Multi-styler - which is better?

Women have always loved to experiment with their hair, making constantly a variety of dyeing and haircuts. But such changes remain for a long time. But how can you make salon styling in a short time and change it every day? Thanks to modern technology, this is possible today, for example, using a device such as a multistyler. Due to the availability of different nozzles in the package, you can delight yourself with a wide variety of hairstyles, ranging from perfectly straight strands to Hollywood curls. And in order to choose a multi-styler, which one will help you better understand the tips from this article.

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What is a multistyler?

It is a hairdressing tool that provides hair care and consists of a variety of nozzles. Thanks to them, you can create the most diverse and non-standard hairstyles.

Important! Depending on the manufacturer and the specific model, such devices may have ceramic, teflon or tourmaline coating. This is necessary in order to prevent possible hair damage.

When choosing the best multi-styler for hair, it is very important to consider the configuration, because the more nozzles, the higher the price. Most often, the following nozzles are included in the basic package:

  • Ceramic - for laying corrugation;
  • Flat tongs - to create curls;
  • Ceramic plates - for straightening strands;
  • Ceramic tongs, thanks to which you can create natural curls;
  • Round forceps with a diameter of 25 millimeters - to create large curls;
  • Curling iron with a diameter of 19 millimeters - to create small curls;
  • Spiral plastic nozzle - to get spiral curls;
  • Hair clip;
  • Thermal brush - to add extra volume.

Important! The first hair curlers appeared only in 1880. They greatly facilitated the styling process, but mercilessly spoiled and dried out the hair.

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Which multistyler is better to choose?

Looking through the ratings of multi-stylers, you should definitely pay attention to such characteristics:

  • Try to choose models that have the function of setting the temperature mode. For example, for weakened and thin hair, it is not recommended that the temperature exceed 145 degrees, and for normal and thick hair, the optimum temperature is 165 degrees.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that hair can “tolerate” temperatures up to 190 degrees.

  • The steam humidification function prevents hair dryness, helps you maintain their elasticity and natural color.
  • Ionization helps keep hair smooth, prevents tangling.

Important! If you apply a variety of protective equipment to the strands before laying, it is better to choose a multi-styled model with conditioning. This is due to the fact that cosmetics significantly reduce the operational life of this device, and thanks to this function, the device will last much longer.

  • Pay attention to models with a long wire and a special stand. This greatly simplifies the styling process, especially for owners of long hair.

Important! If you are constantly traveling, and you need a device that will not take up much space in a suitcase, you should pay attention to wireless models.

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The best of the best

In order to decide which is the best multistyler for hair, it is very important to choose a model of the manufacturer who has proven himself from the best side. To date, the following multi-stylers are considered the most popular among consumers.

Rowenta SF 4132

This styler allows you to do both classic styling and various curly curls. The basic set of this device includes:

  • tongs for laying corrugation and leveling strands;
  • nozzles for creating curls of different diameters with ceramic coating;
  • case for storage.

Important! The main advantage of the Rowenta SF 4132 multistyler is the ease of changing nozzles, as well as the presence of a special loop on the cord, which allows you to suspend the device, thereby facilitating and accelerating the installation process.

Philips HP8698

Despite the fact that this styler has a low price in relation to other multi-stylers, it copes with its tasks perfectly, without drying or injuring hair.

Important! The maximum heating temperature of the Philips HP8698 is 190 degrees. This temperature regime allows, without injuring the strands, to make a stable and effective styling.

The basic kit includes:

  • brush;
  • ceramic nozzles for corrugation, hair straightening and spiral styling;
  • forceps with a diameter of 16 and 20 millimeters;
  • hair clips and a case for storing the device.

Important! Such a styler has an original design that will please every fashionista.

Remington S8670

This device is designed for owners of the fair sex, who want everything at once and at once for a low price:

  • The basic kit of such a styler includes tongs for corrugation and hair straightening with a ceramic coating, a brush, curling nozzles, as well as a storage case.
  • This device is light in weight and with minimal power consumption, it quickly heats up, which is very convenient for those who like to travel.

Important! The Remington S8670 multistyler copes with absolutely any type of hair, creating a perfectly resistant styling, without damaging your locks.

The only drawback of this styler is the inconvenience that occurs when changing nozzles for straightening hair and corrugation. This is due to the fact that the nozzle for styling the corrugation is located on the back of the plates intended for hair straightening.

Valera Ionic Multistyle Professional (640.01)

Such a tool will be an excellent option for owners of straight hair. Styler creates elegant and playful curls. Also included are forceps to create curls of two diameters, for spiral styling and corrugation. The maximum heating temperature is 190 degrees.

Important! The main advantage of this device is the presence of 5 temperature modes, due to which you can adjust the temperature, depending on the type and structure of your hair.

Polaris PHS 3058K

This is a rather versatile device that is designed to create a wide variety of hairstyles and hairstyles. It includes ceramic curling irons, plates for corrugation and hair straightening. In addition, a special glove is included in the package, which will simplify the styling process and protect your hands from burns.

Babyliss 2736 E

This is a tool due to which it is possible to perform two actions at the same time, for example, to dry and style your hair. Due to this, you will receive an unsurpassed volume, which cannot be achieved if you do these procedures separately. In addition, due to the convenient handle, you can twist the styler in different directions.

Important! The Babyliss 2736E multistyler has an ionization function, thanks to which you can make hair styling without electrifying them.

Panasonic EH HS60

This device has gained its popularity due to the presence of the ionization function and the mode of vapor formation. The external ionizer at the exit has two openings, due to which negatively charged ions fall on the surface of the hair, thus protecting them from injury and overdrying. Steam, in turn, allows you to quickly and efficiently create a hairstyle without the use of additional improvised tools. Equipped with such a multi-styler ceramic plates for hair straightening, as well as a special nozzle for removing static charge.

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How to use a multi-styler?

When creating various hairstyles using this device, it is very important to adhere to the following procedure:

  • Wash and dry your hair well.
  • Install the necessary nozzle, plug the device into the network.
  • Wait until it is fully heated.
  • Separate a strand of hair of the desired thickness, place it between your fingers.
  • Further actions depend solely on the type of nozzle you choose.

Important! Try to withstand strands for no more than 15 seconds while laying. When straightening, at the tips should be delayed no more than 1-2 seconds. This is necessary so that you do not dry out or injure your hair. If you want to add new colors try changing your hairstyle, but first pick a haircut on a computer.

  • If desired, fix everything with varnish or other fixing agent.

Important! The following information will also be useful to people who keep order even in devices that provide care for your body:

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In order to look different every day and surprise everyone with your luxurious hair, you do not need to go to beauty salons and pay fabulous money for styling. Thanks to such a device as a multistyler, you will become a stylist and a hairdresser for yourself. The most important thing is to choose a device that is most suitable for you, will be convenient to use and will not harm the lock, because the pride of every girl is the beauty of her hair.


