No steam comes from the humidifier - what to do

An air humidifier allows you to create an optimal microclimate in the room. Too dry air causes irritation of the mucous membranes, which, in turn, leads to other unpleasant consequences. A person quickly gets tired, his attention gets frustrated - and not to mention the fact that excessive dryness is bad for pets and indoor plants. But sometimes it happens that the device ceases to fulfill its functions. Why is steam not coming from the humidifier? We’ll talk about this now.

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How does the humidifier work?

Room humidity is regulated in many ways. It is on this basis that humidifiers are divided into several types:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.


In the first case, everything is extremely simple. This is the most reliable type of humidifier, because there is simply nothing to break there. If it stops working, you just need to replace the cartridge, cartridge or special plastic disk:

  • Cassettes are in the cheapest models, they are made of paper with special impregnation, which destroys bacteria and fungi.
  • Cartridges or Discs - devices are more complicated, but they have to be changed less often.

Regardless of the price and complexity of the model, humidification occurs due to the evaporation of water, and this happens in the following order:

  1. You fill the tank with water.
  2. Water drains into the pan.
  3. Water rises through the evaporator.
  4. The fan that is inside is turned on.
  5. Thanks to the fan, air begins to circulate, while absorbing moisture.
  6. Humidified air enters the room through filters - it is additionally cleaned, but moisture does not leave it.

Important! Despite the fact that more and more users are switching to steam and ultrasonic devices, traditional humidifiers still continue to produce.


If you compare this unit with other household appliances, then the most similar device is an ordinary electric kettle. There is nothing surprising in this - a boiling kettle can also increase humidity in a small room. The principle of their work is the same. Such a device consists of several parts:

  • cooler;
  • TENA;
  • built-in generator;
  • control unit.

The difference from the kettle is mainly in the amount of water. The heating element of the kettle is in contact with a large amount of water, and moisture enters the heating element of the humidifier in a very limited amount. Accordingly - the rest of the water is not heated. But the water evaporates constantly:

  1. You pour water into the tank - it is made of a material that does not melt from high temperatures and does not break.
  2. You close the lid - you need to achieve tightness.
  3. Plug in and start the unit.
  4. The heater begins to heat up, along with it the water that is nearby is heated to a temperature of 80 ° C.
  5. Water begins to evaporate.
  6. Through holes, steam enters the room.
  7. The air is humidified.


Actually, this is also a steam humidifier, only the steam coming out of it is cold. Such models cost more, but they are safer than conventional steam. Such a humidifier consists of several blocks;

  • ventilation systems;
  • emitter;
  • amplification systems;
  • power supply unit;
  • control unit.

This is a minimal set, and the package may include both an ultraviolet lamp and all kinds of additional devices.

The process is as follows:

  1. You pour water into the tank - it is best to use distilled, in which there are no salts.
  2. Turn on the unit.
  3. Water passes into a special evaporation chamber.
  4. Membranes begin to work - they give oscillations of a very high frequency.
  5. Water molecules come off the surface.
  6. The so-called “cold steam” is formed.
  7. A fan is operating inside the device.
  8. Cold steam is supplied to the nozzles and flies into the room.

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What is the reason for the idle humidifier?

What troubles can the owner of an ultrasonic or steam humidifier encounter, which has ceased to fulfill its direct functions? There are several of them:

  • the generator is out of order;
  • contacts are oxidized;
  • the fan has stopped working;
  • membranes do not function (in ultrasound models);
  • air intake clogged.

Inspect the generator

First you need to check whether the matter really is in it. To do this, do the following:

  1. Remove the cover - it is located below.
  2. Position the humidifier so that you do not accidentally touch its insides during operation.
  3. Turn on the humidifier, let it work for several minutes, and see for yourself what is happening to it.
  4. Turn off the appliance.
  5. Unplug the plug.

After that, you can safely touch everything, and first of all the radiator, which should warm up slightly. If it is warm - everything is in order, you need to look for another reason. And if you stayed cold - nothing can be done, the unit will most likely have to be changed.

Important! Do not forget about safety precautions - disassemble electrical appliances, which then will be included in the network, best in slippers with rubber soles.

We will clean the contacts

Contact oxidation is a fairly common cause. Metals come in contact with a liquid and corrode, as a result, the water sensor circuit does not close as it should, and water does not flow where it should. You can fix this breakdown yourself by sanding the contacts with sandpaper.

The fan broke

The reason why Polaris, as well as Vitek, the H700 Bork, does not soar, may be due to a fan malfunction. It ceases to push air, respectively - the device can not release steam. In the company salon you can replace it. But first you need to make sure that it is he who is dirty, and not the other part of your unit.

For research, you will need a multimeter - you will have to measure the voltage across the windings. There are only two options:

  • there is tension;
  • no stress.

When there is voltage, but the fan does not spin, you can go straight ahead to the store where they sell spare parts for humidifiers. If you manage to get a new part that is suitable for technical specifications, replace it will not be difficult.

When there is no voltage, the matter is in the power supply, or rather, in its board. In this case, you are unlikely to manage the problem yourself. In a good service center, the board can be replaced, but still, you need to prepare for the worst - you will have to change the entire humidifier.

Important! The fact that the matter is in the fan, and not in the membranes, is very easy to find out by sound. Turn on the device and listen to the gurgling water inside it or not. If there is sound - the reason is in the fan, if everything is quiet - in the membranes.

Clogged filter

Steam may not escape even if the filter is clogged. Did you find out that the fan is working and that something is bubbling inside the unit? It's time to tackle the filter. There is no additional equipment required. The filter is quite simple to replace - in the store where you bought the humidifier, there are probably accessories, and some models are even equipped with spare “consumables”.

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Who will replace what?

So, the causes of the problems you found out.What can you handle on your own, and what details can only be replaced by a specialist? You should grab the phone and call the wizard if it doesn’t work:

  • generator;
  • fan;
  • Power Supply.

You yourself can easily replace:

  • membranes;
  • filter.

If you keep the instructions, changing the worn parts to new labor will not be. The main thing is to strictly follow what is written in the documentation.

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What to do to extend the life of the humidifier?

The humidifier, like any household appliance, needs housekeeping and careful care. The rules are not particularly complicated:

  1. It is necessary to fill the water strictly through the hole allotted for this and so that it does not fall onto other parts.
  2. Filters must be cleaned periodically and replaced in a timely manner.
  3. There is no need for another household appliance next to the humidifier, especially an undesirable neighborhood - an oven and hob.
  4. Flush the tank periodically.
  5. Try to pour only distilled water into the container so that no scale will appear.
  6. Do not cover appliances, including a humidifier.
  7. Ensure free air access to the unit.
  8. Remember that wet hands should not touch electrical appliances.

Follow the rules, clean and change filters in time, and your device will work long and efficiently. A good example of repairing a humidifier from a video will help you solve problems if they arise.


