablets;
- joint drawing is partially manifested;
- the presence of plugins;
- the ability to support RAW;
- the presence of the Russian language;
- free license.
This program is another noteworthy drawing software product. Tens of thousands of professional artists and aspiring amateurs managed to download this unique application for free.
Important! The feature of this development is that any user is able to not spend his time studying the menus and tools, but simply open a new file and demonstrate his talents and imagination. At the same time, the list of visualized functions helps to implement the creative process.
At the service of the user are provided:
- all blending modes;
- ability to rotate a virtual canvas;
- subpixel smoothing level;
- layer support.
Important! In addition to the standard set for pictorial art, in this software product there are also special tools, which include drops of water, graffiti, grass, stars. It is possible to synchronize with graphic tablets.
Functional Features:
- destination - an amateur;
- lack of the possibility of joint drawing;
- the presence of plugins;
- RAW support;
- lack of Russian language in the interface;
- free license.
Such a drawing machine has a huge set of brushes and the ability to create gradients. But such features are not key features. Surely, users are more interested in setting transparency, support for layers, and the possibility of multi-level repeats or undo actions.
Important! An interesting feature is the ability to record actions in the process of painting.If necessary, this mode allows you to demonstrate the process of writing a picture to students or viewers.
The Artweaver application allows for teamwork. So, you can register on the developer's server and create masterpieces in the “cloud” in the company with colleagues, while developing the same image. Also, this mode allows you to simply watch the events on another computer, if necessary - to exchange messages with the artist.
Main characteristics:
- destination - pros;
- graphics tablet support;
- lack of a Russian-language interface;
- the presence of plugins;
- does not support RAW;
- free license.
PixBuilder Studio
PixBuilder Studio is a fairly high-quality free raster graphics editor with which you can create web-graphics. The functional of the program, in addition to the basic components, is capable of:
- Enable layer management
- carry out multi-stage cancellation of operations;
- adjust levels and curves;
- Set high quality sharpness and blur effects.
Important! In addition to all these features, the user has the ability to customize the interface, which provides the function of pinning the most frequently used or important options on the main toolbar.
Functional Features:
- destination - pros;
- lack of ability to support graphics tablets;
- there is no function "Joint drawing";
- the presence of plugins;
- RAW support not supported;
- there is a Russian language;
- free license.
Considering the best programs for drawing on a computer, one cannot but include this software in the rating. This program can turn a computer monitor into a full-fledged canvas artist, while you can remove all the elements of the context menu and the Windows operating system as well. There is the possibility of unimpeded movement of the canvas on a computer monitor without restricting any frames and boundaries, while creating something large-scale and grandiose.
Important! In the case of an unsuitable set of brushes, you can develop your own version of objects for drawing, using the special generator.
Consider the main functions:
- with the help of appropriate buttons there is the possibility of quick commands;
- the presence of a huge selection of brushes, the ability to customize, create and import;
- excellent tablet support; a software product was specially developed for it;
- the canvas is of unlimited size, thus there are no restrictions in creative daring;
- there is the ability to support programs in Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
- graphics tablet support;
- destination amateur;
- plugins
- Russian language;
- The license is free.
Livebrush is a wonderful software product that allows children to draw. Although this development is very often used by professional artists well-known in their circles.
Distinctive features of the application:
- The ability to create vector patterns, so you can create images of certain sizes and shapes.
- Very easily and quickly you can draw Slavic and oriental ornaments, symmetrical patterns, Gothic images and much more.
- Own hybrids can diversify an already huge set of brushes.
- There is the ability to download drawing items from the developer's site, which stores tools developed by users.
Important! The application works perfectly with a graphics tablet, when working with which there is the ability to track not only the pressure, but also the inclination of the pen or brush.
- graphics tablet support;
- destination - an amateur;
- The license is free.
PaintTool SAI
Presented graphic editor has gained popularity among fans of Japanese comics. With the help of this software, you can quickly learn to portray the heroes of the manga. Also, the application is perfectly used by those who create portraits or landscapes in the style of hyperrealism.
Important! When working with their own works of art for artistic creation, users use a lot of brushes, dozens of pencils of different softness, various inks, ballpoint pen, watercolor, pastel, feather. In this case, there is the ability to configure each tool for drawing.
If desired, you can create several drawings in parallel, or combine them using layers. In a way, this is the best computer drawing program.
- graphics tablet support;
- destination - pros;
- plugins
- Russian language;
- Trial License.
Tux paint
If you are interested in drawing for the smallest artists, then take a look at Tux Paint:
- The app was developed specifically for babies from 3 to 12 years old. Even in some European pre-schools, such a drawing machine is used.
- The bright and attractive interface is equipped with many sound effects, has well-understood large keys with functioning tools and colors, and the funny Tux penguin demonstrates the ability to draw correctly.
Important! The Tux Paint application helps the child realize his creative abilities and teaches the child elementary computer literacy skills.
- destination - an amateur;
- Russian language;
- The license is free.
Affinity designer
This program, which has a classic interface design, is a good development for drawing:
- Affinity Designer offers a wide selection of brushes, gradients and other auxiliary tools.
- This program presents separate modes with vector objects and the ability to edit bitmap images. This functionality allows you to attract application resources, if necessary, not only to design drawings from scratch, but also to retouch photos.
Important! A negative point of the editor is the lack of the ability to support plugins. The developers of this application for several years promise to implement the necessary function, but to date, an additional service has not yet been added.
- graphics tablet support;
- destination - specialist;
- RAW support;
- Trial License.
This program is a rather interesting editor, which was originally created for the work of artwork. Here is what allows you to add this software to the ranking of the best programs for drawing on a computer:
- There is a canvas emulation mode that allows you to carry out the drawing process in almost identical real conditions. The Krita application does not limit the size of the canvas, which does not limit your imagination with any conditional framework.
- The proposed integrated set of brushes in the program additionally added tools to help retouch the pictures. As a result, photographers became interested in this software product, because there is the possibility of converting digital images.
- graphics tablet support;
- destination - pros;
- plugins
- RAW support;
- Russian language;
- The license is free.
to contents ↑Important! If you are a true professional who wants to develop himself in the interior design industry, we suggest that you go deeper and learn more about 3D room design program.
Interested in the hairdressing industry, we offer you to learn pick a haircut on the computer.
Stock footage
These are the programs you can use to draw on your computer. Which software to prefer - decide on your own, based on what goals you set for yourself. Good luck!
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