Tricolor TV antenna setup

Surely everyone is familiar with satellite TV such as Tricolor TV. Their satellite systems have a good reputation and many positive reviews, due to the high quality of signal transmission, reasonable price and comfort when buying. If you have already purchased such a system of equipment, then you will definitely be interested in tuning the Tricolor TV antenna, which we will talk about today.

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What is included?

To buy such a delivery kit can even someone who is completely versed in technology. If you took the initiative into your own hands and firmly decided to do the tuning yourself, it is best to familiarize yourself with the instructions in advance and remember the purpose of all the components that you will find later in the box.

No matter how obvious it may sound, but in order to understand how to set up the Tricolor plate, you need to carefully study the basic principles and prepare carefully:

  • Prepare the purchased cable and a set of plugs.
  • Next, you need to place the converter (receiving head) in a special holder.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the connector, which must strictly be directed down.

Important! This direction will provide protection against raindrops that might get inside the connector.

  • Place the coupling on the surface of the converter’s working area and fix it firmly.
  • Check carefully all the fasteners and bolts, because it is this step that affects the determination of the correct installation direction.

Important! Be prepared to sweat with the choice of direction, since you will probably have to do this more than once.Since image quality may depend on this, it will also not be superfluous to study in more detail, what to choose coaxial cable for TV

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Installation of equipment

If you want to see on your screen a high-quality image that will come through the interface of the TV tuner, then you need to correctly configure the Tricolor TV antenna:

  • Read the kit documentation again, only then start installation.
  • The antenna should be directed strictly in a certain direction and fixed only on those walls or masts that are designed for this.

Important! Do not try to install the device between tall buildings or crowns of trees. Such an installation can not only affect the signal quality, but also contradict the rules of elementary safety.

  • If you decide to independently install the antenna on the outer wall of your house, then it is best to fix the bracket on a reliable anchor.

Important! These measures are necessary so that a strong wind cannot inflict mechanical damage on the device. Also pay attention to the installation location - it should be closer to the installation location of the receiver.

  • Even if you decide to use a cable with double insulation and thickening with copper, the distance should still not exceed one hundred meters.

Important! For installation over long distances, the purchase of an additional amplifier device will be required.And also additional manipulations are necessary, provided that if you are interested, how to connect Tricolor to two TVs from one receiver.

How to install a Tricolor satellite dish yourself? If you look at this algorithm, then everything looks pretty simple:

  • The cable for the TV must be stripped from the layer of insulating material that is on top.

Important! Such manipulations are necessary for both ends of the wire.

  • Then you need to wrap the shielded braid from the end to the middle and wind the F-ku (F-connector) onto the free part.
  • Next, leave the copper conductor protruding exactly two millimeters behind the connector, and cut off the rest with nippers.
  • Connect the devices together using a cable.

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Installing a TV tuner

There are two common ways to connect the receiver to the TV screen:

  • Using an antenna cable.
  • Using the SCART connector. The most ordinary conductor with “bells” is also perfect.

For high frequency connection type:

  1. Insert the cable into the socket for the dish and connect the other end to the output on the receiver - RF OUT.
  2. Now connect the tuner to the power source and lock the key on the device.
  3. After these steps, “Boot” and the number of the highlighted channel should appear on the screen. You will need to activate the automatic search and find the channel on which there will be an inscription “No signal”, which tells us that the installation was carried out correctly.

For low frequency connection:

  1. We connect the receiver using tulips or Scart’s. We supply power to the network and wait for the same inscription as for the previous case.
  2. We pick up the remote control and press the “A / V” key. If the message “No signal” appears before your eyes, then you are on the right track.
  3. We check the quality of the signal that the satellite sends to your equipment.
  4. We are trying to display any random TV channel on the screen. If successful, the wave number, transmission and time should appear. Since the antenna has not yet been tuned, the screen will remain blue.
  5. We press the button with the inscription “i” on the remote control and observe two scales that characterize two signal parameters. They should be used to set the settings in the next step.

Setting up a Tricolor satellite dish yourself will bring you not only the desired result, but also provide an excellent experience in working with such equipment. There is very little left.

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The most important stage of our work, in which everything will be decided. You can carry out all the manipulations yourself, adhering to the strict direction of the antenna.

Important! It is best to carry out the following actions, having at hand an assistant who will observe the presence of a signal.

Here is the order of work ahead

  • We put the observer near the screen and wait for suggestive commands from him, turning the plate centimeter by centimeter.
  • If the neighbors already have a Tricolor antenna, then the work will be significantly accelerated. Just choose the same position for your equipment.
  • It’s best to tune the signal, starting with the vertical position of the shielding mirror of the device, gradually moving it along the horizontal plane.
  • You will need to stop when both scales on the TV screen are as full as possible.

After your actions, a high-quality image should appear on the screen.

Important! After the mechanical installation, it is worth putting in place a “cosmetic order”. For this, more detailed information is already ready for you in the article. "How to hide the wires from the TV?".


Register on the network

To “write” the receiver to the database, you will need:

  • The subscriber number of your card is from Tricolor.
  • The serial number of the equipment purchased.
  • The serial number of your receiver.
  • A special code that appears on the map.
  • Passport.
  • Address of the place of work.

Important! The registration process is greatly simplified if you enter your number through the official website of the service provider. You just need to fill out a special registration form, which will be located in the box. There you will see your contract number and card activation status. At any time, the contract can be downloaded to a computer directly via the Internet, printed out using a printer and sent to the company address.

If you are not very friendly with the computer, then you can register by phone number.

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Setting up the Tricolor TV antenna will not take you even 30 minutes if you carefully read the documentation and follow the detailed instructions that you just read. Enjoy your viewing!

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