The best phone for the elderly

Many aged people tend to learn new technologies, and first of all, this applies to all kinds of communications. Some of them - quite quickly cope with the functionality of even complex smartphonesbut for most it’s hard, so it’s worth choosing something simpler. The requirements for such gadgets, as a rule, are completely different than for youth mobile devices. A small cheap mobile phone or a “smart” smartphone is not for older people. In the first, letters and numbers are not visible well enough. A smartphone is quite complicated for an aged person, and, most importantly, it has many unnecessary options. We will figure out in this article what will be the best phone for the elderly.
to contents ↑Requirements
If the phone is chosen successfully, the elderly person will be constantly in touch with relatives or friends, which is extremely important for him. The basic requirements for the gadget are:
- Large buttons with clearly defined numbers.
- The numbers that appear on the screen should also be large. Even better, if there is an opportunity to regulate the size of the numbers on the display of the “grandmother”.
- Ergonomic, non-slippery body.
- Matte screen. It is important that when exposed to sunlight, it does not give reflections.
- Monochrome image. There is only one reason: black and white numbers look more clearly on the screen.
- Good sound volume when talking and calling. With age, many people lose their hearing, and it is very important that there is an opportunity to hear in time that the mobile phone is ringing.
- Sound signals that indicate that the phone’s battery is low.
- Ability to customize beeps when pressing keys.
- Simple menu. It is clear that the display of teams in a foreign language is out of the question. Only Russian-language interface!
- Lack of unnecessary functionality. As a rule, an elderly person adheres to the rule: a mobile phone must make and receive calls. Everything else is “from the evil one”. In addition, the elderly, as a rule, are thrifty, they know how to count money. An expensive gift with bells and whistles like Skype or a selfie camera may not please but upset. Definitely better than a good push-button telephone for an elderly person.
- Ability to connect to a mobile device hearing aid.
- “Hot” button in order to instantly dial a specific number or send SMS with the text compiled in advance. This function may be needed if your health has deteriorated sharply, and there is simply no time to press the buttons.
- A useful option is to automatically lock the screen and keyboard. On some models, a special button is designed for this.
to contents ↑Important! When choosing a “grandmother phone”, pay attention to the device’s battery holding the charge well (about 400 hours under normal operation).
After the mobile device is purchased, you need to configure it, because it may be that the future owner does not do it himself. The procedure is approximately the following:
- Adjust the volume of the call so that the owner of the phone hears the signal of the phone or SMS. A good option is to adjust the sound “incrementally”.
- Adjust the screen brightness to the optimum.
- Install a large font.
- An important point is the installation of instant dialing of hot numbers. As a rule, these are numbers from 1 to 3. It is for this reason that the push-button telephone is the best option.
to contents ↑Important! After all the settings are set, be sure to test the gadget for performance, in particular, try the “hot” buttons. Then instruct the owner how to use the phone. It may take some time for a person to remember all the information.
Phone ratings for seniors
Based on the huge number of market offers, you can easily find a good push-button telephone for an elderly person. As a rule, these are simple and reliable monoblock models.
Philips Xenium E311
The main advantages of this model are a bright display with good contrast and large buttons with clear numbers. Moreover, there is a function of voicing button clicks. If there is a need to increase the screen image, the owner can use a magnifier.
Important! Important factors that make this model one of the best phones for the elderly are the presence of an alarm button and a radio (it can work without headphones).
Fly ezzy5
A popular model that has been sold for several years. There is all the necessary functionality that will be evaluated by an elderly relative:
- Flashlight.
- Alarm button.
- Good quality speakers for optimal sound volume.
Important! Of the shortcomings, users called the menu is not very convenient. However, when using the phone only for calls, this is a great choice for those who still doubt which phone to choose for an elderly person.
ONEXT Care-Phone 4
This device has all the positive qualities that are characteristic of a “grandmother”:
- Large buttons with large numbers.
- Large screen image.
- Convenient case that fits perfectly in the hand.
- Beautiful respectable design.
The device is equipped with a flashlight, radio, memory card slot and SOS button.
Important! Of the minuses, users note the lack of a separate button for the flashlight and the not very convenient spelling of SMS.
Texet TM-B116
According to reviews, this is one of the best phones for the elderly. Of the benefits, the owners note:
- Bright color screen with very good resolution.
- Long battery life (at least 7 days).
- Large buttons with large inscriptions.
Important! In addition to the usual charger, a charging stand is supplied with the gadget.
DEXP Larus S2:
- Extremely convenient model, which makes it possible to write SMS and dial a number without the help of glasses.
- The numbers on the buttons and the images on the screen are very large.
- The gadget is also equipped with a 0.3 megapixel camera for video and photography. Of course, this permission is small, but for the elderly owner this is quite enough.
- It is possible to play music files.
- The device is equipped with a slot for expanding memory.
- But functionality has a downside. The battery lasts no more than 4 days.
Important! Perhaps you will find useful information from our other rating, which lists the characteristics best 2 sim phones with good battery.
BB-mobile VOIIS Comfort
Comfortable and convenient "grandmother" in the form of a "clamshell." Benefits include:
- Distinct sound.
- Big screen.
- The ability to quickly call (in the menu, and not with a separate button).
Important! The disadvantages include: a relatively high cost and a short battery life.
TeXet TM-B450
This touch model includes most of the benefits of a smartphone. From the “grandmother” he has a special “disturbing” button, a flashlight and a docking station for recharging, more convenient than the usual charger. With all these advantages, the cost of the phone is low.
to contents ↑Important! Even in the simplest phone, you will need a SIM card with a certain set of services. To facilitate your choice, we have prepared a comparative review of mobile operators.
Stock footage
So, how to choose a mobile phone for an elderly person, you now know. As you can see, the basic set of functions of an ordinary cell phone and a “grandmother” coincide.It is important that the phone for an elderly relative possesses such qualities as a loud sound, a clear and large image on the buttons and the screen, ease of use.