Can I fix the laptop screen?

What is a laptop screen repair? This is a common replacement for the liquid crystal matrix. Such a procedure is elementary, and in service centers they cope with it in almost 30 minutes. True, there is one hitch: in the service center they may require a completely unacceptable amount for diagnostics and installation. What to do in such cases? How to fix a laptop screen without overpaying for it? If it’s clean, then everything is so easy that an experienced user will cope with the dismantling and replacement of about twenty minutes. Any doubts about the place of replacement? Can I fix a laptop screen myself? Still would!

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Fix the matrix at home

The most high-quality and good business is the business you take care of yourself. If you are in doubt or are afraid of confusing something, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for disassembling and assembling the laptop screen, after reading which you can immediately get down to business. Special technical knowledge is not required here if you have ever disassembled electronic household appliances. You yourself can save your money and time, and the experience will be very useful.

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We are looking for a replacement

We arm ourselves with a working computer with Internet access and do the following:

  1. Open the search engine and enter the name of your laptop model.
  2. The technical characteristics of the device must indicate the type of screen, its size and model.
  3. Again, with the help of the Internet, we drive in the name and size of the desired display, go to any online store and order it.

The abundance of equipment in the store allows you to find the most optimal display in terms of price and quality.

Preparation stage

To replace the matrix, you will need the following tools:

  1. Small Phillips screwdriver. Universal models with a small number of different nozzles are perfect.
  2. Some kind of sharp object. A scalpel, a sharp knife or a slightly sharpened mediator will do their job perfectly. But remember that objects are sharp, try to use them with extreme caution.

How to fix the matrix of a laptop if all the necessary items are in stock? We will not torment you. We proceed to explain the first stage.

Important! Do not forget about basic safety measures and before starting work, turn off the power to the device.

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Cover removal

In order to dismantle the LCD screen from the front of the laptop, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • Locate the screws that hold the screen frame. Usually they are located in the corners and covered with special soft nozzles.
  • Get rid of the nozzles, pick up a Phillips screwdriver and unscrew the screws. Do not forget to put them in a safe place, so that without any difficulties return everything to its place.

Important! At some stages of the assembly, a few more screws will appear. Try not to mix them up!

  • The frame is removed without difficulty. Just remove it from the plastic latches that are located around the perimeter of the frame.

Important! Perhaps in some places it will be planted on glue or a sticky strip.

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Remove the screen from the hinges

Models of laptops are different, but for all the same principle applies. If you successfully removed the plastic frame, then with the screen itself and the inverter, you will cope even faster.In this procedure, there can only be one difficulty - removing the matrix from the loops. But here there are loopholes that will help avoid the risk of damaging something:

  1. Remove the screws that hold the screen. They should be located on the back.
  2. Now remove the loops that fix the matrix.

Important! Do not make much effort when disassembling the matrix, otherwise - you risk incapacitating any component.

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Turn off the “CAA loop”

The next step is to disconnect the VGA cable from the back of the display.

Important! Removing the loop should be carried out with extreme caution.

Most often, the train is held on a piece of tape, which is located on the back of the matrix. Gently pull the cable down to turn it off.

Important! Some models are equipped with special latches that do not allow it to “fall off”.

Now you need to dismantle the broken matrix: just unscrew the screws that hold it and remove it. Do not rush into the inverter cable.

How to repair the laptop screen further? Only a bit left!

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Disconnect inverted cable

The vast majority of displays are equipped with an inverter cable, which is located directly under the screen. Especially often, this arrangement is relevant for older laptop models.

Important! The inverter board is a long circuit board to which a pink or black cable is connected. This is the inverter cable.

To remove it, you need to pull it a little. When assembling, you will definitely not be mistaken with the correct installation of the cable, since it is only possible to connect it with the correct side.

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Change the matrix

If you coped with all the previous steps once or twice, then installing a new matrix will seem a trifle for you. Just do the same procedure in stages, only in reverse order. But there is one caveat - with the new matrix you will have to be even more careful, do not rush when installing it.

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Stock footage

Well, now you can save your money by doing the interesting intricacies of installing portable devices right at home. We wish you good luck in this!


